
The Game: Always new programming faults... Why?

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Old 08-28-2017, 04:30 AM   #1
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Icon8 The Game: Always new programming faults... Why?


Again and again I am surprised, that EA progammers do so many NEW mistakes, and if they after many years correct them, this does not mean, that those mistakes are corrected for ever.
Each year they make things faulty, that worked for years very well.

- Celebrating for many years was good, now you should push a celebration button in between 0.01 sec. or somethin like that. Why this?
- After starting the NHL17, when you choose the language, I meanwhile have to push the button twice. Don't know why? This worked for 20 years. Now its bronken.
- Boston always had stadium music after a game has finished, this year not. Where is the after game stadium music gone?
- This year if we want to play a season game, we are additionally asked "Do you really want to play this game?" One click more. What do they expect? That I say "No"? Or what? This is so needless.
- Players speaking on the bench: 4 years ago you could read from their lips what they are saying, now if they are "talking" on the bench it looks like: WahWahWahWahWah.... so dissappoining! Why this?

And so many other things, that for many years worked perfectly, suddenly in the next Game Version do not work any more or do work very faulty. Why this?

Is that incapability or intent?

Last edited by Alter_Schwede; 08-28-2017 at 04:33 AM.
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Old 08-30-2017, 03:34 AM   #2
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Re: The Game: Always new programming faults... Why?

I am very surprised, that nobody seems to be interessted, that EA corrects all their old and yearly new added faults.

Since they changed the grafic engine you can see, throught the mouths of the spectators, the guys that are standing behind them. Hello?! They forgot to add a black backgroung to the heads. Unbelievable, until today (meanwhile 3 or 4 years) nobody corrected that rubbish! What tha hell are the DEVs of EA doing the whole year through? This?:
Too nothing outside the ice field has shaddows... None of the paraphernalia, that hangs on players has shaddows. But they have a new light engine! Of course!

All those things are very obviously mistakes, but EA does not care about, and as I see you too. But each year, again and again, we pay 70 Euro for this game.
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Old 09-07-2017, 02:04 AM   #3
ksteward84's Arena
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Re: The Game: Always new programming faults... Why?


I see that you have been a member of the Operation Sports community since 2010. This isn't really a community where we complain about how awful we think the developers are.

Also, perhaps it is just me, but if you're catching things like how player accessories aren't getting shadows, you are paying more attention than I am. (The see through mouths are obviously a problem and terrifying)

As a sim player (I feel that most of the members here probably are) I like to think that the developers are more focused on getting a realistic product out, and minimizing glitches in game play opposed to perfecting minute details.

Also, yes. I would rather be asked if I want to play a game opposed to going all the way in accidentally and having to go to a point where I can finally back out.
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Last edited by ksteward84; 09-07-2017 at 02:08 AM.
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Old 09-07-2017, 03:49 AM   #4
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Re: The Game: Always new programming faults... Why?

As you see, I am here for a long time, and NHL I am playing since more than 20 years.

I saw f.e. how for many years you cold shoot the drink bottle from the goal. Suddenly after many years EA took out the drink bottle. After years they brought it back, ... as a new feature! Uhu?!
Last thing they eliminated and I liked to play very much is the Winter game. Playing Icehockey during falling snow. But, btw the falling snow was simulated awfully! However, there was falling snow.
I think this will return one day, too as a new feature! Wow!
If things are good, and they are working well, why should I eliminate it from the game? When its good and in the game, its in the game. So leave it there!

Why shouldn't they finally after so many years build a real cutscene engine, so that not as now, every cutscene after you have seen it twice is boaring. Always the same, and again, and again, and again. Absolutely no variety! What they do at the moment is simple and stupid computer programming, nothing else.

That they always try to improve the game engine is a good thing, but other totally obvious mistakes (like looking through the mouths of the spectators) are in the game, year, for year, for year, for...
If I as the boss of EA would have seen this, I would have told the DEVs to eliminate this inbetween the next hour!
For me those things are absolute unbelievable, some faults, even after more than ten years have not been corrected. They are still in the game. Oh man!

I, if I would be the boss of EA, would have exchanged the members of the DEV team, until I would have seen, that the people are working with enthusiasm and passion on the whole game.
EA after more than twenty years...
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Old 09-07-2017, 02:50 PM   #5
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Re: The Game: Always new programming faults... Why?

A lot of this is very nitpicky. To each their own I suppose but not having shadows outside the rink means nothing to me. I don't even look at the fans.

The winter game, I get. I played it a couple of times but wasn't a huge fan but I do see why it would be.

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Old 09-08-2017, 03:29 AM   #6
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Re: The Game: Always new programming faults... Why?

Oh man, so many of you are so modest...

This game in many aeras is not finished, resp. even after more than 20 years at the start. Nobody worked out those aeras, and so the aeras are at the stage, where they started long time ago.
After two or three years went by, I would not say anything, but after 23 years still not really worked out or even at the start stage?! Oh man...

If I would work like this in my profession, you, when you build a house, would absolutely not be amused.

However, this have been my 2 Cents.
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Old 09-11-2017, 10:20 AM   #7
jonapaloma's Arena
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Re: The Game: Always new programming faults... Why?

I get what your saying even though those things you've mention are very minor. There are other things however that they removed which are more important. But I stopped long ago believing that NHL would get those changes that it needed for so long.

I think you either accept it as it is and continue to play the game or stop. EA could have changed all this a long time ago but there isnt in their interest to do so. Like you said, people buy it anyways so why would they.

it's us consumers that could change EAs ways but this is what people want thus EA continues to give us consumers what we want. Not all consumers of course but the majority.
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Old 09-11-2017, 04:40 PM   #8
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Re: The Game: Always new programming faults... Why?

Originally Posted by Alter_Schwede
As you see, I am here for a long time, and NHL I am playing since more than 20 years.

I saw f.e. how for many years you cold shoot the drink bottle from the goal. Suddenly after many years EA took out the drink bottle. After years they brought it back, ... as a new feature! Uhu?!
Last thing they eliminated and I liked to play very much is the Winter game. Playing Icehockey during falling snow. But, btw the falling snow was simulated awfully! However, there was falling snow.
I think this will return one day, too as a new feature! Wow!
If things are good, and they are working well, why should I eliminate it from the game? When its good and in the game, its in the game. So leave it there!

Why shouldn't they finally after so many years build a real cutscene engine, so that not as now, every cutscene after you have seen it twice is boaring. Always the same, and again, and again, and again. Absolutely no variety! What they do at the moment is simple and stupid computer programming, nothing else.

That they always try to improve the game engine is a good thing, but other totally obvious mistakes (like looking through the mouths of the spectators) are in the game, year, for year, for year, for...
If I as the boss of EA would have seen this, I would have told the DEVs to eliminate this inbetween the next hour!
For me those things are absolute unbelievable, some faults, even after more than ten years have not been corrected. They are still in the game. Oh man!

I, if I would be the boss of EA, would have exchanged the members of the DEV team, until I would have seen, that the people are working with enthusiasm and passion on the whole game.
EA after more than twenty years...
ea doesnt care. this game sells way too many copies in canada for them to worry about that stuff.

i stopped buying this game when i realized developers didnt care about signature animations for goaltenders..or at least giving us 3 different unique styles at that position. its not a direction they care for and i odnt blame them.
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