03-03-2017, 09:57 AM
OVR: 0
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Rochester, NY
Things that aren't in the PS4 versions?
I just ordered a PS4 and The Show 17, and am really excited about it!
However, I still have a PS3 and was wondering which versions from the past are worth revisiting. I was thinking about picking up 13, because it was the last year for Rivalry mode and has Move support.
Are there any other versions of the game that do things that are better/different than what I'll get if I'm current on the PS4 releases? (Could be either modes or just features - for instance, I saw something in one of the 17 threads about fielding being better in the older games, but not a lot of detail about why.) Do the later PS3 versions have better Move support than 13?