09-30-2014, 10:33 AM
Just my opinion
I am a 54 year old man who has played the NHL series since day one. Way back when on the computer and now on a PS4. I have to say, in my opinion, I really have started to enjoy this game! I believe I have it very close to being tuned to my slower than normal reflexes and I have to say, I have had some very enjoyable games. You have to play defense! No 2 ways about it! I know that $60 bucks is a lot for any game But I have to say that if it takes my $60 to help make the game better in the future, than I'm in! I have actually been member here for a few years but I don't say anything. I just absorb all the knowledge and I thank everyone for that over the years. I know there are lots of people who don't like NHL 15, and you have the rite to not buy it. I happen to enjoy it and will continue to buy the NHL series. I'm hooked! Thanks for listening to my ramble.