
NBA 2K University

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Old 03-20-2015, 07:12 PM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2013
NBA 2K University

Why is NBA 2K so basic when it comes to explaining to people how to play the game? Does it draw that much of a resource that it takes from other modes. The training videos from this year was terrible and they scaled back practice mode. If people have to play one on one vs the cpu in street mode to improve their defense you know something is wrong. A game this deep should do a better job showing folks how to play in an explicit fashion. And a training camp would be optimal. A practice mode comparable to modern fighting games where you can make the cpu you do certain things and you can practice reacting to them. What do you guys think?
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Old 03-21-2015, 02:40 AM   #2
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Join Date: Jan 2015
Re: NBA 2K University

Originally Posted by wiserbk
Why is NBA 2K so basic when it comes to explaining to people how to play the game? Does it draw that much of a resource that it takes from other modes. The training videos from this year was terrible and they scaled back practice mode. If people have to play one on one vs the cpu in street mode to improve their defense you know something is wrong. A game this deep should do a better job showing folks how to play in an explicit fashion. And a training camp would be optimal. A practice mode comparable to modern fighting games where you can make the cpu you do certain things and you can practice reacting to them. What do you guys think?
You are right on point. Exactly. I've always wondered why 2k can't explain, or tell, or release even some of the basics behind how to operate their games! Like I recently learned when playing in myPark w/ a squad and you want to leave to a new park, all 3 of us would end up at a different park than each other, and never could figure out why 2k didn't make it easier to leave with your squad. Well a another user said he heard from a guy who heard from a guy that whoever started the squad originally has to exit the park first, and then order doesn't matter, everyone can leave and will end up at the same park. Like why not share that information with its users 2k?! I kno my example isn't what you talking about necessarily, but just goes to show! Not like it was anything great, but last year at least you could buy the Legend Training Camps like only 2 per season, but then you actually got to go thru a walk thru of how to do each position specifc moves from the Legend Player, then your player actually had to walkthrough and complete the move before passing the camp, so at least you then have been showed how to perform the moves. This year they failed, HARD with the tutorial videos. You can't pause them, they don't seem personable or real, it is explained once, performed perfect, then you are just to know and expect to succeed!
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