11-12-2015, 10:24 PM
Re: New Tuner 11/13
Sounds like more catering to online gamers. The tuner update that addressed spam pokers destroyed offline gaming so they changed it. This made on liners unhappy. Trying to please all, they recently made it to where if you spam poke you cannot skate as fast. This was good for offline and online and also realistic...on liners who spam poke were unhappy....so now the changes say they took away slowing down when poke checking but increased the chance of penalty...... Wash, rinse, repeat,....just please the online whiner of the day I guess and screw trying to make an NHL game playing anything that resembles the NHL...unreal. We all have our idea of what EA should do but as long as this games base AI is designed for both online and offline, us offliners are screwed. Unless EA decides to care about TRUE hockey fans and NHL fans as much as guys who want to play EASHAL and score 100 goals. Unless EA realizes that one tuner does not fit all and creates offline and online tuners.....were screwed
Last edited by jake19ny; 11-12-2015 at 10:34 PM.