02-23-2015, 02:27 PM
OVR: 0
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Bay Area Cali
Looking For 1-2 People to start a Sports Youtube Channel
Hey guys, My name Matthew or "Jetfire". It has been aspiring dream of mine to create a youtube channel that has Videos from all the major sporting video games (NBA 2k, Madden, FIFA, MLB the Show, NHL). One that has a consistent upload schedule with awesome creators! I really feel if you could be a huge success and if not, just some great fun. I'm looking for 1-2 people who are interested in creating content with myself, keeping to a regular upload schedule. Content would be MLB Road to the Show series, or Madden NFL Career but the key here is variety and consistence. If you are interested I would appreciate if you could PM me with the following application:
Skype Name:
Games you would be interested in doing:
Experience with YouTube:
Brief segment about yourself interest in sports, video games, and creating content:
Thank you guys!