
Hits and Misses of Franchise mode

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Old 08-28-2016, 01:36 PM   #1
Toupal's Arena
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Hits and Misses of Franchise mode

It has already been a few days, and I am sure the Madden community has taken a swan dive into Franchise mode. I want to hear the community's feedback on what I consider to be the most complete franchise mode put together for any football game.


Player Editing- Finally, they are giving us complete control over our franchise mode.

Commentary- IMO, this is the best commentary I have eve seen in a sports game. Madden raised the bar on this one for other sports games.

Presentation- Between the score ticker on the bottom of the screen, to updating me on injuries, previous draft classes, and standings; I have never been so happy with the presentation in this game

Living Worlds- Thursday, Sunday, and Monday night football actual feel like those games. Playoff games even feel like real playoff games. Madden did a great job of portraying a real life game atmosphere. The crowd reacts to what is actual going on on the field.


Player Editing- Allow us to edit the players body type/ build. So far we can only edit height, weight, skin color, and pick between heads
Additionally, let us edit draft prospects before the draft. Right now I just simulate through the draft, and then immediately after go in and edit real draft prospects to reflect real mock drafts

Stat/ Record Tracking- Madden does a great job of tracking stats from game to game. However, I want to see an improvement of tracking stats season to season. I believe it was Madden 11, where I could go back to any season I wanted, and look up any game that I wanted. I would also like to be able to see who won the super bowl in years before, and we currently have no way of knowing who won the super bowl after we advance to the off-season.

Coaches- I was happy to see them add more features to edit a coach, but there really wasn't much of an addition. I want to see more options for coach editing.

Most importantly with coaching, I am disappointed to see that assistant coaches were not put into the game.

So lets hear what the rest of the community thinks!
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Old 08-28-2016, 01:56 PM   #2
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Re: Hits and Misses of Franchise mode


Draft prospects feel more unique with more freaks. Superstars are harder to find. Love the draft process this year.

Misses: 32 team control offline is a pain in the but. It takes forever to complete simple tasks, from scouting to drafting.
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Old 08-28-2016, 02:01 PM   #3
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Re: Hits and Misses of Franchise mode

personally i love the franchise this year, however i think i may have royally messed mine up .( sorry for hijacking your post it wont let me start a new thread for some reason???) ... i maybe rushed a bit too much thru my 1st season, didnt scout much, i was pushing off the re-signing of some people till i decided what i was gonna do. i got done week 17 thought ehhh ill do it during wild card week since i have a bye that week. but it doesnt allow you to. i truly hope i have another chance to do what i needed do if not my roster is screwed lol. any knowledge of this you can share is appreciated. thanks guys enjoy your franchises!
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Old 08-28-2016, 02:59 PM   #4
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Re: Hits and Misses of Franchise mode


Play The Moment - Or more so just the Super Sim improvements. I tried Play The Moment in a test CFM for the four preseason games and it looked like something that would work well for that. I would never legitimately use it for anything else but I'm glad to see that a lot of people are enjoying it because hopefully with the emphasis on getting through seasons quicker it will mean they're forced to put more emphasis on other aspects of CFM in desperate need of attention like the offseason.

Commentary - I feel like this is the first year they've really built commentary around CFM which is exactly what they should be doing. It only took about 15-20 Play Now games for it to get ridculously repetitive but the more they talk about keeping up with your CFM, which from a limited sample size, the better it's going to be.

Score Ticker - Looks great and adds a wonderful touch to CFM.

GamePlanning - This will be under both. I like the premise but it could have been so much better. It's a good building block and anything that takes the XP gain more away from arbitrary goals I'm a fan of.


UI - So terrible and clunky at every turn. Everything is just over-sized, slow and just annoying to use in general. Made a trade in CFM and instead of listing the trade in the transaction log, it lists every part of the trade one-by-one. Instead of having player stats and everything built into the player card itself like with ratings and such, you click it and it has to load another screen. The only way to see how many players are on your roster is to go to the trade screen. It's just terrible all around.

Trade Logic - Just take a look at the trade thread. Hopped into a CFM the first day and traded a 1st Round Pick and two backups for Aaron Rodgers which pretty much confirmed that I would never make trades in a real CFM.

Realism - Goals, boosts, etc. Way too much based around their RPG vision for my taste.

Freedom - Play their way or the highway. Not nearly enough options to tailor certain aspects for a better experience. CFM just feels very restrictive by nature. Can't change opponents uniforms without a workaround. Can't give a CPU team a custom playbook without a workaround. Way too many instances of stuff like that.

GamePlanning - This kind of goes with the last one. Would have liked to see more options. Not a fan of having to play each drill before I can sim it. Tedious, boring and keeps me from playing games. Would have liked to see an option to sim for a random medal instead of always getting bronze even if it came with the penalty of getting no boosts during the week or something. Also, the arbitrary boosts were a bad idea IMO.

Replayability - Gameplay will be the only thing that keeps me playing multiple seasons. Outside of that there isn't anything that keeps me coming back other than the fact that I only want to play franchise.
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Old 08-28-2016, 03:28 PM   #5
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Re: Hits and Misses of Franchise mode

Only Miss to me is the Awards section.

I want to know who won the Super Bowl the season before, and which athlete has one. I found a way where you can monitor each players silverware, but its super stupid and can just be put in the "Awards section".

Also, let me choose those uniforms for the other team! Im trying to see some alternates real quick when I want to.
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Old 08-28-2016, 03:31 PM   #6
rich8682's Arena
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Re: Hits and Misses of Franchise mode

In madden 12 you could go back and see league leaders, super bowl winners, and I think you could even see every box score from your team. You could also see HOF inductees year by year stats. Bring that back. A minor annoying thing is that you can't sign guys to low year high pay deals.

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Old 08-28-2016, 04:24 PM   #7
IK720's Arena
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Re: Hits and Misses of Franchise mode


I simmer my first season with the 49ers to see what the draft was like. I was fired as coach and didn't realize it until I simmed to the draft (wondering why there was nothing to do in the off season). Then I retired after a 1-15 season with the 49ers.

Okay maybe I'm an idiot and should pay attention

Actually maybe that is a hit.. Because you should be fired for going 1-15 haha
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Old 08-28-2016, 05:08 PM   #8
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Re: Hits and Misses of Franchise mode

Originally Posted by JAY_D1
Only Miss to me is the Awards section.

I want to know who won the Super Bowl the season before, and which athlete has one. I found a way where you can monitor each players silverware, but its super stupid and can just be put in the "Awards section".

Also, let me choose those uniforms for the other team! Im trying to see some alternates real quick when I want to.
If I may ask, what is your work around for finding player awards?
Games I'm playing FOREVER: NFL2K5, That is all.
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