Really like what MXGP 3 did for the series, and was hoping Milestone might see this and look to incorporate some ideas.
Feel free to discuss, add to, disagree, whatever. Just hope this game just keeps getting better.
First of all kudos to Milestone for really listening to its customers and making MXGP 3 the best MX game yet.
I feel the core of the racing game is there now, and like how the AI will now battle with the player.i have always maintained that the core of any racing game is good AI, and think MXGP 3 is very good now. There is not a lot I would change in the actual racing.
Things that need work
Starts - something has to be done about starts. I can time them perfectly, and still not get the hole shot. Starts actually took a step backwards, and there needs to be some help here. Also the practice of backing up the players rider so he can jump the gate also needs to be corrected.
Better crash physics – I can’t tell you how many times I have landed on another rider only to have my rider bounce a little on him, and then bounce off, with neither rider going down. If I land on someone, he should be going down, if not just out right DNFing.
Online Physics – I understand that riders can use whatever physics they want online, but there should be a penalty of sorts for using Base versus harder physics. I play on pro physics which are less forgiving and more challenging (easier to crash), yet see guys going just as fast with Base physics. Just my opinion but if you are going to have the more challenging physics than you should be rewarded with a higher top speed, or acceleration than someone playing on Base.
Better Lobbies – Having both PS4, and XBOXone versions of the game, I can tell you the PS4 lobbies are way better than XBOX. Please at the very least give XBOX the same lobby system as PS4.
MORE Track deformation. - this is an area that was definitely improved over 1 and 2, but they can still be even rougher. Make the tracks even more bumpy and rutted.
With that said here are a few areas I would love be to see Milestone incorporate. (No particular order)
1 - Spread out the racing. The riders are all still too close together. Not every rider should finish on the lead lap in a 15 lap race.
2 - DNFs/injuries. Over the course of a season there should be mechanical failures randomly to riders, and injuries forcing riders o miss a certain number of weeks. These should be random, and not a high percentage, but a failure for one of the riders every 3-5 races or so. Injuries should be able to be turned an and off and should reflect major get offs, not just telling me a rider broke his leg when he did not even crash. Let’s say my rider is 45 points down to Herlings going into the final race, I know no matter where I place, Herlings is gonna get some sort of points, because there is currently no chance of him getting injured or DNF. Makes it anticlimatic.
3 - Bike Damage - if I ride off the track and into a sign at full speed, my bike should receive some sort of damage. Maybe pull to one side, not reach top speed, something like that.make the player try to race a mistake free race.
4 - Weather - I love the random weather but feel like maybe it rains too much. Glen Helen is always raining in the game, and yet it never rains in So. California. Maybe make the chances less likely in areas you are less likely to get rain.
5 - Girls - there are girl gamers who I am sure would love to be able to create a female rider as their customized rider. Maybe that sounds silly, but there are many young women who I’m sure are also gamers, and would want to be able to create a female alter ego. EA sports did it with NHL, and I know it was well received by the female community.
6 - Remounts – the current system of warping back to your bike on the track after a crash with barely a time penalty isn’t great. When a rider crashes it should take them a few seconds to get back to the bike, and get going again. I had a race the other day where I was in seventh in the THIRD turn, I crashed and was able to remount in 9th. That early in the race should have seen me dead last.
7 - Updateable rosters – I would love to see updateable rosters to reflect the MXGP season. This way if a rider is having a great year, or an off year it would be reflected in the Game. Like Gaiser, you could have him running up front, or someone who is sliding, could drop in the game rankings.
8 - Better Press coverage – Let your rider answer questions about each race, and other riders, and have that affect Team Morale, and reputation, etc. Look to games like NBA 2K, or EA's Be a Pro mode.
9 - Be a Pro Mode - Would love to see a better career mode with progressions, and media involvement, team dynamics, etc. I realize this is a very tall order for what is probably just a niche game, but hey it's a wishlist.
10 - Vintage riders and bikes - Lackey, Malherbe, Thorpe, Wolsink, Decoster, etc. Big old 2-Strokes.. Now I'm really reaching....
Ps - One more item, since you have at one time or another rendered different versions of tracks, you should make all the old versions available as Downloads, like Glen Helen ‘15, from MXGP 2, Or Ernee from 2 as well.
Last edited by chrisg19; 10-07-2017 at 12:53 AM.