
Understanding Offensive Formations

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Old 08-02-2018, 08:47 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2018
Understanding Offensive Formations

Hi everyone,

I would like some help understanding where players line up based on the name of the offensive formation. I have a good knowledge of football and Madden however some of the names and terms I find difficult.

I understand things like Singleback, Gun, I-Form etc but when it comes to where WRs and TEs line up along the line and whether they are on or off I find more difficult.

For instance, I know that Gun Y-Off Trio Weak means QB in shotgun, HB lined up on the weak side X on the LOS, TE off the LOS Slot on the line and Z off. The reason I understand that is that it's a long name with lots info HOWEVER where the formation name is much shorter such as Singleback Ace, I don't know how to tell which players are on the line or if the TEs are on the same side.

Is there a way of dissecting this information or is there a standard rule that the TE in 11 sets are always on the right side.
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Old 08-02-2018, 09:00 AM   #2
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Location: England
Re: Understanding Offensive Formations

singleback ace would be TEs on either end of the Oline and a wr either side, singleback wing ace is two tes on one side 2 wrs the other? they change the nomenclature every year to give the impression things have been changed, one year is shotgun trio falcon, next year its whatever
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Old 08-02-2018, 09:05 AM   #3
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Join Date: Jul 2018
Re: Understanding Offensive Formations

Originally Posted by Ueauvan
singleback ace would be TEs on either end of the Oline and a wr either side, singleback wing ace is two tes on one side 2 wrs the other? they change the nomenclature every year to give the impression things have been changed, one year is shotgun trio falcon, next year its whatever
Thanks for that.

Wing I take it means a TE line does up next to another TE?
Trips - 3 receivers without closest to the boundary on the line
Trio - 3 receivers with middle on the line
Trey - 3 receivers with closest to the middle of the field on the line

Flex ?

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