So I'm just messing around with mygm till some good rosters come out so I'm not going to lie my team is pretty unrealistic and our chemistry is crap but this is ridiculous. Some of this is also due to defensive breakdowns but the CPU is hitting an absurd amount of contested lay ups and doing a lot of drive and kicks to other players in the paint.
I'm the trailblazers and I have Lillard, Oladipo, Brandon Ingram, Tobias Harris, and Nerlens Noel. Now I know Tobias is not the best defender but I usually user control him when he is defending a player. During this game chemistry was at 48.
I started the game trying to get some quick shots off in transition and using the pick and roll. As you can see the computer didn't seem to think anything but the paint existed. This is with protect the paint on.
Pictures aren't working but basically the nuggets got 76 points in the paint at 51% shooting. They only scored 99.