
Why is nobody talking about the terrible server issues?

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Old 10-05-2016, 07:59 PM   #1
EarvGotti's Arena
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Arrow Why is nobody talking about the terrible server issues?

2K17 is extremely laggy. There is input lag and every 1/3 games i can't shoot because the lag affects my shots. I have 50 download internet speed so its not on my end.

2K16 did not have these lag issues. Hopefully they can focus on improving online stability in the next patch. I think this shot meter glitch that keeps happening is a server side issue.

Please focus on improving online stability guys. Please.
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Old 10-05-2016, 08:15 PM   #2
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Re: Why is nobody talking about the terrible server issues?

[quote=EarvGotti;2048496064]2K17 is extremely laggy. There is input lag and every 1/3 games i can't shoot because the lag affects my shots. I have 50 download internet speed so its not on my end.

2K16 did not have these lag issues. Hopefully they can focus on improving online stability in the next patch. I think this shot meter glitch that keeps happening is a server side issue.

Please focus on improving online stability guys. Please.[/QUOTE

I agree. In proam, there is extremely input lag to the point where I have a 1.5 sec delay in my shot. Its annoying cuz Park is like that too
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Old 10-05-2016, 08:34 PM   #3
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Re: Why is nobody talking about the terrible server issues?

Yea there is indeed lag - not sure if it happens to everyone but I also get constant errors and cannot connect to server notifications.

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Old 10-05-2016, 09:11 PM   #4
kobe2theMAX's Arena
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Re: Why is nobody talking about the terrible server issues?

In the park, you know those got next circles? Why does it take 55 million years from some people to get on the darn circle? It's truly a sad sight to see. I wish I had the video. But some players get stuck in the walking animation while getting on the circle. They keep walking up and up and up back and forth like stuck robots. Although 2K16 was laggy with many server probs also, the probs I see in 2K17 are even more worse.

Last edited by kobe2theMAX; 10-05-2016 at 10:10 PM.
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Old 10-05-2016, 09:38 PM   #5
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Re: Why is nobody talking about the terrible server issues?

Agreed - My squadmates and I are essentially stopping all online play of 2k17 and moving back to 16 until these issues are resolved. Old town, is essentially unplayable with choppiness and lag. Sunset is slightly better but still terrible and Rivet is about the same. Park should not have even been released with the game in it's current state.

So far, I have spent $60 on the game and another $150 in VC for a broken experience. I really hope this gets the attention it needs. People need to be sending support tickets and posting on the forums constantly to get their attention. I worry this will take quite some time to get fixed, as in my opinion the park needs close to an entire re-design to make it a functional, fun experience.
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Old 10-05-2016, 10:02 PM   #6
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Re: Why is nobody talking about the terrible server issues?

I only play MyLeague Online games and the ratio of decent games to bad games in terms of lag severity is like 1:5.

It just makes no sense to practice the players releases offline as you're sure that it won't be the same online.
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Old 10-05-2016, 10:08 PM   #7
P234thetruth's Arena
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Re: Why is nobody talking about the terrible server issues?

Amen it's been extremely laggy since their big patch 1. I was perfectly fine before that. I almost randomly get booted, it'll say the game won't count yet it still hands me a loss. Come on man this pathetic.
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Old 10-06-2016, 12:21 AM   #8
L1GHTS0UT's Arena
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Re: Why is nobody talking about the terrible server issues?

Because 2K servers have been garbage for a decade. I think we have learned to accept it since it's clearly evident that 2K doesn't care at all.
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