08-11-2016, 05:38 PM
Would You Pay an extra 10 dollars/pounds/euros for a Windows 10 Store Version?
Microsoft is now releasing all future 1st party games for Windows 10 alongside the Xbox One.
I also read that the functionality is there for all developers to release any Xbox One game on the Windows 10 store (For Example Rise of The Tomb Raider was a timed exclusive on Xbox One/Windows 10 before coming out on Steam).
So my question is, if NBA 2K released future games on the Windows Store, would you buy them there instead of on Steam? They would be at the Xbox One price which is usually slightly more than Steam but (for online players) there would be a slew of benefits for the additional cost...
The most obvious benefit is that you would now be playing with the Xbox playerbase which is significantly larger than the PC audience: less waiting times more diverse players etc
But the more important difference would be that the XboxOne/Windows 10 gaming platform is a "Walled Garden" - a closed ecosystem. Users do not have access to the internal files of a program or App (as it is called), meaning that modding of the App is not possible.
This means no Cheat Engine...no 99 OVRs & All Badge dudes running around on MyPark during the Early Access/Pre Release period...no 7' freaks with Adam Silver's face and maxed everything.
Obviously this means legitimate mods are gone too like sliders for My Career , league overhauls or texture changes so for offline players I don't really see a reason to do this.
BUT for me, as someone who plays online mostly I would happily pay a little extra to remove all of that BS from my gaming experience....what about you?