
What is the best way to find online CFM members?

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Old 04-18-2014, 04:01 PM   #1
OVR: 2
Join Date: Sep 2010
What is the best way to find online CFM members?

Hi guys

What is the best way to find online CFM members for xbox one ? There is a giant thread in the online section where people mostly advertise their own leagues, as for people only looking to join a league there is one post per week or something along those lines.

I've tried to go to online head to head/Lobbies(i can usually find new members quickly in the lobby but usually by the second day they arent reliable past that)
. I've tried Twitter and the EA Forums.

I know there are a hundred full leagues out there at least, so where are all these people hiding?
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Old 04-19-2014, 01:02 PM   #2
Jeremy.Horne.SC's Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Mar 2013
Re: What is the best way to find online CFM members?

Originally Posted by hellothere
Hi guys

What is the best way to find online CFM members for xbox one ? There is a giant thread in the online section where people mostly advertise their own leagues, as for people only looking to join a league there is one post per week or something along those lines.

I've tried to go to online head to head/Lobbies(i can usually find new members quickly in the lobby but usually by the second day they arent reliable past that)
. I've tried Twitter and the EA Forums.

I know there are a hundred full leagues out there at least, so where are all these people hiding?
I've long wondered the same thing since I have an Xbox One as well and it seems most of OS is on PS4.
Never been able to get into a good, sim-style connected franchise.
please vote.
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