
This whole "Finish" issue

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Old 01-24-2018, 06:31 PM   #1
YourFatZebra's Arena
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This whole "Finish" issue

I understand the point that Rogan and others made about the portrayal of the sport in UFC 2 when you could just smash a knocked out fighter way more than necessary.

But watching Aholbert stream the game and seeing Bisping hit him with a two punch combo, in the middle of a brawl sequence, and then being in the victory cutscene less than 10 seconds later just felt so jarring and sudden. The ref couldn't possibly determine that he was KO'd from the way he fell in literally 2 seconds. That's just not how it works. Bisping would have realistically had time to swarm in on him to hit him two or three more times before the ref got there.

This may seem nitpicky to the devs who are more focused on other things, but this is directly related to the KO issue from the beta, which thankfully was solved.

It deflates the entire energy the fight previously had built up when you clock someone and you're in the victory cutscene before he even hits the ground. Not to mention fights like Ngannou v. Overeem where the fighter DOES land another shot once the opponent is KO'd. Creating a positive perception of an objectively violent sport should not be the priority when creating a game to simulate that sport. That's like trying to make a war simulator and removing blood, headshot damage, explosions and such.

Let me put it this way.
I can go to play GTA 5 right now, in first person shoot someone in the gut with a shotgun and that AI will scream, writhe in pain, and then go limp as they actually die.

That is disturbing but it's still allowed in one of the top selling video games of all time. I just think it's a little ridiculous I'm able to spin kick someone to sleep, pound them into oblivion in full mount, or choke them out but god forbid I land one more punch extra. Just robs all the intensity from a good fight when the finish is so lackluster. It's what it would feel like to perform a boring fatality after an awesome fight in MK.
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Old 01-24-2018, 06:36 PM   #2
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Re: This whole "Finish" issue

The problem was never that you might land one. It's that you'd regularly land like 8 on a very, very clearly unconscious dude, and then the fighter gets bored and walks off of their own accord. Which is terrible from a realism perspective and a representation of the sport perspective. I agree that they over-corrected, but it's not like 2 was great or anything.

This is a problem I don't expect to go away until ref interaction is added, we'll probably be at either end of the spectrum until then.
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Old 01-24-2018, 06:40 PM   #3
YourFatZebra's Arena
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Re: This whole "Finish" issue

Originally Posted by Nugget7211
The problem was never that you might land one. It's that you'd regularly land like 8 on a very, very clearly unconscious dude, and then the fighter gets bored and walks off of their own accord. Which is terrible from a realism perspective and a representation of the sport perspective. I agree that they over-corrected, but it's not like 2 was great or anything.

This is a problem I don't expect to go away until ref interaction is added, we'll probably be at either end of the spectrum until then.
Oh no I'm not saying that EA UFC 2 was any better. It's worse objectively because of what you just laid out. It's almost like the ref isn't even there then and the fighter just decides "I'm done" and leaves.

Now though, it's almost as if every fight I see ends with a standing walkoff KO. Which is so uncommon in real life, even finishes that could classify as a KO usually have the winning fighter attempting to swarm in some sort of way.

I think you nailed it when you say they overcorrected. There's a middle ground between UFC 2 and 3 that hopefully is either patched into 3 or reached by the time we get 4.

Just saw Aholbert playing Santiago V. Oliviera and the fight ended with one of the "Finish the Fight" animations. That was much better than seeing the opponent just die on his feet. If some middle ground could be found between that and the walkoff KO's that are too common, it would be perfect.

Last edited by YourFatZebra; 01-24-2018 at 06:44 PM.
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Old 01-24-2018, 07:08 PM   #4
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Re: This whole "Finish" issue

If the devs could just add the ability to at least throw one or two shots after the opponent gets KO'ed and cut to a cutscene right after that. Showing the ref pull off the fighter or push them, into the winner's victory celebration, I think that would be a good fix imo. That would eliminate the over exaggerated amount of punches to a downed opponent that we saw in UFC 2, and would look a hell of a lot better than what we have right now. Also it would get rid of the KO auto camera snap that is still present in the game.
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Old 01-24-2018, 07:29 PM   #5
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Re: This whole "Finish" issue

I feel it cuts away too quickly, I’d like to have those few seconds after the KO like ufc 2. If you attempt to strike the KO’d opponent there should be a ref interception animation. Seems simple, then again i don’t know how to make video games.
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Old 01-24-2018, 07:31 PM   #6
manliest_Man's Arena
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Re: This whole "Finish" issue

The best way i can describe what happens after a fight ends with a walk-off KO in EA UFC 3, is through this corellation:

EDIT: I had a NSFW joke explanation here, but it got removed, so ignore this comment.

That's exactly what's happening with the current state of the KO system and it's wrong on so many levels... It definitely needs to be patched one way or another in this game.

If you think ref interactions will be the solution to this, then so be it. Wether they get the money to do that, from the game's sales or the game's Ultimate Team microtransactions . One thing is certain, the current system we have is imply unacceptable and needs to be added in this game.

Last edited by manliest_Man; 01-24-2018 at 07:45 PM. Reason: Warning others that something is NSFW doesn't mean it still isn't subject to the TOS.
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Old 01-24-2018, 08:20 PM   #7
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Re: This whole "Finish" issue

the best solution is they would allowed just two shots after KOed and add refs interaction animation in that time like REAL LIFE but it will be coming EA UFC4. Walk off after KO should be optional for users.

Last edited by tissues250; 01-24-2018 at 08:23 PM.
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Old 01-24-2018, 08:32 PM   #8
Serengeti1's Arena
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Re: This whole "Finish" issue

Yup. Definitely in agreement. I don't know why anybody wouldn't be if you want realism. Straight KO's are okay sometimes but should happen like maybe 20% of the time. Generally, you should get a shot or two in before the ref dives in to push you out the way. Sometimes more if the opponent is attempting to defend themselves or isn't completely unconscious. Adding ref interaction would be the way to solve this. You'd want the ref pulling the fighter off when landing a punch or two on a completely unconscious opponent.

Also, if a guy is hurt and defending himself but not trying to improve position... the ref should pull the other fighter off.
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