
2k20 needs new ball/rim anims

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Old 03-07-2019, 09:25 AM   #1
KG5FromTheBean's Arena
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2k20 needs new ball/rim anims

The make/miss animations have been pretty much the same for years now.

Heres some ideas for some new stuff that shouldn't be that hard...

When you shot a jumper and it hits the front rim in real life, the rim does not bend down. Sometimes it does in 2k. The rim only bends on dunks.

I'd also like new ball bouncing in animations, like more bounces sometimes.

In real life, the ball gets stuck on side of the rim sometimes.

Sometimes in real life, the ball rolls around and around in the rim like a whirlpool.

Also, baseline jumpers sometimes bank-in, although those are rare.

And more... should not be hard to add these considering all the money they make every year on vc. I've probably spent over 150 just this year.
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Old 03-07-2019, 10:52 AM   #2
KyotoCarl's Arena
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Re: 2k20 needs new ball/rim anims

Originally Posted by KG5FromTheBean
The make/miss animations have been pretty much the same for years now.

Heres some ideas for some new stuff that shouldn't be that hard...

When you shot a jumper and it hits the front rim in real life, the rim does not bend down. Sometimes it does in 2k. The rim only bends on dunks.

I'd also like new ball bouncing in animations, like more bounces sometimes.

In real life, the ball gets stuck on side of the rim sometimes.

Sometimes in real life, the ball rolls around and around in the rim like a whirlpool.

Also, baseline jumpers sometimes bank-in, although those are rare.

And more... should not be hard to add these considering all the money they make every year on vc. I've probably spent over 150 just this year.
More bounces? It bounces quite alot now? I would get rid of the thing whereit bounces up and goes in. That happens too often, imo.

I see the whirlpool thing now and then. I think it's fine.

The baseline jumper banking in is good I think. Shouldn't happen often though.

The thing about it getting stuck could be cool, as long as it happens one in 50 games mabe.
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Old 03-07-2019, 06:16 PM   #3
Pokes404's Arena
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Re: 2k20 needs new ball/rim anims

I'd actually like to see some more clean "splashes." Those perfect shots that don't touch any part of the rim and rip the net clean. It seems like every make in 2K touches the rim at least a little bit.

I'd also like to see them do something about those odd whirlpool layups where the ball basically stops on the back keel of the rim, and then jarringly dives off the rim like it suddenly weighs 50 lbs. It'd be nice if 2K could feather that animation a little bit so that the ball rolls off the rim more naturally. It would also be nice if the ball would occasionally roll in. As it is now, as soon as I see that animation I know it's coming out no matter what.
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Old 03-09-2019, 01:53 AM   #4
itsmb8's Arena
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Re: 2k20 needs new ball/rim anims

Originally Posted by Pokes404
I'd actually like to see some more clean "splashes." Those perfect shots that don't touch any part of the rim and rip the net clean. It seems like every make in 2K touches the rim at least a little bit.

I'd also like to see them do something about those odd whirlpool layups where the ball basically stops on the back keel of the rim, and then jarringly dives off the rim like it suddenly weighs 50 lbs. It'd be nice if 2K could feather that animation a little bit so that the ball rolls off the rim more naturally. It would also be nice if the ball would occasionally roll in. As it is now, as soon as I see that animation I know it's coming out no matter what.
I just want physics to an extent. If the ball gets stuck on top of the rim, it should roll off or in if its already going that way. If its completely stationary on top of the rim, then let it stay there and make a ref blow the whistle.
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Old 03-10-2019, 10:03 AM   #5
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Re: 2k20 needs new ball/rim anims

I just want more long rebounds. And the swish sound. When watching a game you can hear the ball rip the net on swishes. In 2k not a sound.
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Old 03-11-2019, 09:14 PM   #6
olajuwon34's Arena
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Re: 2k20 needs new ball/rim anims

I like it when you dont see a single ball bounce over the backboard the entire game but then right when you have someone in perfect offensive rebound position it all of a sudden bounces over the backboard.
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