
NBA 2k17, More Builds, Less cheese.

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Old 08-11-2016, 06:21 AM   #1
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NBA 2k17, More Builds, Less cheese.

For those of you who are die hard fans of 2k, do you guys remember NBA 2k10?

Im not sure if I am recalling this correctly but, NBA 2k10's my career was a DLC and the definition of grind! You started from the draft combine at an EXTREMELY low overall. Did drills and played games in order to get your player better and in the process learned the overall controls.

First 2k needs to learn from its mistakes in the last 2 games they released(2k15 & 2k16)

In NBA 2k16, the builds were more balanced from NBA 2k15 and overall less cheesy compared to 2k15. Personally, the one thing I was a fan of NBA 2k15 just because of its ball handling was more fluid. It had its big flaws, which im sure everyone remembers the step back cheese, hesitation 3, blah blah, the patch that made everyone steph curry. NBA 2k16, had its flaws but in the end compared to 2k15, 2k16 had less cheese and is more playable.

The one thing that 2k15 and 2k16 have in common is its repetitiveness. This is bound to happen. Cheesers will find cheese, people will find ways to find a win. Its a video game filled with competitors and children who watch youtube videos to learn the cheese. Then there will be a patch to balance it, only for cheesers to find more cheese. Its the same thing for the past two years and most likely will happen again next year.

This is all expected but 2k must make it harder for cheesers to find cheese. A way of doing that is by creating more options and different decisions to make when creating a player.

So what can 2k17 limit repetitiveness?

More play styles,more restrictions,more time put into making the player the user wants.

NBA 2k14 MyPlayer was still cheesy and had its flaws but was on the right path by giving players the ability to choose a play style to separate them from the majority.

Take a look at the play styles for each position on the link below.

Some things I would do to maintain balance and love for each position. So not everyone just makes PGs and Centers.

Points Guards - Highest Pass Rating
Shooting Guards - Highest Outside Shooting Ratings
Small Forwards - Highest Perimeter Defense Ratings
Power Forwards - Better Faceup than C - Face up (Higher shooting ratings then C)
Centers - Highest Back to Basket game

Side note: 2k must put back the rating "shot in traffic" and "shot off the dribble" to separate the scorers from the spot up shooters.

Now lets modify it a bit. You do not only pick one play style you pick how good you want to be in all of them.

Here are the rules. Keeping the bucket system,the attribute buckets are
Inside scoring
Outside scoring
Perimeter Defense
Post Defense

CAPS for picking a playstyle:
GREAT (A+) in 1 category.
GOOD (B+) in 1 category.
AVERAGE (C+) 3 categories.
POOR (D+) in 1 category.

The non-playstyle categories will be the ones that are "average", will be more expensive to upgrade.

Balanced players CAPS will be

GOOD in 3 categories
AVERAGE in 3 categories

By the way if this system will be in place then the badge system must change. I believe badges should be skills that separate players. So you can only receive Gold badges depending on which attribute bucket you are GREAT in. Silver for Good. Bronze for average. This eliminates players from having all gold badges. More balance!

Buying VC right off the bat: Keep it far, the highest overall you can reach is high 70s or low 80s. Why? Because no matter how good a rookie is in the NBA the usually fall in that range.

I do believe the athletic play style or attribute bucket should be removed. Instead athleticism will be a decision players must choose at the start of creation, depending on their body type and weight.

Each position will maintain the height caps as they did in 2k16. (Ex. 6'7 PG, 6'10 SF, 7'3 Centers"

Athleticism Rules
Body types : Lean, Average, Stocky

Wingspan: The longer arms you have will determine how fast your player will develop it's non playstyle (Average) ratings. The longer your arms the longer it will take to develop.

The closer you are to the height cap for the position:
The slower you are compared to shorter players but it wont be as drastic as it was in 2k16.

Vice versa for shorter players.

Lean Player Rules
Pros: Faster, More stamina, on-ball defense, pick and roll defense
Cons: More likely to get injured during the season from collisions, Energy drained when making body contact with heavier players(basically the bruiser badge), Boxing out

Average players will be balanced. No disadvantages or advantages

Stocky Player Rules
Pros: Stronger, boxing out, Drains energy from lean and average players, post defense, Can take body contact without that much of a hit compared to thinner players
Cons: Slower, Less stamina, During the season struggles with condition stamina can start drain faster when playing big minutes in consecutive games.

The beginning of your career.

OK. You picked your body type and play style. Im not creating the storyline nor do I have any ideas. But lets just say, 2k keeps the colleges they have if not add more. So you go through the process of playing in High School and then picking a school. Depending on your play will determine the number you are selected at the draft.

So you get drafted. Lets say you get drafted by the Spurs, your career path will be different than if you were to be picked by the 76ers.

Remember those owner preferences in MyGM? Well those carry over to MyCareer. For those of you who arent familiar with the concept. NBA 2k16 as an example, MyGM mode had ratings using 6 stars(higher number more important to owner).

For example in NBA 2k16 the Spurs owners rankings were:

Importance of Money: 3
Importance of Team Success: 4
Importance of Team Image: 4
Level of Involvement: 1
Importance of Franchise Morale: 6
Level of Patience: 4

So how will this factor in your players career?

Money: The less stars, the more money you will be paid(depending on cap room or if its a big name city that goes over cap it wont matter). More revenue the player makes back will improve the owners morale.
Team Success: If the team isn't winning, the more pressure will be placed on player by coach. If player is underperforming will lose playing time.
Team Morale: Team chemistry. If the team is not winning. Chemistry points can go up when team wins, depending of how many years teammates play together, or doing activites together on off days.
Level of Patience: If you dont keep up with the demands then player will be traded.

Once you reach a certain owners trust. Player will have more input in transactions like picking which players to target in free agency or who to trade.

Now that is not all. Your coach and mentors plays a big role in your development as well.

Most MyTeam and good players know that coaches matter in 2k. The better your coach, the better rating boost your players will receive. Coaches also have tendencies as well.

Players will receive the rating boosts and they will carry over to online in MyPark and ProAM. Ill put what boost mentors will play later on.

So at this stage, players have picked their position, play styles, and have been drafted now time to get ready for an NBA career in the offseason.

Anyone picked OUTSIDE of the lottery must play for a roster spot determining on their play in the summer league and in training camp. If you are picked in the lottery you are granted a definite spot on the roster and must play in both summer league and training camp.

So after the offseason most people will make the roster if not they will be forced to play in the D-League.

After completing summer league you will receive an attribute upgrade. After completing training camp you will receive an attribute upgrade.

NBA Season.
Pretty much straight forward. Follow the owner and coaches guidelines. Earn VC. But in order to "complete" a season you must play every key game. Playoff games are key games as well.

Attribute upgrades:
Removing NBA 2k16's rule of every 7 games played you get one but instead if you earn rewards you will receive them along with bonus VC if you.

1.Get drafted in lottery (1 extra rewarded if in top 3 and double VC)
2.Complete Summer League (1 extra rewarded if win championship)
3.Complete Training Camp
4.Start first Game
5.Player of the month
6.Rookie of the month
7.Make Rookie/Sophomore game (1 extra for MVP)
8.Compete in All-Star Event(Bonus VC if won)
9.Play All-Star Game(Bonus VC for Starting, 1 extra for MVP)
10. Win Season Award (1 extra for MVP)
11. Make NBA Team (Bonus VC depending on tier)
12. 1st in Division ( 1 extra for 1st seed)
13.Make Playoffs (1 for advancing each round)
14. Win Championship (2 rewarded if won. 1 extra for MVP)

Other ways to earn attribute upgrades:
1.User played atleast 65+ Games= 5 Attribute Upgrades
3.Each stat category that player leads league in. For example if player leads league in assist and steals. 2 upgrades will be rewarded.
4. (x) amount of minutes played (rewards people who don't foul out)
5. 100% Owners trust
6. 100% Team Chemistry
7. Make Team USA (1 extra if Gold is won)

list can go on

Now this adds incentive for users to play the games and also play to win. Maybe this will change the ways people grind for badges. I know most people play on rookie to grind for badges I can't think of a way to counter that. Players have to think how they can impact the game. It will take alot of time and effort to make your player a superstar. Especially if a player must play every key game of the season.

So after your rookie season you have the option to work on certain areas of your game.


Once the last game is played, players can start doing drills to work on their game. Also players can also choose if they want to get stronger or faster!

So lets say you started off as lean body type. You can workout in the off season to get stronger without losing speed. But you can't make a dramatic change in one offseason. Players will see increase in ratings and differences on the appearance of the player.

Side Note - Once you reach a certain age, players will not be able to change their body type. Instead their durability rating will increase. But hopefully by the time the player reaches this age they are maxed out rating wise so they won't need that much athleticism.

Decision making will be a big factor, players will have the option to earn cooler gear and more bonus VC depending on their sponsors. Also will have to sacrifice days to train for time with sponsors. So players must choose wisely.

If you are a young player still, players must play in summer league. All players are mandatory for training camp.

Teammates that are mentors will grant you a training session. You must pass their session in order to earn the upgrade. Training session will be mini games that involve players to actually get better at the game. If you are a point guard and lets say Tony Parker is your mentor, you will work on Playmaking doing dribbling drills. If you are a big man you can still train with tony parker to work on playmaking.

If you are on the Spurs(Im using them as an example alot lol). You can work with not only Tony Parker but Manu Ginobili as well. The type of drill you do will determine based on the highest attribute category your'e mentor has. The more mentors on the team the better!

Training Camp: Drills with teammates. 5 on 5 scrimmages with teammates.

Season starts and you do it all over again.

With this system I hope players will take atleast three years to reach their "prime" . After several years of being in their prime ATHLETIC shape. Once they reach their age where there athleticism ratings cannot go higher. Players will have the ability to become "GOOD" in categories they were "AVERAGE" in. If that makes sense?

So the CAPs I provided earlier were caps once they are in their prime athletic years. After that they can earn attribute upgrades they are maxed out in by training with Legends in the offseason.

So for example. Big man that is

GREAT (A) in Post Defense
GOOD (B) in Rebounding and Inside Scoring.
AVERAGE (C) Outside Scoring,Perimeter Defense.
POOR (D) in Playmaking.

Will have the ability to work with Hakeem Olajuwon to increase their Inside Scoring rating to a B+.

For example purposes lets just say these are the mentors for each category.

Post Defense- Dikembe Mutumbo
Inside Scoring - Hakeem Olajuwon
Outside Scoring - Ray Allen
Inside Scoring - Kobe Bryant
Perimeter Defense - Gary Payton
Playmaking - Steve Nash
Rebounding - Tim Duncan

The drills would work like this. If anyone remembers 2k14. They teach you how to do every move. The have a mini game where you play against the mentor using the skills you learned

Some of you are wondering why I chose those players? Like why Tim Duncan or Dennis Rodman. No MJ, Bird etc because they are GM's. Iverson? He isn't going to train anyone lol. Would it be realistic for Rodman to take time out of his day to train you? Nope. Its politics you get the point lol. So these players are the best retired players I can think of that would be realistic.

So there you have it. Make people think before they make a player. When 2k16 came out, I knew exactly what the cheese builds were going to be. Force Pro-Am Teams to think how they should construct their team. Basketball is a game of matchups and thinking together as a team. Make youtubers really think twice. Make people grind and earn the player they dream of. Usually cheese is already figured out a couple weeks into the game. Make the community figure the cheese out in december or something. By that time so many people have spent so much time in building their player they will have a hard time making a new player. We are probably years away from it. But this is my dream/wish for MyCareer. One can dream right?

If they can incorporate these principles as well in their gameplay. The game would be awesome for me.


Last edited by nyccc; 08-12-2016 at 05:32 AM. Reason: Typos ; Grammar errors lol
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Old 08-11-2016, 06:52 AM   #2
Bulletproof86's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k17, More Builds, Less cheese.

Wow, just WOW!!!!
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Old 08-11-2016, 06:53 AM   #3
just Mudiay's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k17, More Builds, Less cheese.

Dear 2K,

can you hire this guy?
NBA - Denver Nuggets
NCAA - Colorado Buffaloes
NCAA - Michigan State Spartans
SOCCER - Borussia Dortmund
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Old 08-11-2016, 07:08 AM   #4
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Re: NBA 2k17, More Builds, Less cheese.

Honestly something similar to this is what I expect for 2k17. I can't imagine another year with the same attribute system and only 2-3 viable builds.
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Old 08-11-2016, 12:33 PM   #5
twebb5896's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k17, More Builds, Less cheese.

Not to be a pessimist or anything but the game is a month out I think they're pretty much done with 2K17 now. That being said I hope someone takes a look at this and brainstorms about the following year.

I also hope they scrap attribute buckets. I enjoyed planning out what I was going to upgrade.

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Old 08-11-2016, 03:00 PM   #6
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Re: NBA 2k17, More Builds, Less cheese.

Originally Posted by twebb5896
Not to be a pessimist or anything but the game is a month out I think they're pretty much done with 2K17 now. That being said I hope someone takes a look at this and brainstorms about the following year.

I also hope they scrap attribute buckets. I enjoyed planning out what I was going to upgrade.

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well lets hope they changed something, not this cookie cutter myplayer builds where every player is the same once ppl find out the best builds. Need more diversity. If i want to make a stretch 4, why do i have to raise his mid range if i only want three point. Or post fadeaway when i only want inside layup
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Old 08-11-2016, 03:53 PM   #7
JJRuelz's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k17, More Builds, Less cheese.

I think point guard should get best shooting ratings, and shooting guard should get best slashing. Because passing stats are near pointless in 2k.

Or they could just buff passing stats...
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Old 08-11-2016, 05:32 PM   #8
Vroman's Arena
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Re: NBA 2k17, More Builds, Less cheese.

Originally Posted by JJRuelz
I think point guard should get best shooting ratings, and shooting guard should get best slashing. Because passing stats are near pointless in 2k.

Or they could just buff passing stats...
So wrong on passing rating being pointless. I have sf with maxed playmaking and pf with 10 upgrades and its huge difference in terms of risky pass success rate, pass speed, pass animation speed. 90+ pass accuracy is the reason why pg's can throw bullet passes through traffic into center sitting under rim without ball being stolen/deflected in pro am.
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