
Diamond Dynasty noob questions

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Old 03-17-2017, 12:30 PM   #1
stevostl's Arena
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Diamond Dynasty noob questions

1. How many minutes approximately does it take to play an online DD game vs another human?

2. Is there a good beginner guide or faq some where on how to play the market or improve your team?

from what I have read so far it seems you shouldn't waste money on buying packs... only open free packs and buy players from the market and do the missions to get stubs.... other than that.. that's all I know so far.. is this good advice and is there anymore you guys want to provide me.. go ahead

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Old 03-17-2017, 02:21 PM   #2
MetsFan16's Arena
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Re: Diamond Dynasty noob questions

Right you don't want to buy packs. The odds of getting a good player is very slim and you could put those 1,000 stubs into a good player on the market.

To play the market, its all about buying low and selling high. Also known as flipping card. Put a buy now order in for let's say 1,000 stubs, and then sell it for 2,500 stubs, you make 1,250 stubs.

A head2head 9 inning game may take about 30-45 minutes. Could take under that or over that. All depends on how many pitches you take, high scoring game?

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Old 03-17-2017, 03:36 PM   #3
stevostl's Arena
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Re: Diamond Dynasty noob questions

Originally Posted by MetsFan16
Right you don't want to buy packs. The odds of getting a good player is very slim and you could put those 1,000 stubs into a good player on the market.

To play the market, its all about buying low and selling high. Also known as flipping card. Put a buy now order in for let's say 1,000 stubs, and then sell it for 2,500 stubs, you make 1,250 stubs.

A head2head 9 inning game may take about 30-45 minutes. Could take under that or over that. All depends on how many pitches you take, high scoring game?

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good stuff.... Thanks !

sounds fun and addictive to play the market
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Old 03-17-2017, 09:42 PM   #4
Sterlingarcherkessel's Arena
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Re: Diamond Dynasty noob questions

A full nine inning game will take around 45 min I haven't had many go under
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Old 03-26-2017, 11:28 PM   #5
Shauwn's Arena
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Re: Diamond Dynasty noob questions

Judging your liverpool logo, I'd guess you play Fifa, correct? If so, let me share some good news and state DD basically works the same way, but is much more in depth and better than FUT. You have many ways to earn coins/stubs, player cards, etc.

If you can spare 20-100 dollars, you could buy coins/stubs and create a solid team right away.

For me, a game usually lasted about 35 minutes on average. Some were quicker than others, depending on quality of pitching.
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Old 03-28-2017, 12:29 PM   #6
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Re: Diamond Dynasty noob questions

Originally Posted by stevostl
1. How many minutes approximately does it take to play an online DD game vs another human?

2. Is there a good beginner guide or faq some where on how to play the market or improve your team?

from what I have read so far it seems you shouldn't waste money on buying packs... only open free packs and buy players from the market and do the missions to get stubs.... other than that.. that's all I know so far.. is this good advice and is there anymore you guys want to provide me.. go ahead


These are great questions, I started playing the Show 16 about midway through the season on DD (was previously strictly a Franchise and RTTS player). When I started out I had nothing, no knowledge of DD, no players above bronze. I ended up playing around 220 games last year and winning over 150. Considering I started so far behind, I'd venture to say I'm a strong player.

The advice everyone gave you here is good, but don't waste a ton of time playing the market, unless that's something you like to do. You're better off grinding through games and working towards some of the missions (IMO), simply because this will make you a better player then spending all your time on the markets.

I truly don't feel the 'ratings' matter a ton just get players that work well for you. Speed is massively underrated, last year I had Trea Turner hit lead off, he'd basically walk every time and then steal 2nd and 3rd. I was usually up 1 or 2 runs by the end of the first inning. So I'd suggest targeting speed over power. Most people come on wanting to have the big homerun guys, but they're useless if they don't put it out of the park. So I value speed and contact, over power.

Secondly build up your pitching. More then half the people that play this game are terrible hitters and if you have any type of decent pitching, you'll embarrass them. You get into trouble when you have a weak pitcher who starts missing his spots, anything 85+ is going to be able to get you what you need. And don't be afraid to throw balls, you'd be amazed how many players just go up to the plate swinging for the fences. Change ups and curveballs out of the zone will be unhittable for them, but a weak pitcher might hang one of those, that's why I target pitching first.

I bought the odd pack with stubs (usually one a week or so) because I just enjoy the thrill of opening them. Don't let people on here tell you that's dumb, its a game and that's half the fun of it. Sure its not the most economical decision, but it keeps it fun. Last year through random packs I pulled Bettances and Bogarts. They're not incredible, but it certainly was exciting when I opened them.

Finally, target players that work for you. Like I said, I usually build my team around speed and contact with strong pitching because that's the style that suits me best. I'd go up against teams that were entirely diamond players and usually win, because my team worked for my style. These type of players are massively undervalued and usually dirt cheap last year I had Lindor, Bogarts, Odor and Ramos for almost all of the season. They played wonderfully for me because they fit into my style.

That turned into quite the rant, haha. Let me know if you ever want any more advice.
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Old 03-28-2017, 05:04 PM   #7
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Re: Diamond Dynasty noob questions

Played the game for years but never plated DD. Giving it a go this year and spent a good few hours on my logo and uniforms earlier. Played one h2h and got murdered. Any tips of what to do for the first few hours to get a good base (my team is currently garbage).
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Old 03-28-2017, 05:42 PM   #8
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Re: Diamond Dynasty noob questions

Originally Posted by OneTonneBaby
Played the game for years but never plated DD. Giving it a go this year and spent a good few hours on my logo and uniforms earlier. Played one h2h and got murdered. Any tips of what to do for the first few hours to get a good base (my team is currently garbage).

It takes time and then its almost like a light switch going off and you seem to just figure out the mechanics. Most people's teams should be garbage at this point, unless they have all kinds of time to play.

Obviously I haven't seen you play, but my biggest suggestion would be to take a few pitches. I can usually decide in the first inning how I'm going to play an opponent based on their approach at the plate. If they're swinging at everything, I'm going to feed them a steady diet of junk. Swing and miss pitches and things they'll just roll over. It gets more challenging when I have an opponent who's taking some pitches. This means not only do I need to worry about mixing up pitches, I also have to mix up locations and throw strikes fairly regularly.

Most players on DD really don't want to take walks, but I honestly think its a key to winning. Because it means if you're willing to take walks, eventually the other player is going to have throw you strikes. Like I said in my previous post, get some guys with speed and contact. Get some walks, hit and run and steal bases and before you know it you'll be throwing up 2-3 runs a game.

Don't worry, eventually the hitting is going to come. From what I've played of 17' the pitching looks more difficult, which means not chasing bad pitches will be even more adventitious.

Last edited by truth72; 03-28-2017 at 05:45 PM.
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