
UFC 3 Ultimate Team need better service...

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Old 02-25-2018, 08:01 AM   #1
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UFC 3 Ultimate Team need better service...

Ok guys, so theres alot of issues with the gameplay mechanics itself. And hopefully those gonna get slowly patched over time. Theres already tons of forum threads about those and i wont be listing those here.

Here i want to talk about something different. I want to talk about community service and UT service. In my opinion those 2 things are really bad at this moment. Lets me list some things above:

- EA Devs arent responding to anything UT releated on this forum. You can barely find any kind of respond from EA employes here in UT part of forum.
Which is werid, since this mode suppose to be the money makeing mode in the game.

- UT need a clear and pre-determined shedule. Something which will make players to want to wait for it (if that sentence makes any sense, english isnt my main language). At this moment we basicly dont know anything. We dont know how long seasons are, we dont know how long some of challanges are going to be available, we basicly dont know anything.

- Challanges should be weekly based, to keep the UT fresh.
- Seasonal challanges should be monthly based.

- Whats wrong with those new challanges guys? 10 bronze coins and a pack as a reward for doing all 10 of those? Im talking here about UFC 200 challanges. Its a completly waste of time, after so much time of waiting we really getting something like that? When i checked those challanges i felt like i'v got slapped in the face.

- Make challanges worth doing them. Dont give us some S****y timberland packs (which are basicly 2500 coins packs) or bronze tokens as a reward. People are waiting for new challanges with fingers crossed and after few weeks of waiting we are getting something which isnt even worth doing.

- UT is a mess guys, polish translation of champion edition conor still says that hes 4 star fighter. Items of the week description says that its gonna be refreshed thursday so some people are collection coing for some big opening and than we are getting ninja refresh at sunday or monday after a live event.

- Lets us at least check what style of fighter is each of the elite 4/5 star fighter. It takes about a month/everyday grinding to make one of them, and we dont even know what we gonna get until we actually craft them.

- Selling prices for cards are just pure slap in the face. 10 coins for bronze move? You need to sell 500 bronze cards to buy 1 premium pack!!!! It takes hours to go thru your collection and sell useless cards and which current prices its totaly not worth it coz u can make the same amount of coins in like 30 mins by just SP grind or playing few MP UT fights. That way we are stuck with 1-2k useless cards in our collection (even if we change everything into tokens etc).

- Drop ratio on some items from packs is just laughable and its just a pure rip of. Some moves for example left/right high kick are so hard to get that its crazy. Gold 3 star fighters, especially the set one are crazy hard to get. I'v spend 350.000 coins on UFC 200 packs + like 60-70 basic packs and havent got even 1 gold fighter! That s**t almost made me quit the game.

- We need to crafting or exchange system. So we actually can do anything with thousands of useless cards. Something like 5 bronze fighters > 1 silver etc.

- Every fighter including CAFS SHOULD HAVE 4 STAR VERSION. And those should be obtainable from packs also! 4 star versions are still much worse than orginal ranked fighters, but they are at least possible to tweak so we can have a small chance to defende ourself in the area where our fighter isnt the best.

- Why only conor is a 5 star? Make all champions 5 star cards and add 4 star version of the rest of the fighters.

- It should be possible to get 5 star CAFS!

- Live event rewards is a joke also. Just normal 5k event pack as a reward for getting all the fights right? We are opening hundreds of those every week guys!

So as a conclusion. Guys from EA. START TO COMMUNICATE WITH US! Make UT into a proper online service which it should be, with weekly updates, pre-determined shedule, fresh and worth doing challanges and money worth packs. Because in current state that game and UT mode wont last long. Theres already like 50 overall viewers on twitch at saturday morning, not even 1 month from release!
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Old 02-25-2018, 10:41 AM   #2
sheehy83's Arena
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Re: UFC 3 Ultimate Team need better service...

Good post, a thread like this is needed. Ultimate Team will be the longtime play for a lot of people on this game. I finished career on legendary so only playing Ultimate team now and I end up turning it off at just a few fights because it's so frustrating. I used to spend hours a night on UT in UFC 2 because it felt like I was actually building a fighter and then building a team. At the moment, I use one fighter, champ Conor, because my other fighters won't stand a chance. Even then Conor has about 8 moves and didn't feel like a complete fighter. A striker without a headkick....

I finally finally unlocked a headkick last night but mostly get gold clinch moves or gold perks/contracts which are useless to me. Offline/online I'm constantly fighting other Conor's and it's boring as ****. That mixed with abysmal packs makes me turn it off.

I know pro's are here to stay, until UFC 4 anyway, but they need to do something else. Make the packs better, give us a choice of fight style when creating a caf. We spent enough, we should choose. I have up grinding tokens to create a caf because I will Rage quit for good if I unlock one more Grappler. Clinch is the worst mechanic in the game but it's all I seem to get thrown at me with fighters and moves in UT.

Lastly, fully agree, need better communication. I'd like to see Twitter posts from the official game account when new challenges/events are live. I usually read them about somewhere else.

I really really want UT to be good this year as I want it to be my main game I go to in between other game releases.
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Old 02-25-2018, 10:50 AM   #3
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Re: UFC 3 Ultimate Team need better service...

Well said! I 100% agree with everything you just said. After three weeks in, it's clear:

1. We want CAFs.
2. If we have to use roster fighters, let us pick the ones we want. May sound weird but I'd love to use a gold Forrest Griffin, or Clay Guida (fighters you'd never use in ranked).
3. We need perm perks.
4. We need better rewards for challenges, which I think are a great addition.
5. Give us better ways to craft with all of the worthless silver and bronze cards. 30 bronze fighters = 1 gold.
6. Why have 4 and 5 star fighters if you torture us to earn basic 3 star gold fighters?
7. I've pulled one gold fighter in three weeks of pulling packs. That's sad.
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Old 02-25-2018, 11:56 AM   #4
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Re: UFC 3 Ultimate Team need better service...

Originally Posted by Nextnextbigthing
5. Give us better ways to craft with all of the worthless silver and bronze cards. 30 bronze fighters = 1 gold.
Yeh, we need some upgrade system or exchange system here. The amount of crap in our inventory is mind blowing.
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Old 02-25-2018, 01:58 PM   #5
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Re: UFC 3 Ultimate Team need better service...

a simple change that is needed is the ability to go from page 1 to the last page using left on d pad. Cycling thru 20+page of moves to find one i need to trade in is painful
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Old 02-25-2018, 10:19 PM   #6
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Re: UFC 3 Ultimate Team need better service...

Add a sorting option of beyond arm/leg/ground and weight class ... i dont care abour chemistry. I care about my stats. at this point with limited move sets. I need search by what attribute it + . So I can search for power or accuracy. Some 'duplicate' moves up different attributes. But cards don't stack in your inventory in any way.

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Old 02-26-2018, 04:49 AM   #7
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Re: UFC 3 Ultimate Team need better service...

Hit the nail on the head mate!

Originally Posted by Crazymmogamer
Yeh, we need some upgrade system or exchange system here. The amount of crap in our inventory is mind blowing.
Yep, we ABSOLUTELY need a way to exchange droves of our useless items for better, they had item exchange in ufc 2, why they haven't brought it back is beyond me.

Originally Posted by netsfreak
Add a sorting option of beyond arm/leg/ground and weight class ... i dont care abour chemistry. I care about my stats. at this point with limited move sets. I need search by what attribute it + . So I can search for power or accuracy. Some 'duplicate' moves up different attributes. But cards don't stack in your inventory in any way.

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Being able to search through not only attributes, but a specific move also would be alot of help (for example I have FIVE 3* ARM TRIANGLES).
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Old 02-27-2018, 02:16 PM   #8
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Unhappy Re: UFC 3 Ultimate Team need better service...

WHat about info on how to get 4 star Cafs? UT is the only mode I play and playing against 4 and 5 star Connors all day against my 3 star caf is just annoying and unfair... If I wanted to play Connor McGregor all that I would go to ranked.
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