09-23-2016, 03:37 AM
Madden 16 Roster project (360)
Ill start this out by saying I am by no means an expert on how to use the roster editor xan made for madden, but I have a fairly good grasp on it now I think. With that being said I am starting a new roster project to update madden 16 for the 360 to current rosters. I forget which roster i downloaded off the community share(theres too many to remember) but I am using one of those as my template. I will be posting the updates under the gamertag RedDysfunctiona on xbox360. The roster file will be "UPDATED4CFM"
I cannot do this by myself, well i can but i know if there was more then just my eyes working on the roster it will turn out alot better. I have read alot of what khaliib and others have learned and shared with us and I want to continue the efforts to get the most from gameplay and cfm mode especially since I havent seen as much regarding M16 for the 360.
PLEASE HELP feedback is appriciated and needed from the community for this to be the best it can be
Last edited by TwoIsBetterThanJuan; 12-14-2016 at 06:32 AM.