01-29-2018, 01:07 PM
Re: Any Directions for Modding?
So far, mostly gamesave modding for this game using Flying Finn's editor.
But with more advances in PS2 emulation (through texmods) it could soon be possible to do much more. I'd suggest diving into PCSX2 features.
On the XBOX, the game is broken into a few game file 'chunks' that I haven't seen anyone disassemble into smaller parts. It might be possible to analyze, rip apart and re-assemble them with newer data, textures & images; but it seems like a huge effort.
I'm thinking the most success would be texmodding via PCSX2. You'd need a pretty good gaming PC to run the game well. The PS4 and XBOX one should also have enough power to run PCSX2 (so long as you can run unsigned code on them).