
Best Tennis Game

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Old 06-13-2018, 09:48 AM   #1
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Best Tennis Game

OK, so I know the two games out there TWT and AO. I've seen some vague statements about how AO is so much better after patches, etc. Here's all I'm looking to do: create myself, play a career mode type mode, and that's it. No online play, no anything else. I'd like the most pros in my career as possible. I think in AO you can download a bunch of people and they'll be in your career mode. Does anyone have any advice? I played Virtua Tennis back in the day and loved it, not sure I have played a tennis game since. Thanks!
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Old 06-13-2018, 11:44 AM   #2
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Re: Best Tennis Game

My advice is AO and it’s not even close. I bought both games almost sure that TWT would be the better game. AO is better for gameplay, authenticity, customer support. I can’t pick one thing I liked better in TWT before I stopped playing it completely for AO.

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Old 06-13-2018, 02:14 PM   #3
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Re: Best Tennis Game

The best option IMO is to get your hands on Top Spin 4 if you have access to previous gen consoles (PS3/ X360). TS4 is still far ahead of the current gen tennis games and I doubt things are about to change.
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Old 06-18-2018, 12:13 PM   #4
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Re: Best Tennis Game

Originally Posted by HartmanTeets6
OK, so I know the two games out there TWT and AO. I've seen some vague statements about how AO is so much better after patches, etc. Here's all I'm looking to do: create myself, play a career mode type mode, and that's it. No online play, no anything else. I'd like the most pros in my career as possible. I think in AO you can download a bunch of people and they'll be in your career mode. Does anyone have any advice? I played Virtua Tennis back in the day and loved it, not sure I have played a tennis game since. Thanks!
I would get AO for the gameplay, customization (The create a player in TWT is bare bones, WAY more options in AO, and AO has face scan), and community. My brother just got it for PS4 and I have it for PC, the PS4 community is actually quite large (Top guy on the leaderboard has something like 1000 match wins). I know you stated you didn't care about online mode, but if you wanted to take your character into online matches after you develop him in career mode, it would be solid. The pace in AO is more realistic than TWT. TWT boasts a deeper career mode, though. However, if you just care about playing tournaments/grand slams, and climbing to number 1 while upgrading your attributes, AO is more than acceptable. I never liked the mini-games, practices in between that some games make you do. You can also share Players/Venues/Logos cross platform. I made a Sampras on PC, and my brother downloaded him on PS4. He made a Roddick on PS4, I downloaded on PC. I recommend AO, it's really underrated.
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Old 06-18-2018, 12:51 PM   #5
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Re: Best Tennis Game

I own TWT on Switch and Xbox One X, along with AO Tennis on Xbox One X.

Of the three titles, AO Tennis is the best overall package right now. The gameplay and rally mechanics are solid and can be very challenging.

The presentation and match feel is a bit stale and needs some tweaks, which will hopefully come in future updates. For example, playing on clay vs. hard court has very little difference. Players don't slide and there's no evidence that you're even playing in clay. You can customize the game and ball speed to compensate for this, but it is a poor substitute. If the devs keep supporting the title, improve the presentation, and make future updates, it is promising.

Interestingly, TWT plays much better on Switch than it does on XBox One X, and this is despite the fact that the TWT update won't be out for Switch until tomorrow.

That said TWT is an incomplete game, so we have to see what the devs will do over the course of the coming 6-9 months to see if they commit to creating a finished product, or if they abandon ship and focus on the next iteration of the game. By all accounts, the game should not have been released when it was.
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Old 06-19-2018, 09:48 AM   #6
Pappy Knuckles's Arena
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Re: Best Tennis Game

I haven't played AO or TWT so I can't comment on those, but you should try Full Ace Tennis if you have a PC. Not a lot of bells and whistles and not that great of presentation, but the gameplay itself is excellent.
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Old 06-19-2018, 11:28 AM   #7
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Re: Best Tennis Game

Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
I haven't played AO or TWT so I can't comment on those, but you should try Full Ace Tennis if you have a PC. Not a lot of bells and whistles and not that great of presentation, but the gameplay itself is excellent.
I have, and I can't get past three things.

1. The fact that the players don't look like they are hitting the ball most of the time. They are hitting air. I understand that this game clearly doesn't have the budget of some of the other titles, but that hurts the immersion for me.

2. The players feet: moving around feels unnatural, watch the players feet while you are moving side to side and backing up, or going towards a shot. The movement reminds me of Axis Football, it's very similar.

3. The hitting mechanics: Yes, the game is reactive, but the hits look unnatural in most case. The players themselves are stiff from head to toe (again, similar to Axis Football.

I want to point out, I am not trying to insult the game. It seems that a lot of people are getting enjoyment out of it, and it's being modded deeply (Like Tennis Elbow was). It's just not for me. Tennis Elbow was super low budget, but the mechanics were there, the movement was there, the accuracy seemed to be there. I played Elbow for hundreds of hours, so it's not that everything is about visual appeal. What I liked about Elbow was the way the players moved around the court, connected on the ball with shots, and of course the amazing mods.

I'll be sticking with AO for a long time now, Full Ace doesn't do it for me. However, kudos to the developers who put in the work, and those who are modding the game.
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Old 06-19-2018, 12:16 PM   #8
Pappy Knuckles's Arena
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Re: Best Tennis Game

Originally Posted by RetroDee4Three
I have, and I can't get past three things.

1. The fact that the players don't look like they are hitting the ball most of the time. They are hitting air. I understand that this game clearly doesn't have the budget of some of the other titles, but that hurts the immersion for me.

2. The players feet: moving around feels unnatural, watch the players feet while you are moving side to side and backing up, or going towards a shot. The movement reminds me of Axis Football, it's very similar.

3. The hitting mechanics: Yes, the game is reactive, but the hits look unnatural in most case. The players themselves are stiff from head to toe (again, similar to Axis Football.

I want to point out, I am not trying to insult the game. It seems that a lot of people are getting enjoyment out of it, and it's being modded deeply (Like Tennis Elbow was). It's just not for me. Tennis Elbow was super low budget, but the mechanics were there, the movement was there, the accuracy seemed to be there. I played Elbow for hundreds of hours, so it's not that everything is about visual appeal. What I liked about Elbow was the way the players moved around the court, connected on the ball with shots, and of course the amazing mods.

I'll be sticking with AO for a long time now, Full Ace doesn't do it for me. However, kudos to the developers who put in the work, and those who are modding the game.
I can understand that. A lot of the animations aren't very good and look unnatural, so I can see that being a turnoff. For me, the way the game "feels" when playing is very important and it does that well, so I can overlook those things. I'll have to check out AO eventually.
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