
Complete Noob! Interactive Help?!

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Old 04-09-2014, 03:50 PM   #1
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Complete Noob! Interactive Help?!

So, as I've mentioned in someone else's thread, I am fairly new to Fifa. The last Fifa I regularly played was on PS2 about 7 or 8 years ago. I got the game for Xbox ONE and I thoroughly enjoy it (KSI's YouTube videos is what put me back on it!), but I really suck.

I play ultimate team and I've won only 1 online game (complete luck), but I've been getting smashed since then. I concede at least 5 or 6 goals a game and only get like 1 or 2 shots at goal which never go in.

My question is if someone on Xbox ONE wouldn't mind playing some games with me for some INTERACTIVE help. I have and continue to look at YouTube videos for help, but I need more. My GT is xStylinxonxemx. Thanks!
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Old 04-09-2014, 05:54 PM   #2
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Re: Complete Noob! Interactive Help?!

I can help next time Im on.
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Old 04-10-2014, 07:44 PM   #3
Who? Giroux!
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Re: Complete Noob! Interactive Help?!

A lot of it is getting feel, and knowing your team. Making sure you take shots off the strong foot. Or if you do use your weaker foot, thst the player has a capable weak foot. Ajen Robben on Bayern Munich can do dazzling things with his left foot and hit shots you would not believe possible. And then look like a man who doesnt belong on the pitch when trying to use his right foot. Certain things like this noone but the in game menus can help you with. But I can help you with little subtle movements that help you set the shots up on the stronger foot. Using the one 2 pass to try to unlock the defense and progress up the field. Show you to not only to look to the middle but also out to the wings which arent defended as heavily. How to cross depending if your player is on the strond side or the off foot side. But you must learn your team specifically who is left footed and who is right footed.
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Old 04-11-2014, 11:12 PM   #4
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Re: Complete Noob! Interactive Help?!

Originally Posted by ManiacMatt1782
A lot of it is getting feel, and knowing your team. Making sure you take shots off the strong foot. Or if you do use your weaker foot, thst the player has a capable weak foot. Ajen Robben on Bayern Munich can do dazzling things with his left foot and hit shots you would not believe possible. And then look like a man who doesnt belong on the pitch when trying to use his right foot. Certain things like this noone but the in game menus can help you with. But I can help you with little subtle movements that help you set the shots up on the stronger foot. Using the one 2 pass to try to unlock the defense and progress up the field. Show you to not only to look to the middle but also out to the wings which arent defended as heavily. How to cross depending if your player is on the strond side or the off foot side. But you must learn your team specifically who is left footed and who is right footed.
Yeah, I didn't really think about the footing thing. I assumed since they are pro, players would be able to use both feet (of course the weaker foot not being accurate or strong at times).

Any help would be nice. I can't even get the ball out of my territory against users. They hit through balls and cross on me very easily. When I finally do end up getting the ball, I can't get good positioning down field and eventually lose possession.

Not to mention, I've played about 30 games and have lost all of the but 1 against users. All of them being by like 5 or 6 goals.

My GT is xStylinxOnxEmx.
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Old 04-15-2014, 07:19 AM   #5
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Re: Complete Noob! Interactive Help?!

#1 Same happened to me, when my last FIFA game was in 2001 and I tried it again in 2012... I was being battered in every online game, until you understand the mechanics AND learn to play football (or soccer if you like).

My advice would be to not get involved into online games (vs random people) until you dominate Legendary difficulty vs CPU.

And some tips:

1) Learn to defend. Defending is key in FIFA games. If you can defend, you won't lose so much games and, from that point, you will learn to build your attack.

2) Pick a formation and stick to it. The more time you use the same formation, over and over, the more consistent your gameplay will be.
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Old 05-04-2014, 04:23 AM   #6
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Re: Complete Noob! Interactive Help?!

Originally Posted by NexusVI Roy
#1 Same happened to me, when my last FIFA game was in 2001 and I tried it again in 2012... I was being battered in every online game, until you understand the mechanics AND learn to play football (or soccer if you like).

My advice would be to not get involved into online games (vs random people) until you dominate Legendary difficulty vs CPU.

And some tips:

1) Learn to defend. Defending is key in FIFA games. If you can defend, you won't lose so much games and, from that point, you will learn to build your attack.

2) Pick a formation and stick to it. The more time you use the same formation, over and over, the more consistent your gameplay will be.
Thanks.. I'm sticking with the 4-2-3-1 (I think) at the moment. Occasionally, I'll do the 4-2-2-2 on my other squad, but that's rare.

I'm still finding it uber difficult to win games, and still haven't received interactive help yet.

I hear you on the putting online play on the shelf biz, but I feel playing the computer is a "perfect world of bliss" in any game. I'm an expert Madden player, and I wouldn't dream of just playing the CPU. They play a certain way that EA programs it to and not that of a human.

Last time I played the computer, we just went back and forth going 0 to 0... Then all of a sudden in the 85th minute, the computer turns into Superman and starts scoring goals on me. I don't believe this to be authentic at all. But I'll keep trying.

Also, if there is anyone else who wouldn't mind helping me out, that would be awesome. I've must have played a little under 200 games and I've only won maybe 3 of them (Always at the end by PK).
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Old 05-04-2014, 10:10 AM   #7
Who? Giroux!
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Re: Complete Noob! Interactive Help?!

Originally Posted by MyxGoDxIsxGrEaTeR
Thanks.. I'm sticking with the 4-2-3-1 (I think) at the moment. Occasionally, I'll do the 4-2-2-2 on my other squad, but that's rare.

I'm still finding it uber difficult to win games, and still haven't received interactive help yet.

I hear you on the putting online play on the shelf biz, but I feel playing the computer is a "perfect world of bliss" in any game. I'm an expert Madden player, and I wouldn't dream of just playing the CPU. They play a certain way that EA programs it to and not that of a human.

Last time I played the computer, we just went back and forth going 0 to 0... Then all of a sudden in the 85th minute, the computer turns into Superman and starts scoring goals on me. I don't believe this to be authentic at all. But I'll keep trying.

Also, if there is anyone else who wouldn't mind helping me out, that would be awesome. I've must have played a little under 200 games and I've only won maybe 3 of them (Always at the end by PK).
Just hit me up with a message if you see me on. If it says watching TV. It is likely my wife and mother in law. But if I am playing basketball or titanfall i would switch over to give you a hand. Also the CPU's late surges are very realistic. They don't turn into superman, they up the pressure. They give you less time and space to make decisions, but with that added agressiveness, mistakes and openings are made by them. If you can avoid a costly turnovers you will likely start popping in that winner or insurance goal late in games when the CPU ups the agression late in a tied game or game they trail in.
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