
TDawg's Madden 18 XP Sliders

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Old 08-16-2017, 08:24 PM   #1
I hate you Norv
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TDawg's Madden 18 XP Sliders

Updated 2/16/18 - 6:35a (pst)
(Added a 30% XP Slider Scale)

Very early XP Slider set is up. It's basically what I working with for right now. Much more testing needed still. These are way different from last year. They are very sensitive.

2nd sim done. Getting closer but still a big WIP.

3rd sim done. Getting close. I like what I'm seeing.

4th sim done. I forgot to mention that even though I am basing my set off of the original roster if I seem something that is off I will deviate. For example this year I saw a lot of positions that were just too stacked in my opinion. So I am really looking to only have a few elite guys per position with more in the 80-89 range. Just so you guy know my approach. Still getting good results and I'm trying to really fine tune these guys. Things are getting close to finalized on a number of positions.

5th sim done. Just fine tuning now. You can totally start your CFM with these and be fine but I want them to be dialed in as much as possible.

6th sim done. Thanks to BleedGreen710 for this one. Really liking where we are at. Now it's just time to pump out the data to make sure things stay consistent. Once I think I've hit the sweet spot with a percentage I want to get at least 10 sims done to get a nice average. Maybe more if possible. Anybody that is willing to help please send me your data so I can plug it in.

8/23 Update Info: Got another sim in and I have finalized a handful of positions now. Things are looking really nice. It's just a matter of getting the sample size in now. QB and HB are still mild trouble spots which may take a bit more time. I think I've finally found the sweet spot for T and G. OLB and both S spots are close.

8/24 Update Info: Not to much to post. Like I said it's just a matter of getting the sample size right now. I've lowered QB and HB just a bit to see if I can lower some of the total 80+ guys without hampering 90+ guys. Also lowered TE because after a few sims it just seemed overpowered still. The rest are still the same.

8/24 Update #2 Info: Changed WR down to 80% because EA released a tuning update and while it fixed the WR ovr it jacked up progression. Only ran 1 sim at 80% so far but it seems okay at the moment. I tried QB at 86% and HB at 106% but didn't like either and we are now back to where they were before.

8/25 Update Info: Still working on QB and WR the most. Just can't seem to lock down a percentage. These are what I rolling with at the moment. Bumped T up to 80% to test.

8/25 Update #2 Info: Finalized a few more positions. QB and WR are still proving very difficult. Quite a few more sims to get those locked down. Still testing T at 80% and looks decent so far. Finished C and FS but just running a couple more sims at a slightly higher percentage to make sure it's where it should be. TE should be locked down next sim.

8/29 Update Info: So pretty big update here. Not so much on Sliders changing a lot but some have. I have been able to knock out many more sims in shorter time via Daddy Leagues. So to get consistent data I started over so I only collected data from Daddy Leagues and not just my counting. What this did was allow me to base my numbers on the Actual Madden Ovr and not a Scheme Ovr. That was always the one variable that I couldn't get around. Also using Daddy Leagues has sped up the process of collecting data 10 fold. So all in all I'm loving this new way. As far as XP Sliders go I'm still not done but I have finalized 8 positions. These are done and unless EA has a tuning update that affects progression I don't see a reason to come back to these at all. I'm closing in on a few more. Still QB and WR are the issues. I think with QB we are just going to have to accept a high amount of players in the 80-84 range. As of now at 70% I'm averaging 41.6 players at 80+ but only 3.1 at 90+ and 0 at 95+. WR is the same problem with not much 90+ players but a boat load of 80+ players. Really frustrating to be honest. I just counted and I've run 28 sims so far lol. I'll keep plugging away.

8/31 Update Info: Finalized two more positions (TE and OLB). These are coming along nicely and I feel like I'm almost done. Here is what's left and my thoughts:

QB: 70% just didn't give any true top end guys. After one sim at 74% it looks promising. Just a hard position because it's a fine line between mediocre and to good. Regardless there will be to many 80+ QB's no matter what but just trying to find the best mesh.

HB: 106% isn't bad at all. I could live with this especially how the base roster was designed. Going to try a few sims at 102% to see if I can drop the overall just a bit while maintaining the top talent.

WR: Or as I call it the stupid position. 60% was okay but still too many 80+ guys and almost no 90+ guys. Hoping the small jump to 66% can keep the 80+ around the same while getting a few more top guys. I don't think we can go any higher here because it just produces to many 80+ players.

T/G/C: Just trying to really fine tune these positions. As you can see the WIP sets are all just 2% different from the current set. Just trying to up top end guys a tad.

DT: 210% gave good results but I was a little concerned with the top end being to much. Trying to spread it out more without losing the amount of 80+ guys. Still have no idea why DT's progress so slowly and such a high number is needed.

So that's where I'm at. Mainly minor tweaking. Again you can totally plug in the Current XP Sliders and be totally fine to start your CFM.

9/6 Update Info: Not a lot here. XP Sliders are Finalized and I feel really good about them. Did another 10 sims of 10 years and it came out nice. As long as EA doesn't mess anything up we should be good for the year. Added Aestis's 32 man league XP Slider setup so all options are available to you guys no matter how you are running your CFM this year. Enjoy.

2/16 Update Info: Added 30% XP Slider Set for those interested in a lower player rated CFM experience. More info at this link: https://forums.operationsports.com/f...post2049233664

Madden 18 XP Sliders.png

Link for those who can't see image: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Apn5bHLo9ND_m3YrkfMztfydsW-H

EDIT - As promised I posted the excel sheet I made to make counting players easy. Basically just plug in the rating in column A and they will automatically get counted for you and broken up into the correct tier. Pretty straight forward. But it's a lot easier to just quickly plug in numbers then to look at the number, figure out which tier it goes to, then change that number lol.
Attached Files
File Type: rar XP Slider Counting Data.rar (8.5 KB, 1487 views)

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Old 08-16-2017, 08:25 PM   #2
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Re: TDawg's Madden 18 XP Sliders

outdated info

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Old 08-16-2017, 08:25 PM   #3
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Re: TDawg's Madden 18 XP Sliders

Outdated info

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Old 08-16-2017, 08:26 PM   #4
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Re: TDawg's Madden 18 XP Sliders

10 Sims of 10 Years - Avg/Min/Max

Updated 9/6 - 8:23a (pst)

Okay guys. I know I've been kind of quite after posting the Final Set and didn't really give any info then here ya go. So after finalizing it I needed to just make sure everything is set. So I've been running another round of 10 sims of 10 years. For any not familiar with what that means basically I do 10 sims, each for a 10 year period, then record the data to get a good idea on averages and if things are falling in the right place. If I don't get 10 sims in I just don't feel like it's enough data. So I am now done and the results look great. Few things I did different in recording my data this time:

-I broke the tiers down even more. Top tier is 95-99 and bottom tier is 55-59. This gives us a complete picture of the roster and not just the upper end. I feel as if this data is vital to really grasp how strong, weak, or just right the positions are.

-I also broke it down by their Ovr singly. IE 99, 98, 97, etc all the way down to 55. This is great too because maybe you have a position who has a crap load of 80-84 guys but 90% of them are 80 Ovr. Having the individual rating just breaks it down even more.

-I've also highlighted the percentages with a color gradient on the side so you can see where the most players fall. It's a cool little quick glance at all the info.

If you guys haven't been able to tell yet when I start a project I get a little OCD on it. I mean I've done 60+ sims lol. That's a little stupid. But I want it to be right for myself but also for you guys as well. I don't want to put out false data and that is why I do so much testing because when I tell you something I want you to know it's not just because I think that but it's because all the tests and data I've gotten has led me to that conclusion. I really feel these XP Sliders are top notch and will give you a long and fun CFM experience as far as progression goes.

So with all that here is an example of my data sheet below for all you data heads:

10 sims of 10 years.png

And here is a link to the whole file on my OneDrive: https://1drv.ms/x/s!Apn5bHLo9ND_m3IkIsyehjP9kmCy

Thanks guys.

Last edited by tdawg3782; 09-06-2017 at 11:24 AM.
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Old 08-16-2017, 08:27 PM   #5
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Re: TDawg's Madden 18 XP Sliders

XP Slider Data Collection via Daddy Leagues

Here's the video I made explaining how to do it. You need my workbook to make it super fast and easy. Hope it helps.

EDIT: Daddyleagues sucks lol. They now only will allow you to reset your league 3 times. So now I only use the MaddenExporter website by jbirdwell34 who is a member here at OS. It gets me CSV files that have all the data in it. It's better then Daddyleagues anyway for my purposes. Here is the website for anyone interested: https://maddenexporter.herokuapp.com/

Last edited by tdawg3782; 09-06-2017 at 11:27 AM.
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Old 08-16-2017, 10:21 PM   #6
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Re: TDawg's Madden 18 XP Sliders

Just got done putting in base roster for the 4 tiers. Simming first 10 year sim now.

Right off the bat though some of the numbers are way different then the base roster last year for some positions.

HB - This one is crazy. We had 31 total at 80+ last year and this year it's sitting at 53 players at 80+. That's a huge increase. Most tiers are the same except last year we had 5 players in the 85-89 tier and this year we have 22. That seems crazy to me on a base roster.

WR - While HB had a huge increase here we have a big drop. Only 37 players at 80+ compared to 51 last year. Not to bad though in reality.

DT/DE - Both are about 10-15 players heavier each this year on 80+ guys.

MLB - About 10 heavier this year.

CB - While WR dropped CB increased about 20 players at 80+.

Just some quick observations so far.
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Old 08-16-2017, 11:34 PM   #7
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Re: TDawg's Madden 18 XP Sliders

Just a quick update. The sliders are very sensitive this year. So my sliders from last year are way to extreme. They will not work at all. I have a good idea on where to go with this though after one sim. I already have the second sim done but just have to plug in the data (always the longest part). Data Set #1 is in post #2 and a very early test XP Slider set in in the OP. I think this year being close to default with small tweaks is going to be the way to go. I'll keep you guys updated.
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Old 08-17-2017, 08:23 AM   #8
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Re: TDawg's Madden 18 XP Sliders

have you played yet, or just doing XP sim?

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