
Rtts fielding & baserunning issue/dev request

This is a discussion on Rtts fielding & baserunning issue/dev request within the MLB The Show Last Gen forums.

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Old 04-06-2014, 12:23 AM   #1
OVR: 4
Join Date: Jun 2008
Rtts fielding & baserunning issue/dev request

First off, love the mode and the game (vita)...however I have two issues that hurt the mode and my enjoyment and I'm hoping that either 1) someone can help me with a fix or 2)devs could issue a fix. My issues are:

1) base running - I can't stand base running on this thing. Having to push up to advance and then if I let go or go to much the runner stops or gets tagged out. Please provide us with classic button press baserunning option in this mode. I still don't get why base running in old 90's baseball games could get this right and mlb 14 not.

2) fielding (outfield) - while I can manage fielding fine in this mode it by no means fun to me. Why can't we just have a broadcast cam option. I don't need to see my player close up to enjoy this mode and would prefer the option to go broadcast for fielding and for baserunnung.

My hope is that this would be an easy addition since it's just a camera option.

Please devs read this request by an old time gamer who loves baseball and gaming.

My apologies for bad grammar and spelling as this was done on my phone.
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Old 04-06-2014, 02:27 AM   #2
MatrixTN's Arena
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Re: Rtts fielding & baserunning issue/dev request

There is I believe a classic baserunning option for RTTS but can't recall as I don't use it.

Also, no "hey devs" requests. More than likely this thread will be closed for that, I'd edit that part of the message/thread out.
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Old 04-06-2014, 03:12 AM   #3
kehlis's Arena
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Re: Rtts fielding & baserunning issue/dev request

Sorry but as mentioned we don't allow threads directed towards the devs as that is what the feedback forum is for.
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