
Battle For The South PS3 OD (ACC/SEC)

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Old 07-21-2014, 04:06 PM   #1
Blackout863's Arena
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Battle For The South PS3 OD (ACC/SEC)

As the college football season approaches we have to make the best of what we have so we update the rosters, update the conferences and make due.

With that being said, the itch for a new OD needs to be scratched. I would like to create an OD for the run by the members. Ultimate communication and sim style play is the objective to keep things fresh. Once the group is assembled we will vote on various things such as advance times, conference restructuring, sliders etc.

Each division of the SEC and ACC will be filled with 3 users with cross conference scheduling for max potential of user games and competition.

Quarters: 10 minutes

Difficulty: All American (Adjusted Sliders)
Recruiting Difficulty: Heisman
Time Savers: Off
Penalties: On (Adjusted For Realism)
Rosters: 2014-2015 Updated Rosters By JoshC1977

Sliders: TBD once group is assembled and changes can be implemented after each season

Advancement: TBD once group is assembled and changes can be implemented after each season

Injuries: On.
Fatigue: On.

Coaching Carousel: Must create coach, stay at a school for minimum 2 seasons before he could move. You can move. Movement is allowed within the the conferences but is limited to an upgrade of 1 higher prestige star than their current team. (I.e., If Tennessee is 4 stars, Coach at UT couldn't move to a 6 Star team, but could move to any 5 star or less team).

Team Restrictions: 3 users in each division of the SEC and ACC. Movement can begin after 2 years.

Restarts: See Restart Section

2. Advancement
During the regular Season: Typical Advancement will be 2 to 3 times a week, voted on by the group. Can vary season to season if needed.

During the Offseason: 2 to 3 times a day. Voted on by group.

Each player is responsible for completing their activities for each period. The Commissioner will only wait to advance if one player is mid-game at the time of advancement. Otherwise, Advancement goes on regardless if someone isn't done.
If a player misses 2 straight advances, they are put on auto-pilot.
If a player misses 5 straight advances, they are removed from the dynasty.

3. Scheduling
Each user will set up a Home and Home Schedule in the opposite conference. (First Come First Serve). Games can be neutral site at users request.

4. Restarts

Restarting CPU games is forbidden. If a player has to restart a game because of Power Outage, loss of connection, etc. the player must Message the Commissioner (TEXT or EMAIL and Via GroupMe) BEFORE the player can restart the game along with picture of screen showing message. The Commissioner has the right to deny the request of a restart if the Commissioner has reason to believe the restart is solely an attempt to win a game the user was losing.

1st Penalty: Game results thrown out, game simmed. Private Warning.
2nd Penalty: Game results thrown out, game simmed. Public warning posted to dynasty forum and Starting QB is suspended for game.
3rd Penalty: Game results thrown out, game simmed. Public warning posted to dynasty forum. User is placed on Auto-Pilot for next 3 games (even if it is User v. user games) and Starting QB and RB are suspended for game.
4th Penalty: Removal from Dynasty

6. Missing Advancement
It is acceptable to occasionally miss games. However, if a user is expected to miss multiple advancements consecutively, the user is expected to notify Commissioner and be placed on auto-pilot (or place themselves on auto pilot). If you miss several weeks without notification, you will be penalized.
Miss 2 Straight Advances: Put on Auto-Pilot. Message Commissioner to be taken off.
Miss 5 straight Advances: Removal from Dynasty.
These penalties will not apply if you notify Commissioner you will miss several advances (such as going out of town on business).

8. Onsides Kicks
-If you are leading, you may under no circumstances line up in an onside kick formation. If you are behind late in the 4th Quarter then you are allowed to attempt an onside kick. (USE COMMON SENSE!)

-Onside Kicks are banned in the 1st Half under all circumstances.
If you violate this rule, the game results can be thrown out. If repeated violations occur, removal is warranted.

9. Player Positions
In order to be fair, players need to be listed at their position (or at a related position). Below is a list of players who can play a position. If you want to move a player from, say, WR to QB, you have to change their listed position in the offseason to QB. Until then, that WR CANNOT play QB. Here are the positions as well as who can play them (without a position change).
QB-QB (only listed QBs can play QB. (unless in wildcat formation)

TE-FB, TE, (you can play a WR at TE only if you don't have enough TEs or FBs, in which case you should message commissioner.
OL-OL, TE (all online are interchangeable, TEs can only play tackle)
DL-DL (you can only use LBs as part of an in-game substitution package, not on the depth chart).
Violations: If you play a game, and a player is found to be in an illegal position that game is thrown out (this counts CPU games). If it continues, you will be removed from the dynasty.

10. Hacking/Glitching - Use of a hack or glitch, on or off the field, results in immediate removal from the dynasty. No exceptions. No warnings.

11. Joining Dynasty after Season 1: Players can join during the offseason. If you request to join during the season, you will be delayed until the offseason. We have a Max of 12 teams (limited by the game).
-Penalties: All of these rules are penalized at the discretion of the Commissioner and the rest of the group. They can be penalized at any level from warnings to removal from dynasty. All decisions are final.

12. Fourth Downs
Use a reasonable judgment when to go for fourth down and when not to. If you are going for it every time, you will be penalized. I cannot put Black and White rules on when you can and cannot go for fourth down, as that would stifle coaching freedom. But I can say that if you're going for it 8 or more times a game, you will be removed. Use common sense and a play realistically.

13. 2-Point Conversions
Similar to fourth down, use reasonable judgment. Note: I have applied this one black and white rule to going for 2.
1) If you are leading by 17 or more (which is three scores), going for 2 in the second half is banned (with the ONE exception of having a 19 point lead, in which going for 2 puts you up by an even 3TDs.

14. Sportsmanship
Do not insult people you are playing, whether winning or losing. Treat each other with respect. Some good examples of sportsmanship
-If someone gets disconnected or has to leave, when you start the game over, match the score differential from the get go (say Team A was leading Team B by 14, Team B should then give Team A 14 points on the game's restart).
-Use Chew clock when you are leading by a lot (use your discretion)
-Don't run up the score or stats. I expect backups to get playing time!

15. Cheesing
The infamous cheesing. I'm going to break this down into several sub-categories. Basically, these apply to playing the game in such a way that is unrealistic due to exploiting flaws in defensive or offensive AI controls.
A. - Quarters Defense (Part 2): Quarters Defense is designed for late half or game passing scenarios. Use it for that. Feel free to use it if a team is doing nothing but passing, but run commits are banned out of the Quarters D. Ideally, it should only be used within the last few minutes of a half or game in obvious passing situations. Otherwise use Dimes or Nickels. If people exploit this, it will be made a Black and White rule with HARD penalties.

B. - QB Scrambling/Running: The Mobile QB and Option offenses are prevalent as ever in college football. I will not discourage using your mobile QB to his max potential. Rolling back 15 yards and running in circles will not be tolerated. The honor system will be used
C. - DE Play: If you are controlling the Defensive End, you may not line up more than 2 body widths outside of the Offensive Tackle. If you line up farther outside repeatedly, you are in violation.

16. Playcalling: With the wide array of new options and concepts placed into NCAA 14, there are various ways to move the ball and stop the opposing offense. The worst thing in the world is to play a person who runs the same 5 to 10 plays all game on offense or run 2 man under the whole game. The objective here is a realistic game. Vary your playcalling. While the commish cant monitor every game, the honor system is again in place.

Teams Taken:
Alabama – MrHeavyInTheGame
Favorite Teams: USC Trojan, Miami Hurricanes, Miami Heat, Washington Redskins, New England Patriots, North Carolina Basketball, Boston Redsox.

PSN - MrHeavyInTheGame

"For the good, they fold, but for us the GREAT… WE FOCUS and get our job done" - Michael Irvin aka The Playmaker
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Old 07-22-2014, 03:07 PM   #2
rkwittem's Arena
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Re: Battle For The South PS3 OD (ACC/SEC)

I'll take Miami

Warning, you're going to get banned and can't create an OD here without being a member. Read the stickied post at the top. Check out my OD if you want in a nice league.

Last edited by rkwittem; 07-22-2014 at 03:10 PM.
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