
Optimum settings for QB to move?

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Old 10-10-2017, 07:57 AM   #1
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Optimum settings for QB to move?

Since we now know EA is not addressing CPU QB movement/scrambling, what are the best settings for Traits and even some rating tweaks to at least TRY to get the CPU QB to not just stand there? I've seen various people suggest different things, but do we have agreement on what the best course of action is...short of shelving the game?

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Old 10-10-2017, 05:31 PM   #2
sccavs64's Arena
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Re: Optimum settings for QB to move?

He took them down for testing with the new patch, but I'd keep checking JoshC1977's sliders, he was one of the first to have a band-aid for this. Link is below:


For my CFM, I change the "Sense Pressure" trait to "Paranoid" for each QB I play against, as that's what he had listed pre-patch.

It's still not great and it doesn't fix the issue completely, but there's a noticeable improvement when you change this trait for AI-controlled QB's.
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Old 10-10-2017, 06:53 PM   #3
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Re: Optimum settings for QB to move?

Changing "Forces Passes" to balanced is equally important, IMO. With that setting on "Ideal" it is decent, but ironically not as good as balanced because they will hold on to the ball too many more sacks, relative to the number of picks they will throw. "Conservative" is disastrous because they will simply hold the ball forever. Adjusting the traits for every CPU QB opponent has allowed the game to play really well for me.
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Old 10-10-2017, 07:33 PM   #4
SwaggerCoach's Arena
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Re: Optimum settings for QB to move?

Increase acceleration and ball carrier vision to 80+ for all QB's.

Big difference too.
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Old 10-10-2017, 07:40 PM   #5
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Re: Optimum settings for QB to move?

As a test I put elusiveness at 95 for one of my QB's and then when into practice mode to see what would happen. The QB did a spin move while staying in the pocket to avoid a sack. It was like nothing I'd ever seen in Madden.

I know that people want the dev team to fix these issues, as well they should, but short of that, there are things that can be done to make the game play well.
Jordan Mychal Lemos

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Old 10-10-2017, 08:26 PM   #6
Lord of Suffering
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Re: Optimum settings for QB to move?

I actually have it set to trigger happy and not paranoid. This is from muthead.com

Trigger Happy*QB's will try and get the ball out as quickly as possible when under pressure, even when the receiver is not open or the conditions are not ideal. These QB's don't want to be hit, so their goal is to get rid of the ball. Stats that are improved are how quickly they get the ball out, but decreases stats such as their accuracy.

Paranoid*QB's are always under the impression that they are about to be hit, and are more likely to make inaccurate or poor passes. When a QB isn't under pressure, they are able to make better passes, however paranoid QB's are essentially "always under pressure". One benefit of this is they are usually bracing the ball at all times and are ready for the sack.

I think trigger happy works better imo
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Last edited by Darth Aegis; 10-10-2017 at 08:29 PM.
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Old 10-10-2017, 09:07 PM   #7
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Re: Optimum settings for QB to move?

I have had some success editing Qb bc vision to 99 Also up accelation some

Get 2 or 3 scrambles a game
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Old 10-10-2017, 10:40 PM   #8
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Re: Optimum settings for QB to move?

Originally Posted by jfsolo
As a test I put elusiveness at 95 for one of my QB's and then when into practice mode to see what would happen. The QB did a spin move while staying in the pocket to avoid a sack. It was like nothing I'd ever seen in Madden.

I know that people want the dev team to fix these issues, as well they should, but short of that, there are things that can be done to make the game play well.
This is some of the positives of this forum, people helping others with game play advice. Even though I want CPU QB AI fixed, using these methods takes a few minutes, but that is a few two minutes too long for some people.

This is part of the band aids that some people were discussing in that patch thread. I haven't had any issues prior to patch regarding CPU Qb's taking off. They could do it a bit more, but even a Russell Wilson doesn't have 10 carries per game past the line of scrimmage.
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