12-30-2015, 03:43 PM
OVR: 0
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Bangor, ME
Best tips for relocating
I am having a hard time relocating the Kings to Seattle (I know, I am very original). I have tried my best to hike up prices (within reason) and build a decent team, but I still only have around 8 million in funds when I start a new season (on season 4 now). I know I don't need to get to 10/10 stars to relocate, but the highest I have been able to get is 2.2/10 and I only got 8 votes of the 15 I need. Any tips would be appreciated.
NFL: Oakland Raiders
NCAA: Texas Longhorns Football, UNC Hoops
MLB: Boston Red Sox
NHL: Boston Bruins