
This mode needs more content

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Old 06-26-2017, 05:09 PM   #1
isdatyt's Arena
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This mode needs more content

I know Madden is not the best analogy to use because sheer numbers suggest Madden should have more content. The number of players per year, the NFL has existed way longer, they just have more to work with.

However. MyTeam has felt dead for so long and it's not just the poor spacing and treatment of players, though I will address that first. We need more players. I think there was a step in the right direction this year, but I still see so many players missing. Obviously this is a licensing issue, so I figured I'd address it first and keep it brief.

This mode has felt dead since May, to me. Yes there were a couple cards that piqued my interest but overall I haven't cared about this mode in some time and it's the repetition. This is the exact same game it has been severely lacking.

Blacktop has been the same even though most of the rewards had become stale and outdated throughout the game's life cycle. Isiah is still somewhat, but that's it. The mode died. No rewards were updated and I've already made a thread on how terrible the reward system was executed. I think Blacktop needs monthly updates. Maybe a different Pink Diamond every month. That could actually quell the locker code debate. You have to earn these players. Or one pink diamond token for completing the mode in which you select a PD player. Who knows, but I do know that the mode is severely repetitive.

MTO, needs upgraded. The seed restrictions need to come back. It puts the brakes on content demand because nobody is itching for a new Diamond if they can't use diamonds yet. I think you should be maxed out by which seed you're in. You shouldn't be able to use diamonds until you get to the Diamond seed. It also eliminates any equalizer debates. All the teams are somewhat equal in each seed. I like the current reward system here. The shoes are a nice touch.

The Black Market. This idea is garbage. There needs to be some sort of goal to be met that requires you to be somewhat good at the game. I think it needs to only be accessible through certain challenges. Maybe a list of Black Market players that you get an Onyx (Not Free Agent) token to pick from like Domination rewards or the diamond contract or shoe. Making it so you literally do nothing to access it, then not giving anything really other than the Diamond Contract is pretty dumb to me. Nothing in this mode is really based on ability in game and this is the low point.

Challenges, this took the biggest hit. Firstly those weekly challenges were garbage and the rewards were even worse. Literally every player was undersized for their position. The challenges were also largely garbage. You're up 10, keep this lead for 3 minutes. The game took longer to load that some of these challenges, and then of course so, like the Joe Johnson GW didn't even work. 2K16 challenges were amazing. Of course they screwed us when they dropped a better Kareem at the end but the model was a lot better.

This mode is probably the biggest money maker for 2K so I don't understand why it seems so bare-bones when compared to other games' Ultimate Team modes. I downloaded 2K16 as a part of Xbox Game Pass and it still had challenges I hadn't completed yet because there were so many, and I had way more free time last year than I do now. This mode just feels lesser than and I don't appreciate it, because it's always my main mode after MyCareer gets inevitably stale.
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Old 06-26-2017, 06:59 PM   #2
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Re: This mode needs more content

As a PC player, the biggest issue for me, that is within 2K's ability/obligation to address, is offline content.

I just cannot imagine that it takes much time, or that it's difficult, to create the offline Challenges. If they take a lot of resources to create, then that's still 2K's fault, because that would mean they have a dumb process for this.

The weekly Challenges we got should only take a couple/few hours per week for some low-level developer to create.

There's really no reason why 2K should not have a ton of offline playability like MUT. There's a lot that should be really easy to make this much richer, offline.

Well, aside from apathy/laziness, there is one possible reason for the lack of offline content: 2K wants to push us to play online as much as possible. Aside from not needing to put in work to "create" online matches, this makes sense for 2K because online play is what most motivates players to get better and better cards.

"Keeping up with the Joneses" is the biggest reason why someone with 95 OVR LeBron will feel like they "need" 98 OVR LeBron. This impulse sells packs, of course.

So, basically, the reason for the lack of offline Challenges, is that 2K is either apathetic, lazy, or greedy. Or some combination of the three.

Some easy improvements to Challenges:
  • Give us many more Challenges, with new ones added more frequently, and in greater quantity.
  • Go back to having a wide array of Challenges that are always available, during the entire cycle, not just for some limited time.
  • Give us more difficult Challenges. I don't think we had a single HoF Challenge this year, and if we did, just one or two. And, even then, they expired. I get that they don't want to piss off super casuals by making it "impossible" to get a token for the week, but even if they want to make completion of a set accessible, then give some bonus Challenges that are high-level.
  • Or give us the ability to specify the difficulty level at which a Challenge is set. Why not just let us choose to play all Challenges at SS or HoF, and also maybe let us grind a *little* more MT?
  • Give us more Challenges with high-level cards.
  • Give us Challenges with longer quarters, or ability to adjust quarter length (and goals can be pro-rated higher).
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Old 06-27-2017, 04:38 AM   #3
jschmib's Arena
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Re: This mode needs more content

I don't think the equalizer is a "debate" at this point. Never has a 2k game been this bad. At the very least anyone who has a reasonable amount of playtime in 2k17 knows there is some very screwy stuff going on with mismatched difficulty levels. Sapphire Cousins should not be able to contact layup DI Hakeem, but in some games, he all of a sudden is able to.
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Old 06-27-2017, 05:46 AM   #4
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Re: This mode needs more content

I am mainly an offline-player. Blacktop was nice, but those technical fouls *smh*

But the lack of singleplayer content is insulting. Sometimes it reminds me of a F2P game. At the beginning you had your warmup-challenges, challenges and weekly challenges. You could get Robert Pack and continue with domination where you could get better cards. That's the point where it became "addictive" and fun to get better cards.

But after completing historic domination the game was done. Weekly challenges with 2 hours gametime for a whole week. Every few weeks some moment challenges that were gone after a few days. You can't even access them anymore. The warmup-challenges and challenges never got replaced or got additional entries. It's not even worth replaying those games because contracts cost more than you get for the game.
When I test my god-squad against the cpu(last historic dom team), is costs me 1300 MT per game, the maximal amount of MT you get is 1200 MT. It's like pay2play.

My hope was a prestige mode in (historic) domination where you could play against the teams again and get more (historic) cards and even complete the sets. But then nobody would buy historic packs anymore.

Without paying money or working the auction house it's nearly impossible to get a "really" good squad. I bought a basketball game, not a stock trading game.
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Old 06-27-2017, 06:45 AM   #5
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Re: This mode needs more content

Originally Posted by Hirtec
When I test my god-squad against the cpu(last historic dom team), is costs me 1300 MT per game, the maximal amount of MT you get is 1200 MT. It's like pay2play.
In case you didn't know, you can pay for contracts through the game menus. If you try to start a game without contracts, you can buy them through the resulting dialog. Diamonds cost 400MT per 5-pack, so a game with 13 Diamonds costs 1040MT. If you run 3 Bronze on the bench, then total cost will be 824MT. With the latter, you can generally break even, even if not playing terribly well.

Cheap contract cards on the AH have dried up on PC in the recent past week or two. But I can still fairly regularly stumble on a few Gold for 350MT or less, and Silver for 300MT.
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Old 06-27-2017, 12:59 PM   #6
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Re: This mode needs more content

The challenges were awful and the payout even worse when you consider you have to have 4 or 6 players from a specific team. You spend more than you earn getting the necessary players to play the challenge.

In Madden you can earn some good coin by playing multiple challenges that have a decent payout.
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Old 06-27-2017, 10:31 PM   #7
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Re: This mode needs more content

They need to get rid of contracts. They make it so I don't even earn Mt, and often times losing mt for each game played. It's bs

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Old 06-28-2017, 05:29 AM   #8
NoLeafClover's Arena
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Re: This mode needs more content

The biggest problem is that both 2K, and many people in the community, act like new cards are "content".

Cards are not content, actual stuff to do, play and unlock (through playing actual basketball, not the auction house) is content.

Hence another reason why I and many others haven't touched MyTeam for months.

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