
Krebstar's FIFA 19 Professional & World Cup Sliders

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Old 11-18-2018, 05:22 PM   #1
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Krebstar's Arena
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Krebstar's FIFA 19 Professional & World Cup Sliders

*These originally started as Professional sliders, but eventually morphed into a World Class set. I feel World Class is now in a place that almost feels like Pro+, it has all the benefits of that level, but higher difficulty. As of now, the Pro set is no longer being updated.

**These are designed for 15-minute halves, as the idea is to greatly slow down the game, increase pass/shot errors, and generally have the game represent the sport more closely.

***I proudly consider myself to have the opposite approach of the community thread. These are not meant for everyone with a wide range of settings, I'm don't post videos, and I'm going to over-analyze. What they're doing works for them, but it has not worked for me the past several years. Don't expect this to be the same approach, because it's not. (Matt is great, and I approach settings similarly to the way he did when I fell in love with his previous-gen sliders. It's the rest of the lunacy in that thread which bothers me.)

****It's highly likely these sliders are not for you if:
  • You're looking for something that works for halves as low as 6–8 minutes, and you play ten games in a row in one sitting.
  • You want to pour over video analysis and breakdown every incremental change.
  • Your complaint is the game is too easy on Ultimate and you need a real challenge.

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Questions & General Gameplay Tips

  • What's the goal of these sliders?

    To best represent the sport—not to provide a challenging game. By default, I believe we’ve all become desensitized to how fast and unrealistic FIFA plays. Instead of trying to make it feel like football/soccer, we’re often trying to make it feel like FIFA. The game moves too fast, is too hectic, has too many shots (especially on-target), and overall is a poor representation of how the actual game is played. My goal is to make it closer to a simulation and less of a video game.

    I want a realistic amount of shots, as to me that directly reflects how the game is flowing and how it feels. If you're always ending up with 15+ shots, you're most likely thinking about how hectic and crazy the game feels. I want the opposite. Also, I want a realistic pass percentage for the same reason. By default, FIFA often feels like highlights and not extended highlights of a match. My goal is to make it feel more like extended highlights, or large chunks of an actual match and not frantic play which lasts a matter of minutes before moving onto the next match.

  • What's with the line settings?

    I believe this game out of the box needs big adjustments, and the lines are where it all starts. Are they extreme? Yes, but I feel they better represent not only how the actual sport is played, but they also help to slow the game down, and congest the middle of the pitch.

  • Why the high shot error?

    The game is far, far too open by default. Shots can be too easy to get, and when they're available, they need to not always be on target. Go check out some real stats regarding shots on target.

  • Do I have to play with 15-minute halves?

    This is imperative to me. These were made for this length—anything less and you rush when you shouldn't, and there's too much sloppy play and not enough time to build attacks and finish chances—this is huge.

  • Do these settings produce more fouls?

    No, and if you can show me a set that does consistently for everyone, I'll buy your copy of FIFA 20. It's just not possible right now until EA does something to address it. Everything is there except the referee acknowledging fouls. The animations are there, including players getting hit in the face. I've learned to just live with no fouls for the most part—you should too.

  • Do these work for lower leagues?

    Most likely not due to the increased error settings. In fact, if you’re strictly playing in the lower-leagues, I believe you need sliders more tailored to that environment. FIFA is odd, and if you’re playing a poor team (even as a poor team) you still have a human advantage in a way. We know areas of the game we can exploit, but that’s more difficult against better AI players. If you include the inherent exploits and pair that with poor quality opponent AI, you then have an entire new beast on your hands and you’ll find most slider sets too easy.

  • Will these work with a higher difficulty setting?

    I do not know as I have not played past World Class this year, as over many years I’ve found Pro and World Class to be the best settings to replicate realistic (challenging is not the goal) gameplay.

  • Any tactical tips?

    Yes—set all your center and defensive midfielders to cover center, not the wing. This massively improves your defense and stops massive holes from opening in your lines. Also, set your defensive width to 8+. Anything lower than that will see your back line compress in far too much.

  • Any passing tips?

    Use your driven pass when needed. You shouldn't be able to hit across the field passes on the ground consistently, and if you need to hit a long one, use your driven pass. Will you be able to do this with all players? No. Can all players execute these types of passes in real life? No.

  • Any general gameplay tips?

    Remember, it's a long match, so don't be afraid to clear the ball out of your defensive third to stop the AI from piling on shots and getting those cheap chances. I know in the past I've given up awful goals because I don't want to hoof it because I need to build an attack, because I have so little time. Don't be afraid to clear your lines.

  • Do custom team tactics still work with these?

    As a guy who has spent far too many hours of my life dedicated to custom team tactics, I can assure you that they’re still mostly broken and do not work as well as they should. Actually, I think FIFA 19 regressed in terms of tactics. They didn’t expand upon the options, they just replaced/reworked them.

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World Class Sliders

Last updated on 12/27/18—Tested on the latest update as of July 2019.

Half Length: 15 minutes

Difficulty: World Class

Speed: Slow

Pass Assistance: Semi

Through Ball: Manual

Shot Assistance: Semi

Cross Assistance: Semi

Lob Pass: Manual

Sprint: 36/36

The game has always played too damn fast, and 1.06 seemed to slightly increase things. To me, this doesn’t feel sluggish, but just right. This may take a few games to get used to, but after you get used to it going back to default will feel like your game is broken.

Acceleration: 50/50

Slight boost since we’re lowering sprint—this has always helped things not feel sluggish to me, as it makes sure players still have that tiny burst of pace once they decide to sprint.

Shot Error: 69/69

It’s too easy to get shots on target with default settings, and it needs to be harder, especially for the AI. If you try this with short halves, you'll have a bad time. But with 15-minute halves, there's plenty of time to sky some into the crowd and have some awful shots. Go watch a real match and watch how many awful shots there are—lots. It’s frustrating to hit so many off-target, but honestly makes it so much more fun when you score one.

Pass Error: 58/69

Also huge—we want a more sloppy game, we want a midfield battle, and we want the ball to be intercepted. This means we need a higher pass error. Yes, that seems really high for the AI, but if it's not high they'll all play like Spain, no matter the team. Yes, I’m aware that this heavily affects crosses, and possibly too much. Mostly, it affects them if the AI is playing a cross off-balance, etc.

Shot Speed: 49/49

Default speed just seems a bit too rocket-like, and if you’re the right player you’ll still absolutely smash shots.

Pass Speed: 38/13

This is the heart of this set—on default, the passes are absurdly fast. Trust me, you've been desensitized to how ridiculous it is. Go watch a match—the ball does not move across the ground as quickly and consistently as FIFA portrays it. The issue is it's built off 5-minute halves, but we're not playing that. We want a more realistic setting, where there are loose balls, and time to intercept.

The user speed comes down to something that doesn’t feel too fast, and the AI speed must come down considerably. I know the AI speed seems insanely low, but it helps slow down their attack, as well as help you intercept passes and break up their attacks. Even though it’s much lower than the human speed, the pass speeds feel the same.

Injury Frequency: 68/68 (still up in the air)

Injury Severity: 28/28 (still up in the air)

GK Ability: 52/52

I don’t see the mistakes that some people see, and don’t think this needs to be set really high as of now. Perhaps it changes in the future, but for now, this little boost makes sure they (AI) don’t make too many errors.

Marking: 45/45

I always used to raise this in an attempt to have better defense played, but honestly that just pulls people out of position. Lowering it creates a more zonal feel, where defenders look to intercept and not always press and close down. This makes it harder for you and the AI to play through defenses easily.

Run Frequency: 0/0

The game is too fast, and too frantic on default—runs are still made, and we’re playing 15-minute halves, so plenty of action still occurs.

Line Height: 67/67

We want the line moving up to meet the attack. Once again, in the modern game, the line doesn't sit back deep while the attack builds—it's high, forcing the forwards back.

Line Length: 21/21

I've been lowering this damn setting since my FIFA 12 settings. Does it sometimes appear the lines are too close? Yes, but I'll take this over wide open lanes. We want a congested midfield, and this is how we do it.

Line Width: 46/46

I wish I could bring this in more, but by default, the game narrows your defense too much. Basically, we don't want players stretched across the field at all times.

Fullbacks: 10/10

They'll get forward if they're instructed to, but they don't need to be bombing forward at every opportunity because once again, we're not playing a blitz style 5-minute game—we want ebb and flow.

Power Bar(user only): 55

You'll want this high due to the lower pass speed and high pass error.

First Touch Control: 95/95

We want a sloppy match in which the ball is loose and not stuck to the foot of everyone under control. You’ll see mistakes, but it’s great. Every pass you make towards a player on the touchline shouldn’t result in them turning and running up the field. Sometimes it goes off their foot and out for a throw—far closer to the real thing.

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Professional Sliders

Last updated on 11/24/18 — Mostly abandoned as of now


Last edited by Krebstar; 07-28-2019 at 02:56 PM.
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Old 11-19-2018, 08:58 AM   #2
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Re: Krebstar's FIFA 19 Professional Sliders

Hi !

Speed ? Low or normal ?

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Old 11-19-2018, 09:11 AM   #3
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Re: Krebstar's FIFA 19 Professional Sliders

Originally Posted by Grestok
Hi !

Speed ? Low or normal ?

Oh geez, completely forgot about that—slow!
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Old 11-19-2018, 09:30 AM   #4
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Re: Krebstar's FIFA 19 Professional Sliders

I might adjust the line settings to be a bit less extreme. I was testing these all day and loving it, then after posting I played a few games and for the first time ever saw the back line step up inline with the CDMs, which is, of course, a bit much.

We'll see, but the goal is to make the middle not easy to get by, so there's not a shot at each end every minute.
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Old 11-19-2018, 09:50 AM   #5
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Re: Krebstar's FIFA 19 Professional Sliders


Your sliders in full manual (i don’t like auto or semi) are amazing i must say ! And i’ve tested slow and normal speed, and i prefer normal....with your sliders, normal is organic. Tempo is more varied, and acceleration seems to be natural.....

Good surprise for me ! I play generally with Matt’s sliders....
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Old 11-19-2018, 10:05 AM   #6
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Re: Krebstar's FIFA 19 Professional Sliders

Originally Posted by Grestok

Your sliders in full manual (i don’t like auto or semi) are amazing i must say ! And i’ve tested slow and normal speed, and i prefer normal....with your sliders, normal is organic. Tempo is more varied, and acceleration seems to be natural.....

Good surprise for me ! I play generally with Matt’s sliders....
Manual worries me due to the lower pass speed and high error, but perhaps normal speed negates that. Manual was the way I went in the past with professional difficulty, as it was a great way to increase user difficulty overall.

Glad to hear you're enjoying them. They're differently different, but very much inspired by Matt's from many years ago, fideco's from last year, and what I was using in FIFA 17.

Last edited by Krebstar; 11-19-2018 at 12:18 PM.
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Old 11-19-2018, 04:13 PM   #7
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Re: Krebstar's FIFA 19 Professional Sliders

hello krebstar ... greetings from Spain, I think you saved fifa19 for me, I had not played for two weeks and today I woke up thinking maybe some enlightened one would have shared a set of sliders in this wonderful web that fit what I look for in fifa , I decided to check the thread of fifa 19 and I was surprised with this set, I play in manual and it worked wonders, thank you very much for sharing them.
0,1 segundo es mucho tiempo
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Old 11-19-2018, 05:24 PM   #8
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Re: Krebstar's FIFA 19 Professional Sliders

Your sliders for the lines are definitely the best for this fifa ! After several tests, no doubt !

And i repeat, your sliders are perfect for full manual ! (Normal speed for me !)

Kudos to you !

Last edited by Grestok; 11-19-2018 at 05:29 PM.
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