I don't like your team at all mate. Sorry for that. I would sell most of your players. You don't have one PG!!!!
And only one player that can really shoot well (klay) who is sitting on the bench in a game were shooting is a must.
Also too much PF and Centers... Gerrald Wallace as a SG? For god shake...
I would go like
and play 4 out -1 in
Carmelo could be a good choice for anti-Dominique if you can't get him
Sapph Mullin is lights out and you should get him as he is free.Same as Sapph Oscar and Yao.
If you don't have Nique you can always buy a Melo. The team I created costs the same MT as yours.
Of course you can always put LBJ in position of PG if you want and put Carmelo as starting SF/PF