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Old 09-24-2015, 07:31 PM   #1
TheWalkingCash's Arena
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GameStop finalization?

Just payed of the remaining amount for 2k16. I am going to the midnight release but the guy at the front counter told me to come in at 8 to finalize. What's the point if I just payed in full?
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Old 09-24-2015, 07:35 PM   #2
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Re: GameStop finalization?

Originally Posted by TheWalkingCash
Just payed of the remaining amount for 2k16. I am going to the midnight release but the guy at the front counter told me to come in at 8 to finalize. What's the point if I just payed in full?
Basically it's just confirming that you're there to receive the game, and saving a place in line. If you haven't received your actual receipt for the game yet, you'll get it at that time too (it will probably have whatever pre-order bonus code you're entitled to on it).

If you've already made full payment, you won't pay anything more.
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Old 09-24-2015, 07:35 PM   #3
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Re: GameStop finalization?

My local gamestop (Miami), to me to come back at 9 to finalize payment and grab a number. They are giving out tickets to make the process a lot smoother at 12. You go back, give them the ticket, they give you the game. Line moves faster since no one has to pay.
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Old 09-24-2015, 07:39 PM   #4
TheWalkingCash's Arena
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Re: GameStop finalization?

Originally Posted by PoppyDizzle
My local gamestop (Miami), to me to come back at 9 to finalize payment and grab a number. They are giving out tickets to make the process a lot smoother at 12. You go back, give them the ticket, they give you the game. Line moves faster since no one has to pay.
What would happen if I couldn't get there at 8 and get a ticket? Can I still get the game at midnight?
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Old 09-24-2015, 07:41 PM   #5
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Re: GameStop finalization?

Originally Posted by TheWalkingCash
What would happen if I couldn't get there at 8 and get a ticket? Can I still get the game at midnight?
Yeah, so long as you're there before they close up shop (I'd say at least an hour after they release the game).

It's really just about saving a place in line.
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Old 09-24-2015, 07:41 PM   #6
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Re: GameStop finalization?

My gamestop just gave me a reciept and told me to come pick up my game tonight at 10 or tommorow

Sent from a stoner in New Orleans
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Old 09-24-2015, 08:03 PM   #7
CaseIH's Arena
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Re: GameStop finalization?

Originally Posted by TheWalkingCash
Just payed of the remaining amount for 2k16. I am going to the midnight release but the guy at the front counter told me to come in at 8 to finalize. What's the point if I just payed in full?

I called just to double check the midnight release and was told to come in to finalize and get my number between 8-10. I ask if a little after 10:30 would be OK and he said not really need to be there before then atleats a little.

Never needed to to do this before, so not sure if they are expecting a lot of people tonight. Sucks because I cant stand for very long, plus my wife has to stay up to drive me there since I cant no longer drive due to meds, not cause I lost my Liscense,lol, so I feel bad for her too since she is normally in bed at this time.
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Old 09-24-2015, 08:56 PM   #8
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Re: GameStop finalization?

Originally Posted by CaseIH
I called just to double check the midnight release and was told to come in to finalize and get my number between 8-10. I ask if a little after 10:30 would be OK and he said not really need to be there before then atleats a little.

Never needed to to do this before, so not sure if they are expecting a lot of people tonight. Sucks because I cant stand for very long, plus my wife has to stay up to drive me there since I cant no longer drive due to meds, not cause I lost my Liscense,lol, so I feel bad for her too since she is normally in bed at this time.
I hear ya man. I have had to stop going to midnight releases starting about a year ago my health hit a point where its just not easy to do. I have cystic fibrosis and from about 9 pm to 1 am for whatever reason i can barely breath these days. So i go digital. And boy let me tell you that has been a blast with this game so many issues downloading 2k16 im at 83% finally so hopefully ill be ready to go by midnight haha.

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