
Why is every thread just people complaining......

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Old 10-18-2014, 04:46 PM   #1
prestwood90's Arena
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Why is every thread just people complaining......

Imo Might be the best sports game out and if u read through the forums u would think this game was terrible.....admittedly it has some flaws as far as servers and online stuff but the core game play is extraordinary and it doesn't seem like people give it much praise just all complaints
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Old 10-18-2014, 04:50 PM   #2
ClevelandinDistress's Arena
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Re: Why is every thread just people complaining......

Originally Posted by prestwood90
Imo Might be the best sports game out and if u read through the forums u would think this game was terrible.....admittedly it has some flaws as far as servers and online stuff but the core game play is extraordinary and it doesn't seem like people give it much praise just all complaints
The closer the game looks and plays to reality, the higher standard everyone holds it to. Its similar to uncanny valley. It mimicks real life close enough where every little detail that goes wrong sends off a trigger in our mind.
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Old 10-18-2014, 04:50 PM   #3
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Re: Why is every thread just people complaining......

Because for some people it's close to unplayable. The game is so reliant on an internet connection that when the servers don't work most game modes cannot be accessed, including single player modes (which should be offline).

It is an incredible game when it's working though.
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Old 10-18-2014, 04:52 PM   #4
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Re: Why is every thread just people complaining......

People need to just admire the game, it truly is the best sports game of the year
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Old 10-18-2014, 04:58 PM   #5
prestwood90's Arena
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Re: Why is every thread just people complaining......

Originally Posted by MikeGSW
Because for some people it's close to unplayable. The game is so reliant on an internet connection that when the servers don't work most game modes cannot be accessed, including single player modes (which should be offline).

It is an incredible game when it's working though.
I agree the servers are a major issue for some but I personally play my Gm and have no problems......I love this game and there isn't another sports game out that mimics real life like 2k15
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Old 10-18-2014, 05:11 PM   #6
BBallcoach's Arena
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Re: Why is every thread just people complaining......

Originally Posted by prestwood90
Imo Might be the best sports game out and if u read through the forums u would think this game was terrible.....admittedly it has some flaws as far as servers and online stuff but the core game play is extraordinary and it doesn't seem like people give it much praise just all complaints
Because that's what a lot of people think OS is. A place to complain. It's plagued the madden forums for years. Does the game have some issues sure, but people over exaggerate a lot of the issues. For online only players the server issue is crappy for them but there is more to this game than just online.
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Old 10-18-2014, 05:17 PM   #7
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Re: Why is every thread just people complaining......

my career is the most popular game mode which is online.
my team is online
my park is online
the stage is online
my gm is online

if you only play against the CPU you probably won't care about server issues, but they affect the majority of game modes that's why its so many complaints

Last edited by Yuss; 10-18-2014 at 05:28 PM.
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Old 10-18-2014, 05:19 PM   #8
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Re: Why is every thread just people complaining......

I almost find this thread laughable. People purchased a product. Let's say you bought a computer, and sure you could use Excel, and notepad but it wouldn't let you on the internet. Would you be happy and talking about how great the computer is? I do not think you would. There is no doubt this game is great. I do mainly play offline, but it sure would be nice to be able to try out a HUGE portion of the game I paid $65 dollars for.

To add to that, even if I was just content with playing offline, I still would understand and have empathy for the many players who aren't able to play. I would do my best to "understand" why so many are complaining. This is a forum of a large group of people, so while you have every right to state your opinion, I just wanted to state mine. Hope you enjoy the game.
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