
After 20 years legacy issues have killed this game.

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Old 10-21-2018, 03:14 AM   #1
Kaanyr Vhok's Arena
OVR: 14
Join Date: Aug 2006
After 20 years legacy issues have killed this game.

Player vs CPU franchise has not improved since 2k14 on the PC. Certain things have improved but legacy issues either keep getting worse or more noticeable as other aspects improve. I'm just going to name some of them. I might update with more.

1. The default shooting is juiced. That fallaway has been juiced 4 a while.

2. Big man rebounding is overpowered
I been saying this as Xboxing2006 for more than a decade easy. Its coded in the ratings. If anyone knows a roster that boost the rebounding for guards let me know. It seems like Centers grab 10 plus rebounds every game. Every Center is like Andre Drummond and Andre Drummond will grab 13 rebounds a half like its nothing. I usally play 11 minn qtrs and he rebounds like I'm playing 15 minn qtrs. Guards are always below their real rebounding avgs.

3. The CPU is unnecessarily overpowered. Big rebounding and juiced shooting play a role but its also the way the game treats your CPU players. If you arent controlling them then they are like Pro players vs Allstar, Superstar and Hof.

4. Playing deny and even tight results in the CPU getting burned to the basket. Not much fun when you are getting killed on the break because your CPU players stink

5. Even though shooting is juiced we always end up with patches that decrease user shooting resulting in phenomenon where players who shoot well but don't have badges have underpowered three point shooting.

6. The series has never balanced a quick responsive defensive stance with an offensive player that can drive through the baseline without getting ridden and slowed.

7. Blocking fouls don't balance with 6

8. Which creates a lack of fouls that are usually made up with more shooting fouls.

9. Because of 3 you are forced to contest more but now you are paying for it because of 8.

10. Poor ratings means you consistently hear announcers who are surprised that people who shoot 3s in real life or can dunk well in real life do so in the game. Like the sliders the ratings are always weak out of the box.
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Old 10-21-2018, 10:26 AM   #2
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Re: After 20 years legacy issues have killed this game.

Originally Posted by Kaanyr Vhok
Player vs CPU franchise has not improved since 2k14 on the PC. Certain things have improved but legacy issues either keep getting worse or more noticeable as other aspects improve. I'm just going to name some of them. I might update with more.

1. The default shooting is juiced. That fallaway has been juiced 4 a while.

2. Big man rebounding is overpowered
I been saying this as Xboxing2006 for more than a decade easy. Its coded in the ratings. If anyone knows a roster that boost the rebounding for guards let me know. It seems like Centers grab 10 plus rebounds every game. Every Center is like Andre Drummond and Andre Drummond will grab 13 rebounds a half like its nothing. I usally play 11 minn qtrs and he rebounds like I'm playing 15 minn qtrs. Guards are always below their real rebounding avgs.

3. The CPU is unnecessarily overpowered. Big rebounding and juiced shooting play a role but its also the way the game treats your CPU players. If you arent controlling them then they are like Pro players vs Allstar, Superstar and Hof.

4. Playing deny and even tight results in the CPU getting burned to the basket. Not much fun when you are getting killed on the break because your CPU players stink

5. Even though shooting is juiced we always end up with patches that decrease user shooting resulting in phenomenon where players who shoot well but don't have badges have underpowered three point shooting.

6. The series has never balanced a quick responsive defensive stance with an offensive player that can drive through the baseline without getting ridden and slowed.

7. Blocking fouls don't balance with 6

8. Which creates a lack of fouls that are usually made up with more shooting fouls.

9. Because of 3 you are forced to contest more but now you are paying for it because of 8.

10. Poor ratings means you consistently hear announcers who are surprised that people who shoot 3s in real life or can dunk well in real life do so in the game. Like the sliders the ratings are always weak out of the box.
I don't understand why they continue to praise this game this year, let themselves be influenced by beautiful graphics, new animations, when what we really want is a real basketball simulation. Maybe I'll be criticized but, as I see it, 2k19 is the worst version out of the box that has ever been released in recent years, and sliders tweakings seems that doesn't solve the problems. I think this is due to the fact of not having competitors on market of basketball videogames, and no, nba live cannot be considered a serious competitor.
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Old 10-21-2018, 03:21 PM   #3
olajuwon34's Arena
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Re: After 20 years legacy issues have killed this game.

Yah i really dont know what their doing with the games now, the engine their trying to push cant be balanced properly, i think playing the prelude was just a new experience from 2k18 and made me buy this one, but playing this one its still broken balancing. 2 games straight is enough for me to realize they may have lost the ability to make these games properly, good time to stop buying them.
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Old 10-27-2018, 01:21 PM   #4
Kaanyr Vhok's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Re: After 20 years legacy issues have killed this game.

Oh I forgot

11. Update Required.
This stupid %^#$&$^ has been in the game since at least 16. We are in 19. Who's idea was to cover the screen telling you to return to the main menu for an update and keep it god 4%@#5@#
743 mfp\legfk l[ngfbs there? You don't cover the screen in game with shot meters. I can barely code roshambo and I could fix this.
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Old 10-27-2018, 01:40 PM   #5
Kaanyr Vhok's Arena
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Re: After 20 years legacy issues have killed this game.

12. Cut scenes where you still can't manual sub. How long has that been in the game. This is especially a problem when its before the 4th qtr.

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Old 10-27-2018, 10:21 PM   #6
Moroccan_Boy's Arena
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Re: After 20 years legacy issues have killed this game.

I agree with all of the above but #.2 is a big problem!!!

In my last game siakam could box out 3 athletic guards in one box out they stay behind him stuck in some imaginary boxout magnetic field ...

cant at least one of the those 3 go and snatch that board instead of literally standing behind him for 3 seconds watching him box us out ,go up grab that board and go up again dunking it and all 3 of my defenders swat in the air for flies or something...that there needs to go ASAP ..

also that rebound where the big is falling back extending his arm behind his body and grabbing a board one handedly without even looking back ?!and that animation pops up at an alarming rate ..
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Old 10-28-2018, 08:19 PM   #7
CaseIH's Arena
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Re: After 20 years legacy issues have killed this game.

I tend to agree, with about the Legacy issues, that the devs either refuse to fix, or dont know how to fix them, so they just ignore it, when people complain every yr, about the same issues.

I will say, in NBA2k19, the rebounding is much improved from yrs past, IMO. I use the Pacers, and My guards, tend to grab more rebounds than Ive seen in, probably ever in this game, and Ive been playing 2k basketball since the very 1st one they ever made.
Could it be a little better, still? Yeah, I think the Bigs could be toned down a little more, but it is improved, especially from the last couple yrs.

I am sic and tired of them touting up all the things they add each yr, to MyLeague, and yet they dont fix the issues that have been there for yrs, and sometimes the new additions, dont even work right

As with all these sports games, its becoming more and more about human vs human with online play, and less about actually making a sports game, that is a simulation of the real thing. Even MLBTS , devs do a crappy job with their Franchise mode, although theres is usually playable, they just dont really add to do , too make it deeper. And obviously Madden franchise is a joke. With NBA2k, their Franchise mode, is deeper than any console sports game, but its hard to enjoy do to the issues, the devs dont fix every yr.

I keep telling myself every yr, not to buy day 1, and wait and see. I started doing that with Madden yrs ago and havent bought it since like 2012, and the fews yrs I have not bough MLBTS, a couple times, and didnt buy it this yr do to the issues, and lack of franchise improvements. So I just need to break myself from buying NBA2k on day 1, and play the wait and see game, each yr, because it would save me money most yrs, because I wouldnt end up buying it. But every yr, I give in to the hype or lies whichever way you want to look at it from the 2k team. It would be easier to not buy NBA2k if there was a good text sim basketball game, like baseball has with OOTP, but there is not, unfortunately.
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Old 10-29-2018, 02:49 PM   #8
ForeverVersatile's Arena
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Re: After 20 years legacy issues have killed this game.

Yeah I've came to terms with this just not being a good game anymore. Everything feels so clunky and clumsy at times.

2K needs to go to a 2 years cycle and start replacing the engine systems starting with the movement and physics. Game mechanics and algorithms should follow because however they're determining makes and misses has been broken for years. Fadeaway 3 still regularly going in but can't make moderately open layups and under the basket lay in's?

Defense is so overpowered now that it makes offensive movement feel clunky and unpleasant. They made defense unrealistic not better. Harder doesn't mean more realistic.

This is the main reason people play off ball online more than ever. They know unless you do something the ai is vulnerable to that you'll be kept in check.

You literally have to be in the protect stance at all times. When do you see Kyrie or Steph need to turn their back to the defender for a whole possession? Most defenders irl aren't aggressive as 2K makes them to be.

Another problem for me is the the lack of dribble movement this year. Why take away all that control we had last year because park players complained they triggered walking size ups unintentionally. I Do like the additions, but addition by subtraction is never good.

I dunno, i think this game will be an after thought for me now more than ever.

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Last edited by ForeverVersatile; 10-29-2018 at 03:07 PM.
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