
Can someone explain the difference between online franchise and offline franchise

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Old 09-10-2014, 10:31 AM   #1
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Can someone explain the difference between online franchise and offline franchise

So I have Madden 15 for the PS4. Its still in the package after reading all the comments here. I am a bit confused how this franchise stuff works as people are talking about online and offline franchises and tuners not working with offline.

Normally when I have a sports game, I tweak sliders, then start a single player franchise which is offline with me controlling a team and the AI controlling all the other teams.

But what I have read on here is that even if you are playing a single player franchise, some people are playing online franchises. And the tuners only work for online franchises.

Do you need a PSN subscription to play online and get the tuners? Can someone please explain playing a single player online versus single player offline franchise?

Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 09-10-2014, 10:45 AM   #2
GoBlue7's Arena
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Re: Can someone explain the difference between online franchise and offline franchise

Essentially it is the same thing but..

1. Online saves when you advance a week automatically and you cannot create save points. Once you advance whatever changes you made are finalized. Offline you can create multiple save points.

2. Online allows you to control 1 team in a single player CFM. Offline, you can control all 32 teams

3. Online sim stats are fairly reasonable. Offline has not been fixed and are a mess right now, which also is affecting other areas of the game like progression.

4. If you have a bad connection, you may have problems getting knocked off the servers during an online cfm. Offline that is not an issue.

5. You need PS+ to do an online cfm

6. Tuner will work for online and offline cfm, but only the online version received a server side fix for sim stats. Offline is stuck waiting for a patch.

I usually play single player offline franchise with 32 team control. This year I don't feel like waiting for a patch to fix the issues with the offline cfm so I am doing the single player online.

Last edited by GoBlue7; 09-10-2014 at 10:48 AM.
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Old 09-10-2014, 11:38 AM   #3
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Re: Can someone explain the difference between online franchise and offline franchise

Thanks for the reply.
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 09-11-2014, 08:01 PM   #4
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Re: Can someone explain the difference between online franchise and offline franchise

So essentially if you don't have an internet connection this year's Madden is a no buy if you care about stats and progression in your franchise. For the fact that you obviously can't play on online CFM and you also can't get the update(s) - whenever they come that will fix offline problems?
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Old 09-11-2014, 10:30 PM   #5
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Re: Can someone explain the difference between online franchise and offline franchise

So in online franchise mode when I control my team does the CPU control the other 31?
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Old 09-11-2014, 11:31 PM   #6
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reyes the roof's Arena
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Re: Can someone explain the difference between online franchise and offline franchise

Can you convert an online CFM to an offline CFM? I'm not shelling anymore money out to play this game, but I would do the free 2 week trial of PS plus and start an online CFM and then convert it and wait for the offline patch if it's possible to convert it.
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Old 09-12-2014, 12:29 AM   #7
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Re: Can someone explain the difference between online franchise and offline franchise

So what's wrong with the offline franchise as far as progression and such goes? I'm certainly not buying ps+ to play a madden CFM but wanna know what I'm gettin into with an offline CFM if it's even worth it

Edit- ok I see that sim stats are off...how bad is it?
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Old 09-12-2014, 12:45 AM   #8
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Re: Can someone explain the difference between online franchise and offline franchise

Originally Posted by chilidogbeefcake
So what's wrong with the offline franchise as far as progression and such goes? I'm certainly not buying ps+ to play a madden CFM but wanna know what I'm gettin into with an offline CFM if it's even worth it

Edit- ok I see that sim stats are off...how bad is it?
Its pretty bad, a lot of elite qbs with more picks than tds less than 3000 yards etc.
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