
NBA 2K for PS4 or Xbox One??

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Old 03-20-2014, 11:54 PM   #1
Omerta's Arena
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Icon5 NBA 2K for PS4 or Xbox One??

I sold my 360 and PS3 over a year ago, as I didn't have time to play. The machines were just sitting around collecting dust.
Now, I really miss gaming. Though I've always been fortunate to be able to have both an Xbox and PS since the originals, I don't want to waste money having two machines.

Whatever console I decide on, I want to have it for the life of this generation (as I had Xbox & PS2 from day one until the new consoles were released ... then had PS3 & 360 from launch day until I sold them).

Could some people give me their opinion on what machine I should go with and WHY. I would greatly appreciate any and all advice.

Below is what is important to me:

- Console to be reliable. I do not want to worry about 'red rings of death' like I did with my 360 (luckily I never had the problem).
- NBA 2K, FIFA, Madden are what I play 99.9% of the time ... maybe a racing game or a shooter (like Call of Duty), once in a blue-moon. Exclusives are not important.
- I'm very big on having accurate ROSTERS for NBA 2K & Madden from the great roster-creators on this site.
- Big fan of high end graphics and solid framerates.
- I very very rarely play online. Love to play Franchises.
- Every room has a blu-ray player and AppleTV, so I can't see me or my family using any apps nor steaming or playing movies / TV on the machine.
- Don't care about voice commands or a camera. If its there, fine, if not don't care. IMO, thats what phones, iPads and computers are for.

From my list, it seems I should go with the PS4. But, my main concern is console reliability and quality created sports rosters down the road.

From the little bit of research I've done, it seems at the moment the PS4 has many more people creating rosters, and the quality of those rosters are great. Though, last generation the Xbox had better created rosters and more to choose from. Obviously this could change over time.

If in the end, people are splitting hairs between which console is better, fine. But, if people see a big difference down the road between the consoles (and those issues correlate with what is important to me), I want to have made the smart decision.
Fortunately an extra $100 or so is not a big deal in my decision, so $ is not a factor.

Thank you.


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Old 03-21-2014, 10:03 AM   #2
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Re: NBA 2K for PS4 or Xbox One??

Sounds like your on the right track...in my opinion ps4 is the way you should go espically since you don't need voice commands and considering the price difference, it's a no brainer...
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Old 03-21-2014, 10:14 AM   #3
Fino Alla Fine
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Re: NBA 2K for PS4 or Xbox One??

I say go for the PS4. I got the XBOX One at launch (really wanted PS4 but wasn't able to get a preorder in time) and I recently sold my XBOX for a PS4.

I couldn't be happier, XBOX One is pretty cool but it has the same interface as Windows 8 which I think is atrocious and the kinect is gimmicky. Honestly, I turned mine off after a week or so of having it. PS4 is $100 cheaper and it is smaller and I think the controller feels nicer in the hand.

I also think that the PS4 has a much simpler user interface while still be a bump up from the boring menus of PS3. I also notice MANY more people playing on PS4 and you would have more roster options on PS4.

All the YouTube gamers, 2K guys, and even the game reviewers are using PS4's for this game. If you recall, 360 was widely used for that stuff last gen...seems as if PS4 has taken the torch.

I think PS4 is a bit more refined, is a little faster, the framerate is better and I notice a SLIGHT increase in graphic quality. (Have to look really close)

In terms of other games, you said you like racing games. Forza 5 is pretty cool but Forza 4 was much more "meaty" and besides the graphics, Forza 5 gets old quick. PS4 will get a Gran Turismo soon enough and MLB 14 The Show looks awesome. (I do not really care for baseball but I'm getting that game because it really looks amazing)

Verdict: My suggestion would be to go with the PS4 without a doubt.
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Old 03-21-2014, 02:51 PM   #4
jaateloauto's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K for PS4 or Xbox One??

There's nothing Xbox One offers over the PS4 in terms of gaming. Personally I went with the PS4 to start with. I may pick up Xbox One if a great exclusive comes to it one day, though I never bought any exclusive games to 360 so who knows if there will be any. Xbox seems to go for shooters but I don't like to play those with a gamepad.

The hardware on PS4 is a more powerful version of the AMD APU that also runs Xbone and the system is less expensive because you're not forced to buy a Kinect with it. So far I've found it's well designed as it is fairly small and quiet and the controller is an improvement over both last gen controllers, however it has a fairly small battery life (around 10 hours, recharged through mini USB) which can be annoying. You can buy a USB extender cord like I had laying around and just use it as a wired device. I also use it as a controller on my PC.

So far however all sport games seem to be identical on both platforms so they're not taking advantage of the PS4's better hardware. Both systems are less powerful than my PC already so it's kind of annoying to see the systems already be the bottleneck on graphical development, although it might be a good thing for companies considering costs go up the more high fidelity you want your graphics to be.

Rosters I found to be competent enough on both 360 and PS3 so I wouldn't worry about that too much.

If you're planning to pay for an online subscription PS+ will justify it's price even if you never play online as it gives you free games every month, although the games for PS4 so far (Resogun, Contrast, Don't Starve, Outlast, Dead Nation) haven't been as impressive as the PS3 and Vita ones so far due to low number of releases but there will be AAA releases for PS4 as well later this year on PS+. At any rate it's value wise tons better than what you get with Xbox Live to the point where I subscribed to it even when it wasn't necessary to play online.

You can play free to play games online without PS+ though. War Thunder, Warframe, DC Universe Online, Planetside 2 (not out yet I think), Blacklight Retribution are all pretty solid free to play titles, I play a couple of them on PC.

Last edited by jaateloauto; 03-21-2014 at 02:54 PM.
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Old 03-21-2014, 03:14 PM   #5
NYGiants4Natic's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K for PS4 or Xbox One??

If money is no object then the price diff should not be even a subject as the PS4 does not do anything better then the xb1 except if you count the games that have a higher pixel count. But if that is your reason for choosing then why bother asking as it was well documented in the past.

I have both systems and have nba on both systems and while I prefer the rosters on the ps4 version the game is broken due to the audio breaking in an out a ton of times during a game.

That to me is inexcusable and its shocking nobody brings that up....

No audio issues on the xb1 version and it is the same exact game no different regardless of what they tell you with the graphics or frame rate.

If money is the issue then go for the ps4

but if you want you can get the titanfall bundle for $450 at Walmart

And whoever calls Kinect a gimmick should not be taken into consideration as Kinect makes the XB 1 feel different then 360

Nothing on PS4 besides the graphical update feels diff then ps3
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Old 03-21-2014, 03:39 PM   #6
Fino Alla Fine
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Re: NBA 2K for PS4 or Xbox One??

Originally Posted by NYGiants4Natic
If money is no object then the price diff should not be even a subject as the PS4 does not do anything better then the xb1 except if you count the games that have a higher pixel count. But if that is your reason for choosing then why bother asking as it was well documented in the past.

I have both systems and have nba on both systems and while I prefer the rosters on the ps4 version the game is broken due to the audio breaking in an out a ton of times during a game.

That to me is inexcusable and its shocking nobody brings that up....

No audio issues on the xb1 version and it is the same exact game no different regardless of what they tell you with the graphics or frame rate.

If money is the issue then go for the ps4

but if you want you can get the titanfall bundle for $450 at Walmart

And whoever calls Kinect a gimmick should not be taken into consideration as Kinect makes the XB 1 feel different then 360

Nothing on PS4 besides the graphical update feels diff then ps3
First of all, why would you buy the same game on two different systems?

Lol the Kinect is terrible
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Old 03-21-2014, 04:16 PM   #7
NYGiants4Natic's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K for PS4 or Xbox One??

Originally Posted by kobebryant824
First of all, why would you buy the same game on two different systems?

Lol the Kinect is terrible
My cousin has a 360 so he bought the dd pack that comes with 360 and xb1 version for digital download and he gave me code for the xb1 version

And you more then likely have no kinect therefore your opinion is irrelevant. But moving along.
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Old 03-21-2014, 04:27 PM   #8
Fino Alla Fine
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Re: NBA 2K for PS4 or Xbox One??

Originally Posted by NYGiants4Natic
My cousin has a 360 so he bought the dd pack that comes with 360 and xb1 version for digital download and he gave me code for the xb1 version

And you more then likely have no kinect therefore your opinion is irrelevant. But moving along.
If you read my earlier post, it stated that I had an XBOX One and traded it in for a PS4...so yes I had a kinect. I didn't care for it at all, that's a difference of opinion. No need for you to dismiss me or my opinion...lol
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