2k19 Xbox 1 - SIM CITY Online League
Hey guys! It’s been awhile since I’ve been in a 2K online league or ran one for that matter. Maybe 12 or 13 I’d say? However, after reading the new online league blog I’m ready for a return. There is nothing like playing another SIM USER. I will not be the commissioner, but I will help co-commish with 2-3 other people that I trust. I will make sure we get this thing off the ground as well and fill the league. I don’t think everything should be ran by just 1 person. If you are a long term and standing OS guy that will get you priority. Just started guys we will be hesitant about for obvious reasons... We also prefer everyone in this league is ONLY in this league and not multiple leagues. Its rare to get guys who can maintain being active in 2 leagues simultaneously. If you can do it great but if we know your in another league and lacking behind then we will need to move on after 1 warning.
HOF difficultly
82 Game season (season 1)
12 minute quarters
16 users / 14 CPU teams (8 East/8 West) - May start with 20-30 depending…
Free Throws - Real Life Percentages
We will be using Custom Rosters with player tendencies, playbooks, real player signature shots, dunk packages, dribble & post sigs all done (if you are unfamiliar with this & want to see what we will be using for the signature edits go visit Ismael Traore (Woody) youtube page. He does amazing work! Reason for this is for added realism as well as making sure CPU teams will play like they do IRL. If a player drops and becomes a CPU team we will know that each player and team will play like they do IRL for added immersion. We are not allowing guys to edit shots to get better releases. This will be for realism purposes. You can set these yourself in the pre season league to get used to the new shot edits. It truly is a Game changer along with the other signature edits. Trust me!
I will be doing playbooks immediately on the release of 2K19. I won’t be playing any games online til they are done. I will assign these to all the CPU teams. If you wish to use them they will be available and you will have plenty of time to learn each teams playbooks before we start. You can apply these yourself into the league. Thats up to you. If a player quits and becomes a CPU team we will then assign that team a custom playbook to represent real life plays & play types.
Due to the new CAP & DNA feature we can add players to your roster from the 2K base roster throughout the year assuming they are on your team. As far as attributes & ratings go we are talking about allowing 2 players per team to be edited within shot attributes ONLY per year as we know the ratings can be off. The sample size will have to be after the 25 game mark in the real NBA as well as players will need to have a good sample size to justify the change. Think guys like Donavan Mitchell last year or the young Raptors players. We will have a formula that says for example 45% 3Pt. Open gets a 90, 40% gets a 85 open 3pt. etc… This will be voted on by commishes and you need the majority to vote yes on it.
Sliders done to get the most realistic experience and real life like games.
Start date - 2 weeks after opening day rosters are released. Shoot for November 1st.
Must have discord app to communicate with all league members and schedule games.
Must set a time on discord to play an opponent then broadcast and twitch all games so the league can watch, scout, etc. because we have 14 CPU opponents try and get your games in with humans 1st. Then when down time or no one is around play vs CPU teams. You will be required to twitch and post all games vs CPU as well. No restarts! The CPU will be a challenge and we will not program it to be an easy win.
Talking on the microphone is not required. I personally hate talking on the microphone while playing. But keep discord and phone close by when playing to easily communicate for those who don’t like to chat and if there is a emergency or an issue.
You can play defense on ball or off the ball. Either way is a legit strategy imo. However, I’d prefer it be more split and 50/50 between the 2 and not 100% either way.
PRE- Season - October 1st
The game releases on Sept. 7th but we will not start until November 1st. The pre season will begin on October 1st. We will start a pre season league just to get random games in and test sliders vs league players. This is not mandatory. We have tons of time to learn the new game, controls, playbooks, etc…
Season 1 - November 1st
We will use real Life Rosters and transactions (if a trade happens irl we make it happen in our league).
Season 2
We do a draft, free agency, and will allow 1-2 trades per team (has to be approved by 3-5 of trade committee). We will either play 29 or 58 game seasons in season 2 and beyond depending on a league vote.
- Get 4-5 past commissioners to bring in their best 3-5 guys who are there most committed guys from years past.
Weekly Games Played Requirements
- Play 3-4 (minimum) - 6-7 (maximum) games per week to keep the league games played close.
- Vacations, business, emergencies, or just real life will always happen and just communicate with us so we know whats going on. Usually if I had a vacation coming up or what not I would try to stay ahead and get as many games in as I could so by the time I returned I'd still be at pace with the rest of the league. If you have any of the above we can allow you in the weeks previous to go above the league maximum games played. Just keep us posted as we are flexible...
This is a league for sim guys who just want sim games. We all want to win but win or lose we know every time that we play a league game we are going to get a good experience and a fun one. Having a 82 game season and 14 cpu opponents means you can start 1-9 and still have plenty of time to make the playoffs. We want guys who will play regardless of record. The guys in this league are vets and are very good. Trust me! You will take your lumps on any given night. Learn from it and bounce back. How is that any different from real life? Even the warriors lost 20 plus games and some by 20 points or more. It happens IRL.
Play styles - this is a big one! Everyone has a different definition of sim. I personally don’t want 30 guys playing the same. This is what makes leagues great imo. Each player is their own coach and even though you might not play a certain way with a team doesn’t mean that fits how another user wants to play with that team. Everyone has different styles of play.
Injuries - We will have no injuries to start the season. This is open to debate but I think we will probably keep these sliders low and keep those out for season injuries off. We will try and make sure injuries happen, but the duration is only 1-2 weeks to a month at the most?! We want to have fun and injuries are a part of the game so we don't want to eliminate it but losing guys in a 82 game season for the season is no fun...
That all being said we have to have a few rules. Zone defense is not allowed. You can pick up full court, but only from the free throw line extended. The exception to this is if you are down in the last 2 minutes you can full court press. Run plays. Mix it up. You do not need to run plays all game but mix it up. We don’t want to see 5 out iso ball all game or that often unless you have a obvious mismatch. Get all players involved. Taking 35 shots per game all season with 2 players is not sim. That being said there will be times guys get hot, you are taking what the defense gives you. NO pausing the game because you don’t like something that happened. NO replays. If there is a issue or emergency pausing is allowed and just send a quick message to notify opponent. Be respectful always. No need to disrespect anyone and I won’t be tolerated. We are all adults. Respect 1 another. Talk it out after a game. Again, we will have 4-5 co commishes available to assist if need be if 1 isn’t online try another, etc..,
Forum activity is a must for all league members. Checking in on the forums daily will keep us all in the loop and progressing this league at a decent pace. Those who fail to stay active here on the OS boards will be removed. We are an OS league, this is our main place for communication. We will run the league here at OS and have a sub forum where we can all connect on league news, polls, votes, questions, concerns, schedule games with each other, have team threads, Players of the week, month, year, etc.
One thing we like to do here as a league and as commissioners is to have each team owner play with their favorite team or a team where they come from or were born. We have found this to be a secret to success with keeping players in leagues for the long term if they have an affiliation with the city or team they are playing with. If you are like myself however and have no home team (Bring back the Sonics!) then there are exceptions to the rule. People who are fans of the team want to play with their team no matter how good they are.
Lastly, we are talking about a fee of $20.00 per team (PayPal) to be in the league. If you finish the league you get your money back. If guys quit it is non refundable. For the guys who play the whole season we will split the money between all those who finished with the guys who quit. Holding everyone accountable. Everyone has good intentions to start the season. We want to make sure win or lose this league is successful in the long term. Once you commit the $20.00 that will hold your team…
I don’t really want or like to have any or too many rules as it opens up Pandora’s box with complaints. So, keep it simple, play sim, and just have fun!
Commissioners / Trade Committee - *
* Vannwolfhawk206
* Alabamarob
* Phillysfinest13
Pacific Division
Los Angeles Lakers -
Los Angeles Clippers -
Sacramento Kings -
Golden State Warriors -
Phoenix Suns -
Northwest Division
Portland TrailBlazers -
Oklahoma City Thunder -
Minnesota Timberwolves -
Denver Nuggets -
Utah Jazz -
Southwest Division
Memphis Grizzlies -
San Antonio Spurs -
Houston Rockets -
Dallas Mavericks -
New Orleans Pelicans -
Atlantic Division
Toronto Raptors - City Of Bpt 43
Boston Celtics - Vannwolfhawk206??? Not sure yet/placeholder
Brooklyn Nets -
Philadelphia 76ers - Phillysfinest13
New York Knicks -
Central Division
Indiana Pacers - Coach2k
Chicago Bulls -
Milwaukee Bucks -
Detroit Pistons -
Cleveland Cavaliers - Shoecollector9
Southeast Division
Miami Heat -
Washington Wizards -
Charlotte Hornets -
Orlando Magic - NascarJames
Atlanta Hawks - alabamarob
Reply in this thread with the following…
Top 3 Teams
How long have you been playing 2K?
Have you been in an Online League before?
If so, Why was it successful or unsuccessful?
Your thoughts on the rules?
I just started our discord. Be patient as I set it all up. Feel free to join here at: