I watch a lot of the Youtube videos but my A.D.D. kicks in and I'm over whelmed with how much you have to do on the controller LOL. How long did it take you guys to get used to this?
Keep in mind, this is my first NHL game (NHL 13) besides NHL 94, and well, I only started getting into Hockey about two to three years ago..now I watch it even more than baseball an it's dethroned baseball as my second favorite sport (NFL my poor Giants

) being the NFL.
Anyways, everyone I talk to who loves Hockey, says they just can't get into this game because it's too much but for me, I like games like this because yes, it is a lot to remember and take in but once you master it, there's a lot you can do. Simplistic controls get boring..imagine Madden with nothing but a spin move and juke move.
So how long did it take for you guys to get the puck controlling down? As it stands, I don't even have manual aiming on shooting. I'd like to learn all of this stuff and start My Pro over again. I just was wondering if learning the controls took a long time for most people.
P.S. What happened to Face Mapping? I remember back in the day when I had Madden 99 and then bought it for PC, they had advertisements on the CD itself for NHL 99 and one of the big features was face mapping. Granted it was for the PC, but even Madden 13 allowed face mapping on console. I noticed some people used Hex Editors or something and put custom updated faces on players in a roster update, can this be done with My Pro?