
Why is it "okay" to cheat?

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Old 02-26-2015, 07:32 PM   #1
HowDareI's Arena
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Why is it "okay" to cheat?

*So listen, full on rant mode incoming. Lol I'm sorry but this game is outlandish today with how much trash I've seen.*

Let me preface this by saying, I been playing games online for a while; I've seen cheaters, hackers, exploiters, modders, etc. Now I've never, ever been one to cheat, or exploit anything.
In 2K, I'd much rather lose a game while playing "sim" than to stoop down to someone's level and zig zag, charge cheese, spam steal, etc. to win the game.

Over the past two years playing Xbox One and dealing with next-gen's new park mode, I can't even believe the level of cheap play I've seen. I played Crew in 2K10 and 11 and seen the hackers and had this same point (that I'll get to shortly) so I'm not new to getting frustrated with 2K. But even then the fun outweighed the anger and frustration. There was cheesy moves in older games too, but I don't remember them being so prominent.

Basically what I'm getting at is:
the 3 point corner stepbacks
the zig zag (despite being "patched") still working
the online delay seeming to effect all my shots but not on the other side
the spamming of dribble moves
baseline driving
screening in the paint

These are all EXPLOITS.

This is from Xbox Live's Code of Conduct:

F. Cheating & Tampering

Do not cheat in a game unless the developer has deliberately enabled cheats.
Do not use unauthorized hardware or modifications.
Do not exploit game vulnerabilities or glitches.
Do not make unauthorized modifications to your account profile or its contents, including but not limited to tenure, Avatar, saved games, Gamerscore, or achievements.
Do not intentionally play with someone who is using unauthorized software or methods.
Do not play any illegitimately obtained software or pirated games.
Do not take any action to cause degradation of service for Microsoft or other users, including but not limited to network interference or manipulation.
Do not play a game before it has been authorized for play on the service.

It is a direct violation to do them things, right? So why is 2K so lax when it comes to people abusing them? This online "community" is a joke..as said before.
People play games literally doing nothing but all of them exploits over and over to get wins and rank up, directly effecting the fun I and my friends could be having.

Reporting to Xbox seems to do nothing; I see the same names over and over in the parks abusing the same things. I'm not even usually like this, I don't go reporting people for every little thing they do, but come on I wanna play a fair game just once.

We as a community, on here at least, (that play online) need to stop just "taking it" and allowing people to basically cheat. No more, "oh well they're not gonna fix it" kind of attitude. No, none of that.
If 2K isn't going to patch these exploits, then they need to start issuing temp. bans to people who abuse these things.

Basically what I'm getting at, is if there's no plans to fix these issues, start showing people it's not okay to exploit these things. Show some pride.
I know full well if it was my profession to create the most sim, lifelike representation of the NBA, and you had snotty 15 year olds who didn't even buy the game with their own money abusing it, I'd want them off it.

To me, it's sad that such a beautiful (graphically, and fundamentally) game can be so frustrating because of bad eggs who can't be bothered to take the time and play right.
Offline, this game is a dream. Even online (once you're past the lag/delay) against friends or sim opponents, the game's great...
Go online to play My Team, Park, or Rec ? And it's just a headache trying to out-cheese your opponent.
I don't wanna be Jordan, I don't wanna be Bird or Isiah, I don't wanna be any of those guys.
I want to look in the mirror and say I did it my way.

-Allen Iverson
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Old 02-26-2015, 08:08 PM   #2
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Re: Why is it "okay" to cheat?

You act like guys on here are not part of the problem. I played with many guys from here last year on PS4 and many cheese, few don't. We are the same guys who play the game on-line with you and die hard enough to visit a forum about this game. If anything OS has the biggest cheesers and that's why some visit this forum, just to stay up to date on every glitch and to learn new (cheeese) moves and tactics to win games. Lord knows if there is anything wrong with the game it will be cried about on here until everyone does it.
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Old 02-26-2015, 08:20 PM   #3
HowDareI's Arena
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Re: Why is it "okay" to cheat?

Originally Posted by 2K15 PC
You act like guys on here are not part of the problem. I played with many guys from here last year on PS4 and many cheese, few don't. We are the same guys who play the game on-line with you and die hard enough to visit a forum about this game. If anything OS has the biggest cheesers and that's why some visit this forum, just to stay up to date on every glitch and to learn new (cheeese) moves and tactics to win games. Lord knows if there is anything wrong with the game it will be cried about on here until everyone does it.
Yea but there's more people here who care about the game than anywhere else.

We know there's guys from 2K on here that read this stuff, and I just wanna know how this stuff can slide.
I don't wanna be Jordan, I don't wanna be Bird or Isiah, I don't wanna be any of those guys.
I want to look in the mirror and say I did it my way.

-Allen Iverson
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Old 02-26-2015, 08:30 PM   #4
tetoleetd's Arena
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Re: Why is it "okay" to cheat?

i mean its not really cheating. sure its cheesy, but its not cheating. you have to remember that people can play the game how they please and theres a lot of people who just play to win using gimmicky stuff or theres a lot of casuals who play who dont even understand how basketball is really played.

best thing to do is dont play against randoms. if you want to play online, play with the sim people on here.

i have completely ignored online this year. i played about 5 games online and said screw this. im having much more fun doing myleague

Last edited by tetoleetd; 02-26-2015 at 08:33 PM.
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Old 02-26-2015, 08:49 PM   #5
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Re: Why is it "okay" to cheat?

Originally Posted by HowDareI

Basically what I'm getting at is:
the 3 point corner stepbacks
the zig zag (despite being "patched") still working
the online delay seeming to effect all my shots but not on the other side
the spamming of dribble moves
baseline driving
screening in the paint

These are all EXPLOITS.
Only exploits here imo is screening in the paint and maybe corner stepbacks.

Exploiting to me is when u abuse something thats not intended. ex screening in the paint.

zig zag isn't really exploiting imo its cheese but not an exploit and to be clear im talking about zig zag 3 now, someone let me know how to get an open 3 1v1 by not going left then right or right then left by running or dribbling. People can easily say "well with ball movement and screens u can easily get open shots" this stuff doesn't work if u actually play against people who know how to defend and what to do.

Spamming of dribble moves might be cheesy its not exploiting. Ur simply dribbling.

Baseline driving isn't exploiting however its cheesy but only because 2k made it op.

"the online delay seeming to effect all my shots but not on the other side" this part i dont even know why u called it an exploit, myself i've noticed some games i just wont hit even tho i shoot like i always do. ex i had a 3 day period where i was pretty much the splash brothers baby, but after that i couldn't hit at all. they just need to fix the input delay.

Spamming the square/x button as u mentioned earlier is cheesy. however its nothing wrong it since i could be reaching 24/7 irl aswell tho i would be punished for it which 2k has failed to make it so u actually get punished for reaching.
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Old 02-26-2015, 09:10 PM   #6
Jv160's Arena
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Re: Why is it "okay" to cheat?

I agree, all this bs needs to stop.
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Old 02-26-2015, 11:12 PM   #7
BellSKA's Arena
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Re: Why is it "okay" to cheat?

I agree with everything except that 2K has to take full responsibility on this. I know you didn't say that, but that's the vibe you're putting across. 'Should' 2K make the corrections and put a stop to the shenanigans, sure. Will they, no. They have the next version they are working on. On the current version they need to update lineups, keep current players looking like their actual selves, update new shoes that are dropping, etc. The list is endless. Is all this necessary, not really. But you can't please all the people all the time, yada yada.

I do not cheat, exploit, whatever you want to call it. When I find myself screening down low for our 7'2" C I feel guilty I'm holding my nuggets near the rim. I don't want people to think I'm being cheesy. I'm guilty of creating a 7' SF after Patch 3. I wanted to get every single badge, that was my goal. I will admit to that.

I disagree that everyone on OS cheats as much as some may think. Are there complete and total A-holes on here, YUP! But I've said it a few times. Those on here, don't be cheesers. Don't cheat, exploit, be lazy. Play ball, work hard. Don't cheese cheesers either. Don't cheat just because they do, you're better than that.

Maybe I'm naive, but does anyone buy into the fact that current consoles are still new enough that some of these corrections may take a long time to correct?
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Old 02-26-2015, 11:30 PM   #8
steelers99_58_36's Arena
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Re: Why is it "okay" to cheat?

It's not cheating, just lack luster programming and laziness.

Last edited by steelers99_58_36; 02-26-2015 at 11:39 PM.
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