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Originally Posted by 2kguy |
I was doing well in the minors on Veteran hitting difficulty. Then when I got to the majors I was doing quite poorly like batting .150. It was so frustrating that it started to ruin the game. I change to Rookie and now I am crushing it. So I'm probably some where in the middle. Ultimately I'm playing to have fun so I'd rather be too good then too sucky. 
I tried Dynamic for a little bit but I'm not sure how it works beyond it "adjusting". How exactly does it adjust? Does it just go from Rookie to Veteran as you get good and if you get back goes back to Rookie? Or does it have progressive steps in between? I wonder... It did say Rookie+ when I first enabled it, so I'm not sure if that meant "in between Rookie and Veteran" or if it meant "Rookie but will move up if needed".
Anyone know?
The bolded above is probably happening because the game adjusts the difficulty internally as you move up through AA, AAA, and MLB. It moves up a difficulty level when you move up from AA to AAA, and again from AAA to MLB. THAT much is confirmed by the developers in the in-game strategy guide.
What I believe is happening more specifically (this part isn't confirmed, it's only my theory), is that the game starts you one level lower than your selected difficulty on AA, moves up to your selected difficulty at AAA, and moves above your selected on MLB. So, by that logic, when you moved up to MLB on your selected Veteran difficulty, you were actually playing All-Star. That's probably why you struggled.
As for Dynamic, it looks at one thing and decides whether to promote/demote you - your OPS (On-Base Plus Slugging %). When it rises you'll make progress toward the next difficulty level, when it falls you'll head towards demotion. Basically, get a lot of hits (especially extra base hits, which count more in the equation) to promote to the next difficulty.
Oh, and one other thing about dynamic - the whole RTTS internal difficulty change thing doesn't apply there. Your stated Dynamic difficulty level is always the true one no matter what level of the minors or MLB you're playing in. If it says you're on Veteran you're on Veteran, no matter if it's AA or MLB.
Hope that helps!