
No Archetype Idea for 2K19

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Old 01-15-2018, 11:13 AM   #1
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No Archetype Idea for 2K19

Lately I’ve been thinking about ways 2K could spice up Mycareer and make players even more unique, and this is an idea I had:

Instead of having Archetypes, you start off with a 55 or 60 OVR, and get to put the attributes wherever you want them until you reach 85 overall. You could make a very well rounded player or a player that excels at two or three things but nothing else.

As for badges, I haven’t thought of a specific number, but maybe something along the lines of:
3 Gold
4 Silver
5 Bronze

You could still earn points on them and upgrade them the way we do this year, and even have the bar for attribute caps, you could just put them on whatever you wanted to. And maybe when you hit the higher reps you unlock slots for more badges. Let me know what you think about this idea as I believe it would make the Park and Pro-Am very fresh and non repetitive.
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Old 01-15-2018, 12:46 PM   #2
3ShowTime2's Arena
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Re: No Archetype Idea for 2K19

Thats what I want. Let me allocate attributes completely free and tie badges to attribute tiers. For HoF you need certain attributes 90+, for Gold 80+ and so on. Give everyone 20 badges to choose from.

The huge problem is its very hard to balance because minmax guys will break such a system...
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Old 01-15-2018, 02:00 PM   #3
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Re: No Archetype Idea for 2K19

We'd end up with 7'3" dribble gods with posterizer on HOF... it's a good idea in theory but the community would find a way to exploit it
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Old 01-15-2018, 02:34 PM   #4
hanzsomehanz's Arena
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Re: No Archetype Idea for 2K19

We would need attribute caps on each height and weight tied to position. This way a 6ft3 190 PG could get 99 ball control but not 99 rebound. A 6ft11 270 C could get 99 strength but not 99 ball control.

You see, we still need decently reasonable attribute caps based on height and weight by position that determine who can reach 99 or even 80 or 70 or 60. This should be determined by research on league averages of peformance not only by position but by height and weight.

You could decide to max out blocking as a PG but no PG should say have a block rating higher than a 60. A SG typically blocks better so give them higher than 60 then give SF 70 - 75 max. Now you can leave the highest available block rating to PF and C who hold the highest average for blocks per game season to season historically.

Research is important here but this is what should make whoever's job this is a fun one to carry out. It should be fun and Noble to do the research on where numbers belong. It's importantly needed for this mode.

Where it's difficult is how do you leave it open to make a rare build in reality like Giannis and suddenly make it popular by demand in 2k? How do you allow a 6ft11 SF with his athleticism and ball control? If you allow everyone as a 6ft11 SF to have this wicked range of athleticism and ball control and still shoot 3s.. you've now constructed a build greater than Giannis himself... then you give him Shooting badges... ayyee..

There would need to be some fat trimming needed. We would perhaps even need the My Player creation builder tool to be flexible like a snake and continue to min/max numbers based on what we are choosing to Excell at by our position, height, and weight.

As rare as KD is, if his real height was published, he'd be about 6ft11 or even 7ft. At that point, he goes from One of a Kind to meta in 2K because by popular demand he will become a choice build just based off how all around he is at that height.

Porzingis, he'd be another rare bird but popular in 2K. Him and KD alone make it wise to be restrictive to a point on both attributes and badges based on what the average player at that height at that position can accomplish overall as a proven track record. Ya, bigs are definitely becoming more agile and more threatening stretching their range. This should be obvious from research among other findings.

It needs to be someone's role to pool all this data together and another to workout the system that can balance these odds.

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how could I lose? im playing by my own rules..

Last edited by hanzsomehanz; 01-15-2018 at 02:43 PM.
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Old 01-15-2018, 03:18 PM   #5
ph33's Arena
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Re: No Archetype Idea for 2K19

Originally Posted by Foldzy
We'd end up with 7'3" dribble gods with posterizer on HOF... it's a good idea in theory but the community would find a way to exploit it
I get what you're saying, that's a big concern for me too, but this guy's idea was to have 1 HOF and 3 gold. So if you want a 7'3 player that has HOF posterizer and gold ankle breaker and other badges that don't fit a 7'3 player, then have at it, because they'll probably suck at what they should be good at.

I saw this idea in another thread. Maybe this one! But perhaps in this system, the kind of badge you get to pick is limited to how high your attribute is, and depending on your player type/position, getting something to a high level that typically doesn't belong to that player should be costly.

For example:
Make a 7'3 340 center. You can choose to level up ball handling, but it will cost way more for you to max out than other types. Or a 6'2 guard having a high block rating. So if you decide you want to specialize in these things, then your traditional attributes (Like rebounding on a center or shooting on a guard) will take a pretty big hit.

Hanzsomehanz beat me to the punch!
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Old 01-15-2018, 04:53 PM   #6
TheDuggler's Arena
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Re: No Archetype Idea for 2K19

Online MC play should have standardized player builds that you choose from, kinda like picking a character in Overwatch or (insert your favourite MOBA here).

Offline, sure, if somebody's idea of fun is to have a 7'11 PG who can do Kyrie moves, dunk from the free throw line and make Curry look like he has no range, go for it. Some players want to go 50/20/20 every game, some are happy with a 15/4/4 stat line in their rookie year - I approve of either when it comes to offline.

However, players in the competitive modes need to be on equal footing regardless of how much time/money they have to burn leveling up their character. If I have a deep understanding of the game of basketball that should translate into success in a game that prides itself on its simulation of the real sport.

Let basketball (or even just video gaming) skill be the deciding factor, not grinded badges or attributes.

Players would still be able to customize their players to their hearts content, and this way players would have way more VC to spend on cosmetics and other personalization options. This would also give 2K a lot more control over what happens online, and put them in a much better position to balance the online play.
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Old 01-15-2018, 06:18 PM   #7
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Re: No Archetype Idea for 2K19

I do agree that there should be caps to some extent, and that the higher the attribute, the higher tier badge you are able to obtain. And also the attributes that don't necessarily "go with" your position should count more than the attributes that belong with your build. Say you get 50 Attribute bars to upgrade, once a center's ball handling gets past a certain point, the upgrades start counting for 2 or 3 bars, so by the time they max out ball handling, there will be hardly any upgrades left. The center will be good at ball handling, but nothing else. I believe it would make the game more diverse and you wouldn't see a ton of the same builds.
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Old 01-15-2018, 10:02 PM   #8
ph33's Arena
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Re: No Archetype Idea for 2K19

Originally Posted by TheDuggler
Online MC play should have standardized player builds that you choose from, kinda like picking a character in Overwatch or (insert your favourite MOBA here).

Offline, sure, if somebody's idea of fun is to have a 7'11 PG who can do Kyrie moves, dunk from the free throw line and make Curry look like he has no range, go for it. Some players want to go 50/20/20 every game, some are happy with a 15/4/4 stat line in their rookie year - I approve of either when it comes to offline.

However, players in the competitive modes need to be on equal footing regardless of how much time/money they have to burn leveling up their character. If I have a deep understanding of the game of basketball that should translate into success in a game that prides itself on its simulation of the real sport.

Let basketball (or even just video gaming) skill be the deciding factor, not grinded badges or attributes.

Players would still be able to customize their players to their hearts content, and this way players would have way more VC to spend on cosmetics and other personalization options. This would also give 2K a lot more control over what happens online, and put them in a much better position to balance the online play.
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