02-06-2014, 01:32 AM
Collections: Helpin OS brothas out!
Wanted to make a thread where everyone could help each other out with finishing collections--mainly just the ones with highly coveted player rewards (UNC, FSU, MIZZOU, USC, MICH, UCLA, etc).
Disclaimer: if you see team collections as an opportunity to repost your TJ Yates for 79K every 3 days until someone buys it, this thread is probably not for you lol. (not that there's anything wrong with that)
BUT, if you're like me and just add to collections here and there hoping to come across those rare cards without paying an arm and a leg on the ah to get em, I was thinking we could make this a place to list what cards you need to finish ur collection AND if you've been stashing some of those rare cards that ppl may need, you can also use this area to post those as well. The idea is that we help out fellow OS members, so we dont have to waste all our time trolling the AH and paying out the @ss to get these completed.
I'm not saying just give your rare cards away to random ppl, but if ppl use this enough, I'm hoping that we can use it as a platform to make trades for these cards that benfit both sides...for instance, i need a Gold Robonson to finish MICH. Maybe someone out there has a gold Robinson that they are thinking about selling so they can afford to upgrade to an elite OL or DL...Well i have 2 reserves that are 96 LT's and 4 or 5 reserves that are DLs at 96 or above. These all have little value to me, so I would gladly trade one or two of these guys to get a TC Law and elominate all the time i waste checking to see if a DR is posted today!
Hope to see some action here! PS the example i gave is real...anyone looking for some good elite players in exchange for 94 Robinson, please hmu! I Will also post MY list of (somewhat rare) collection items that i have soon...
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