09-27-2015, 01:46 AM
OVR: 9
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Elberton, GA
Cannot connect to 2k Servers HELP
I'm having trouble connection to the 2K16 server, which wouldn't be a problem because i'm for the most part an offline gamer, however as you all know 2K has jumped on the "Always connected" bandwagon and I can't do anything. I started My Career ,but I have limited options. Can't change my accessories or shoes since thats tied into the online servers. On startup I instantly fail to connect and get an Error code: efeab30c. If I select the connect option from the main menu it seems to try to connect but after a few seconds I get Error code: 4b538e50. I have no problems connecting online to any other games so I'm assuming it isn't an internet problem, but who knows, I just want to play this game I dropped $80 bucks for. Leftos?, Anybody?
Last edited by Ejfalcon9; 09-27-2015 at 02:33 AM.