This is a double thread now, because I started working on a "full manual realistic" set and in the middle of the process, the game mechanics (and my lack of ability of course) made me give up the manual controls and now what I have is an "assisted controls but still trying to keep it a bit realistic" set.
Both sets work for the current official patch as of May 2018 (patch 1.11)
The original post with a lot of fluffy talk about each slider is preserved below, but my current set is this one:
Difficulty: Legendary
Half Lenght: 10 minutes
Game Speed: Slow
Controller settings: All default, except semi shot assistance
Sprint Speed: 45
Acceleration: 50
Shot Error: 48
Pass Error: 50
Shot Speed: 50
Pass Speed: 48
Injury Frequency: 50
Injury Severity: 50
Goalkeeper Ability: 46
Marking: 50
Run Frequency: 1
Line Height: 53
Line Lenght: 49
Line Width: 50
Fullback Positioning: 50
Power Bar: 50
First Touch: 53
Adjust the game to your skill level. If Legendary is too hard, no problem in using this set in lower difficulty levels. To fine tune difficulty, change CPU sprint speed.
Video sample, Arsenal vs Milan, full match (with my personal adjusts on difficulty - 48 CPU sprint speed and 49 CPU pass error):
The original post of when I was still trying full manual is below. It was just a preliminary set, but you can take some ideas from it, who knows.
Hi folks!
I'm working on a set for manual players. I took some inspiration from the community set, along with some ideas/preferences of myself. If someone cares to try it, I'd like to hear some feedback so we could improve it.
I just got the game a couple of weeks ago, hope I'm not too late.
Update 1.09 required.
Game speed: Slow
Half Lenght: 10 minutes
Difficulty: Professional
Professional might be too easy when we play with assisted controls, but manual controls hurt our pass accuracy big time, so we definitely need a somehow softer A.I. to be competitive. This can also be achieved only by offsetting some sliders, especially pass error, but I prefer to play against Professional A.I. this year anyway, since it makes the CPU play a little less direct than in higher difficulties, and they also give us a little more breath to pick our passes - without completely giving up pressure, thankfully.
Controller settings:
Auto Switching: Air Balls.
Everything manual.
Tactical defending.
If you like the set but prefer assisted controls, alright, just don't follow my pass error slider recommendation. You can use the 52/52 setting from the OS Community Set, and also change the difficulty to whichever you like.
Sprint Speed: 42/42 - Surprisingly, not as slow as I'd expect (not at all), and to me the sprinting animation looks more in sync with the ground covered at 42 than it does in some higher settings.
Acceleration: 50/50 - Big no-no slider. Never increase this one, and if you wish to decrease it, I don't advise you to go any lower than 49, as it would kill fatigue in-game (fatigue levels are directly tied to it). Luckily, 50 feels fine.
Shot error: 49/49 - This one is personal. 50 is ok, but it makes CPU shot accuracy somewhat worse than mine, as they miss some easy shots. 49 gives me better balance.
Pass error: 45/64 - Difficulty control, staggered to compensate for the reduced accuracy of manual passing. Only preliminarly tested, may be a bit easy. Fun fact: the user pass error slider WORKS for manual controls. This totally denies the urban legend created by anti-manual advocates who say that "on manual, player stats don't matter yada yada". Fellas, if the game wasn't able to manipulate the quality of manual passing according to players attributes, it also wouldn't be able to manipulate it following a slider change, ok?
Shot Speed: 50/50 - I don't like to mess with this one, because lowering it makes long shots unuseable and raising it makes things ridiculous. 50 is alright.
Pass Speed: 47/47 - The ball moves crazy fast on FIFA 18, but if we reduce pass speed too much, ball movement gets weird and we lose fluidity.
Injury Frequency: 57/57
Injury Severity: 20/20
I went for a different approach compared to the community sliders: making injuries less frequent but more severe. Severity at this point is just a wild guess though, so the community settings (64 frequency / 04 severity) might be safer.
GK Ability: 47/47 - Default goalkeepers are overpowered as always. I don't like to see them stopping everything and at 47 they're still not stupid.
Marking: 48/48 - Still on the fence about this, but a small dip feels beneficial, at default it drives me crazy how there's always an opponent biting on my toes as soon as I receive a pass.
Run Frequency: 25/25 - Default is sprintfest. I don't like it so conservative as the 1/1 of the community set though, because our attacks become a bit stagnant, as there's not enough passing opportunities to keep pushing forward. Subject to change, but 25 feels fine atm.
Line Height: 60/60 - Why did they make the line so deep by default?! 60/60 comes straight from the community set and it definitely looks much more realistic.
Line Lenght: 49/49
Line Width: 50/50
Default looks pretty fine. I don't quite understand the reasoning of the very compact lenght and stretched width of almost every set i've seen out there. Maybe trying to manipulate the CPU into playing in some ways I have no idea of? Doesn't look much more realistic than default when I compare it to a real life game on my TV though. Anyway, I reduced lenght to 49 just because.
Fullbacks Positioning: 51/51 - Fullbacks are too shy to overlap at 50 and below and they get crazy at 52 and above. At 51, they are a bit more on the agressive side, but not too much, I like it.
User Power Bar: 62 - Personal preference, set it to whatever feels comfortable.
First Touch Error: 50/50 - I didn't even try anything below 50, because it never feels realistic. Anything above 50 annoys me though, as stringing passes and avoiding markers becomes quite harder.