
Never Ending Slider testing

This is a discussion on Never Ending Slider testing within the Madden NFL Old Gen Sliders forums.

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Old 10-08-2014, 03:02 AM   #1
OVR: 3
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Never Ending Slider testing

These slider discussion is based on testing for Madden 15 on the ps3

More time is spent testing sliders and attempting to fine tune and fix the flaws in Madden gameplay than in actually playing games.

Whether it be in an attempt to create a more simulation type experience or just to make the overall game play better. The result seems to always be the same. It seems like it's never ending. I finally feel that I have found a slider set that suits my playing style and eliminates a lot of the game's flaws in animations and gameplay.

The problem with finally finding a slider set that I am comfortable with is the fact that there is a huge title update that significantly will change the game and force many to start back at square one again. I am scared to download the patch because my sliders will probably mean nothing now.

Last edited by LeonM; 10-08-2014 at 02:01 PM.
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Old 10-08-2014, 01:56 PM   #2
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Re: Never Ending Slider testing

I should have elaborated on what slider set I have been using and what tests I have run. I have been using sliders since Madden 12. Many gamers have and continue to create great sliders through the years and on a daily basis.

Everyone has their individual preferences as to how the game should play and attempting to create the most sim like experience playing the game. I have always tried to mask or eliminate the game's flaws so that the game plays more realistically.

Here is what I have discovered pre-patch. Player traits are real. They are the key to changing the game. Problem is that it requires a lot of time, effort and testing.

Universally, I changed all the qb's traits in the game. In order to get the qb to throw the ball away and avoid being sacked. Every qb in the game has to be set to throw the ball away and be paranoid under pressure. You can leave the other traits alone. the tuck and run, tight spiral, etc..... I tried to set every QB to aggressive in forcing passes but it greatly changes the individual personality of each player. You want each qb to have their own style. Having each qb throw the ball away and be paranoid helps eliminate sacks in the game.

From a slider standpoint, I have never set anything to 0 or 100. In my experiences, it resets a slider to default thereby losing it's desired value. I set cpu pass blocking to 99 and WR catching to 99. You still see drops but less than you should see in an average nfl game. I set QB accuracy between 1 and 5 to offset these sliders. Then intentional grounding is set at 1. When I set this number high, the cpu hangs on to the ball too long. Reluctant to make a decision. Hard to explain why but it is the case. The AI doesn't fear throwing the ball if this slider is set low.

Now here is something that has worked for me gameplay wise and may in fact work for you as well. It requires a lot of time. You universally set all players to YES on high motor. You can set just the defensive players if you like but I like every player playing to the best of their abilities. No loafing on the field or having zero awareness. Setting every defensive player to YES on high motor greatly eliminates plays where the cpu and user players are greatly out of position or inexplicably leave their assignments on the field. I see more penalties called when players play on a high motor. Especially if you universally set penalties high with the exception of OPI set at 1 and face mask set at default levels. I personally have most penalties set at 1, 50 or 99. OPI, intentional grounding and clipping set at 1. (Better blocking and lead blocking with clipping set low. I have offsides, false start, holding, dpi and roughing set to 99. Face mask at 50. It just simply gets called way too much set too high and effects defensive AI. One thing that I like to do from an equal based slider standpoint is give the user and cpu equal point values in the sliders. They don't have to match but if your overall sum of slider points as the user is 500. I have the cpu match that exact total. The user and cpu both get to 500 just in different ways. Where the cpu has 99 pass blocking, the user has it set to just 1. You make up the difference in different areas.

Changing these player traits universally improves the gameplay. These are key. As for the rest of the settings. Do as you please. I play with 1 on threshold. I like game speed to be slow. 15 minute quarters, 17 second run off. I like more injures and fatigue so I set both at 65. That's just a personal preference.

It's a hassle no doubt but I find that universally changing player traits has a better impact than just adjusting sliders.

Last edited by LeonM; 10-08-2014 at 02:06 PM.
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Old 10-08-2014, 02:01 PM   #3
*ll St*r
roadman's Arena
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Re: Never Ending Slider testing

You maybe correct about changing the player traits, but how many seasons does that really last.

What about the rookie QB's that come in the draft three years down the road?

Sounds like a good band-aid for seasons 1 and 2, but not down the road, it's back to square 1.

Last edited by roadman; 10-08-2014 at 02:04 PM.
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Old 10-08-2014, 02:10 PM   #4
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Re: Never Ending Slider testing

Originally Posted by roadman
You maybe correct about changing the player traits, but how many seasons does that really last.

What about the rookie QB's that come in the draft three years down the road?

Sounds like a good band-aid for seasons 1 and 2, but not down the road, it's back to square 1.
It is a band aid for sure. For the qb"s and universally setting all players to yes on high motor. The high motor set is a must. It effects the game and how players play. The players are programmed in the game to not "try hard". That greatly effects player awareness and assignment integrity in the game.

Not all drafted qb' turn out to be Drew Brees, Peyton Manning and Aaron Rodgers. Some do unfortunately but the sliders help offset that slightly. I am 4 seasons in with The Raiders and I would say that universally qb do not complete more than 70 percent in user played games. It's rare.
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Old 10-10-2014, 03:31 PM   #5
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Re: Never Ending Slider testing

I will try this. and see what happens. I will only do it for my user controlled team mto see the effects.
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Old 10-10-2014, 08:27 PM   #6
Mick-S's Arena
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Re: Never Ending Slider testing

just in case anyone wants to change traits
open roster in EA DB Editor and under play find
TRHM high motor 0=no 1=yes
TRTA throws ball away 0=no 1=yes
TRSP sense pressure 0=Paranoid

if you then open the roster in the madden roster editor, you can check that your edits have worked

Last edited by Mick-S; 10-10-2014 at 08:33 PM.
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