
Does anyone ACTUALLY know what "Intangibles" do?

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Old 11-29-2016, 08:42 PM   #1
VAWereWolf65's Arena
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Does anyone ACTUALLY know what "Intangibles" do?

It worries me that no one has come up with an explanation for an attribute that affects the overall rating of players so much. I've heard multiple theories about it but none so far that have actually been tested and supported with evidence. Does anybody know what the "Intangibles" attribute ACTUALLY does? My best guess currently is that it's just a meaningless attribute to help adjust the overall of a player however we please. However, if this is not the case, i could be making rosters and draft classes filled with broken and seemingly unusable players.

So back to the title of this thread, does anybody really know what it does?
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Old 11-29-2016, 10:43 PM   #2
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Re: Does anyone ACTUALLY know what "Intangibles" do?

maybe a clutch rating
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Old 11-29-2016, 10:55 PM   #3
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Re: Does anyone ACTUALLY know what "Intangibles" do?

I, for one, am glad that the Intangible rating is Intangible.

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Old 11-30-2016, 12:41 AM   #4
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Re: Does anyone ACTUALLY know what "Intangibles" do?

Since i'm a cpu v cpu Myleague/MyGm player, i've made a lot of draft class roaster for myself, some are modified from others with rework on tendency, some are totally created myself, so i've a better understanding of what "Intangibles" means and affect.

To me, "Intangibles" determines a player who is "under-estimated" or "over-estimated".

Let me explain it in example.

1) Now first created a draft prospect, who is 75 in rating, with 80 potential and "Intangibles" in 50.

In the draft, normally this player will be a #3-#10 pick based on his competition. He is a player between starter and bench player, with a decent progression space (5 lv, from 75-80)

2) Now, same person, only change the "Intangibles" to 25, and the rating would be down to 73 (just example, i'm not in the game right now, might be up and downs a bit), so here, he's a 25/73/80 player.

In the draft, this player will become a #5-#15 pick based on his competition. He will mostly a bench player but with a good progression space (7 lv, from 73-80, and right you can imagine, the final attitudes of this person will be much better case 1)

3) Lastly, same person change "Intangibles" to 99. His situation will be 99/78/80.(again just example, i'm not in the game right now, might be up and downs a bit)

In the draft, this player will become a #1-#10 pick depending on how AI NBA teams evaluate him. He will be a starter instantly, but don't expect him to progress a lot. (2 lv, from 78-80)

In these 3 cases, the player, which is same in attitudes, but will have a different future. Case 2 is the best, cause his final ability, although is rated at 80, but he is playing much better than rating shown. In short, he is under-estimated by the league and the media, just like some NBA player in real life.

* The "Intangibles" not only affect a players real potential, but it also affect the salary pay roll. Think about case 2, you have a player performing like andrew wiggan but can pay him with Rudio's salary. Same the other way round, you might also paying a player in wiggan's salary but performing in a lower standard. (just example)

At the end, please notice "Intangibles"doesn't have any importance in any modes except MyGM and MyLeague. And it affect young player more than mature player.

When playing MyGM and MyLeague, "Intangibles" is a important factor to take consideration, don't only look at the rating and potential for a young player in trade and selecting a draft, please also take "Intangibles"as one of the consideration.

Thanks and sorry for my english cause i'm from hong kong.
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Old 11-30-2016, 12:50 AM   #5
VAWereWolf65's Arena
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Re: Does anyone ACTUALLY know what "Intangibles" do?

Originally Posted by hokimkim
Since i'm a cpu v cpu Myleague/MyGm player, i've made a lot of draft class roaster for myself, some are modified from others with rework on tendency, some are totally created myself, so i've a better understanding of what "Intangibles" means and affect.

To me, "Intangibles" determines a player who is "under-estimated" or "over-estimated".

Let me explain it in example.

1) Now first created a draft prospect, who is 75 in rating, with 80 potential and "Intangibles" in 50.

In the draft, normally this player will be a #3-#10 pick based on his competition. He is a player between starter and bench player, with a decent progression space (5 lv, from 75-80)

2) Now, same person, only change the "Intangibles" to 25, and the rating would be down to 73 (just example, i'm not in the game right now, might be up and downs a bit), so here, he's a 25/73/80 player.

In the draft, this player will become a #5-#15 pick based on his competition. He will mostly a bench player but with a good progression space (7 lv, from 73-80, and right you can imagine, the final attitudes of this person will be much better case 1)

3) Lastly, same person change "Intangibles" to 99. His situation will be 99/78/80.(again just example, i'm not in the game right now, might be up and downs a bit)

In the draft, this player will become a #1-#10 pick depending on how AI NBA teams evaluate him. He will be a starter instantly, but don't expect him to progress a lot. (2 lv, from 78-80)

In these 3 cases, the player, which is same in attitudes, but will have a different future. Case 2 is the best, cause his final ability, although is rated at 80, but he is playing much better than rating shown. In short, he is under-estimated by the league and the media, just like some NBA player in real life.

* The "Intangibles" not only affect a players real potential, but it also affect the salary pay roll. Think about case 2, you have a player performing like andrew wiggan but can pay him with Rudio's salary. Same the other way round, you might also paying a player in wiggan's salary but performing in a lower standard. (just example)

At the end, please notice "Intangibles"doesn't have any importance in any modes except MyGM and MyLeague. And it affect young player more than mature player.

When playing MyGM and MyLeague, "Intangibles" is a important factor to take consideration, don't only look at the rating and potential for a young player in trade and selecting a draft, please also take "Intangibles"as one of the consideration.

Thanks and sorry for my english cause i'm from hong kong.
So me giving draft class players low intangibles so their overall rating isn't extremely high is most likely going to ruin that player from turning into a superstar?
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Old 11-30-2016, 12:51 AM   #6
VAWereWolf65's Arena
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Re: Does anyone ACTUALLY know what "Intangibles" do?

Originally Posted by CoolColJ
maybe a clutch rating
That's another one of my theories
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Old 11-30-2016, 12:55 AM   #7
VAWereWolf65's Arena
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Re: Does anyone ACTUALLY know what "Intangibles" do?

Originally Posted by SirGaryColeman
I think its "luck." 2k is like a card game with dice rolls (played out in animations).

My total guess for Intangibles is that if there is a draw - winner goes to the one with higher intangible.

Possible example: You and the defender both going for the loose ball, you both have the same attributes/height/whatever - the game doesn't know who to reward the ball to, so it looks at who has higher intangibles to break the "Draw."

How much it affects you, we'll never know.. I still have no idea how much Strength really affects things you do, but I assume it works in a similar way (like all the other attributes).

Other games (especially e-sports games) will actually provide % for these things, which 2k probably should do.. I'm surprised its not a requirement considering they have a big $$ contest.
I thought about this but then i went and looked at different players intangibles on the default roster. I noticed that Kelly Olynyk (slow, goofy looking white dude) has 90 intangibles while KD on the other hand has 70 something (don't remember the exact number) intangibles. They just seem like such random ratings i'd picture Kelly Olynyks intangibles down in the 60s and KDs in the 90s
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Old 11-30-2016, 12:55 AM   #8
VAWereWolf65's Arena
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Re: Does anyone ACTUALLY know what "Intangibles" do?

Originally Posted by mb625
I, for one, am glad that the Intangible rating is Intangible.

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Good one...
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