02-20-2015, 03:09 PM
360 Year 5 OD w/ staying power looking for a couple new members
Looking for a couple new SIM members to add to a strong core of 5-7 active players for the latter part of the 2018 season on xbox 360.
Heisman/adjusted TOUGH sliders, 6 min quarters, and an extremely active community that advances every 36 hrs max (typically within 48 hrs). We pride ourselves on playing as sim as possible: kicking on fourth, mixing up the play calling, players with reasonable stats.
Must add as a 2* since we strive to rebuild programs, but able to leave for a new job as soon as offered.
Taken teams:
Oklahoma State
Oregon State
South Carolina
Thanks for looking, and if interested, send a message to my tag "Octoberist" on XBL