02-21-2019, 09:00 AM
Madden 19 CFM Play the Moments sliders
Howdy all, I know it’s the end of the cycle and many folk have given up and/or moved on, but I have never been enjoying Madden more so I thought I’d post what I’m using in case it helps a few other die hards squeeze a few more weeks of fun out of 19!
First off a bit on how I play. The title says it all, I am in an online league with one other and we almost exclusively play using Play the Moments. I like to switch to slow speed and watch the game (when I have time) in between my moments, he prefers fast and get to it. These sliders should give you a good experience either way.
I also make a few roster edits as I go. I do not do these globally because it would take forever and I may lose my mind! I do them weekly and use the opportunity to scout my upcoming opponent. Because we are in year 6 or 7 it helps to get to know the league.
-high motor is an incredibly powerful trait that Is weirdly distributed, almost all D players have it on no matter the skill level and basically zero draft class O players come with it on. This particular trait has been discussed many times on the forums so I’ll leave off saying more.
-turning this on for the elite players really helps differentiate between them and the average grinder (thanks JoshC). I also like it on for any star regardless of the ovr because it helps the rookies and young folk stand out above their peers.
ALL CB, FS, SS, LB’s - PLAYBALL CONSERVATIVE and DROPS OPEN PASSES ON, (superstar 90+ ovr ball hawks get BALANCED)
-one problem I was consistently running into was too many ints on both sides. Turning playball to conservative really helps cut those numbers down. As for the drops open passes, really not much testing here, all the good wr have this off so I figured D players are well...on defense for a reason!
There has been tons of great trait work by the community (DC, tommy and others!) but I like to keep my editing to a minimum to help preserve some randomness so those are all the edits I do.
A big thanks to Matt10 as the majority of these sliders come directly from his hard work, I have only added a few tweaks to help fit my style of play.
Game speed - SLOW (this was the big one for me. At normal speed I could not get the D tight enough or “realistic” enough for my liking. At slow speed I feel like I have found my happy place!. Is it perfect? GOODNESS NO! You will see a few wonky animations but I am able to forgive those for better overall game play)
accel clock -OFF (gives me solid plays per game and allows for good fatigue/cpu audibles (thanks JoshC))
SLIDERS: PLAYER/CPU (once again thanks Matt10, these are basically his, check out his amazingly descriptive thread for explanations. I will give my reasons where they differ from his)
PASS BLK- 30/30
WR CATCH- 45/45
RUN BLK- 25/45(on slow speed the cpu run game really suffered, all madden combined with 50 really helps turn negative runs into 3-4 yd gains which in turn helps cpu keep drives going)
FUMBLES- 50/50
INT- 25/25(with the trait edits I was able to move this back up to 25 with out seeing a ton of int animations and having it higher really helps tighten up overall coverage)
COVERAGE- 50/50 (same reasoning as int)
TACKLING- 42/42(with my lower threshold raising this was necessary to avoid too many big plays, also higher tackling helps tighten up the whole D)
Special teams- RFF’s user vs user values here:
FG pow- 48
FG acc- 46
Punt pow- 53
Punt acc- 40
Kickoff -51
INJ- 15 (get a good mix, but you won’t lose your rb every game)
FATIGUE- 50 (with 52 I was seeing way too many exhausted oline false starts)
THRESHOLD- 37 (helps differentiate player types, quick backs will seem quicker than power backs and agile oline will seem different than power guys, same on the D side of the ball)
PLAYER SUBS- I leave these at default and use formation and depth chart subs to get guys in.
Last edited by Woad23; 03-21-2019 at 09:40 PM.