09-27-2014, 05:20 PM
How Exactly does Run Blocking work?
Does adjusting this slider effect actual blocking technique, or how often the OL does pancake blocks? In my franchise, I'll have my Run Block up at around 65. My OL will pancake more, but the CPU D can disengage off their blocks almost at will too. This results in either me breaking off a 15yrd run, or getting completely stuffed since any hole is instantly closed. There is nothing in between which makes for a very unrealistic running game. Lowering the slider just seems to reduce the number of pancake blocks. So my OL will block for maybe a sec before the CPU D instantly breaks off as soon as I run by. Sweeps, and Tosses are pretty much useless.
I play on All Pro with Slow Speed. Right now I'm the Cardinals who have a ok line. On the other side, increasing the Run Blocking for the CPU causes their line to hold their blocks longer which makes for easy adjustments on that end.