
Default All-Pro vs All-Madden

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Old 12-30-2013, 09:53 PM   #1
jdawg26's Arena
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Default All-Pro vs All-Madden

I started playing on All-Madden but people were claiming that All-Pro plays a lot better so I switched it. I do agree that All-Pro plays 10x better however it is now gotten way to easy for me.

I don't like messing around with sliders to much but if I set the skill level to All-Pro and then change the sliders to how they are in All-Madden will I get the difficulty of All-Madden but with the feel of All-Pro?

Has anyone tried this?
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Old 12-31-2013, 06:08 PM   #2
HingleMcCringleberry's Arena
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Re: Default All-Pro vs All-Madden

I am about to mess around on All Pro but for me All Madden so far has been impossible to stop the run. I can't do anything. The blocking is perfect and my guys never pursue the run properly. If I try switching to them mid play the game decides its a good idea to all the wrong guys putting my players further out of position, while the guy I wanted to control misses a tackle or just bum rushes to a location where the guy was 10 minutes ago. Guys like Desean Jackson and DeAngelo Williams can run over my DEs and Linebackers, and every RB except the Broncos one in 3 Games got 200 yards + on me. The Broncos guy got 150, but J Charles was over 350 a minute or 2 into the 4th, after missing about 8 minutes of game time due to injury.

On the contrary, my running game can't seem to hold blocks well at all and my guy gets tackled in the backfield near every time. I average about 2.5 yards per carry with a 95+ overall 95+ SPD RB. And they react and catch up to my guy a lot quicker than my guys react. I don't feel like messing around with the sliders too much because eventually certain things like tackling affect Field Goal Power for some reason, and then sometimes people end up lining up for 70 yard field goals and kicking them nearly halfway up the netting. All Madden is frustrating, and not because I suck at it (i'm 7-1 or so in these games, only losing the last one which I quit during the 4th), but because it's just incredibly unrealistic to the point where a third string RB can look like Hercules on Steroids. Also, I have to throw for near 500 yards a game it seems to even stay in contention. I can do it, but I don't want my QB breaking the passing records by week 8. The CPU is just a juggernaut on All Madden. I'm sure there are plays to stop the off tackles and screens that go for 80 untouched a play, but if you run them every time I am sure the CPU will find another way to exploit your D for 50 yards a play.

Give it a shot though, and if you find out how to stop the 80 yard off tackle runs and screens with consistency and without sacrificing an entire area of the field, I am all ears. I would love to play All Madden as every year on All Pro passing is way too easy for me, to the point where I consistently can get 6+ scores a game.

Last edited by HingleMcCringleberry; 12-31-2013 at 06:10 PM.
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Old 01-01-2014, 05:05 PM   #3
PMO's Arena
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Re: Default All-Pro vs All-Madden

Originally Posted by jdawg26
I started playing on All-Madden but people were claiming that All-Pro plays a lot better so I switched it. I do agree that All-Pro plays 10x better however it is now gotten way to easy for me.

I don't like messing around with sliders to much but if I set the skill level to All-Pro and then change the sliders to how they are in All-Madden will I get the difficulty of All-Madden but with the feel of All-Pro?

Has anyone tried this?
Just copy Mizzou's sliders and play the game. You will love it
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Old 01-02-2014, 12:08 AM   #4
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Re: Default All-Pro vs All-Madden

whatever you feel is too easy for you adjust down a level so to speak.

default all madden is what for the user 25's for sliders?

adjust to an in between level for you between all pro and all madden. example, passing acc on all pro is 50, lower it to 37.

see what im getting at?

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Old 01-04-2014, 10:01 PM   #5
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Re: Default All-Pro vs All-Madden

The game, in my opinion, is programmed to punish you if you spam the sprint button, which is a tactic many of us used in previous editions of Madden. It makes tackle animations "uninterruptable" and the defense close in faster. I think it's an intentional game design so to balance the game. Once I disciplined myself to refrain from using the sprint button only when in the open field, I noticed that my running improved.

I've played three straight games with elite running backs: McCoy, Martin, and McFadden. In all three games I had 100 yards by halftime. I was calling mostly running plays on purpose because I wanted to practice running the ball in a real game setting rather than staying in practice mode. That showed me that running the ball effectively is possible when at first I was getting very frustrated. I now slow down as soon as the ball is snapped and wait for blocks to develop. Like in real life, there are times when I able to make big runs only to run the same play later and get stopped for negative yardage. The same is true for the CPU.
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Old 01-05-2014, 12:09 AM   #6
4thQtrStre5S's Arena
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Re: Default All-Pro vs All-Madden

Some things that happen with the precision modifier button:

1: Holding it slows your player down. (for a RB it is helping when waiting for a hole to open.

2: holding and then releasing the LT in conjunction with pulling the RT(burst button) will give a little extra burst to top speed.

3: Defenders in pursuit of your player are tied to your precision modifier - thus, when holding the modifier the defenders are slower; when you let go of the LT the defenders accelerate to their base speed, and when you press the sprint burst the defenders burst to speed their top speed too.
(this can be shown by going into practice mode and running an outside run like a stretch play).

Therefore, considering the above information - a user should only apply sprint when they are just ahead of horizontally, or even with vertically...

1 - Outside runs, do not sprint until you make the edge.
2 - Inside runs, do not sprint until you are in the hole. Hitting sprint before you hit the hole causes the defenders to speed up and breaks blocks, immediately.
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Old 01-05-2014, 05:25 PM   #7
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Re: Default All-Pro vs All-Madden

Originally Posted by 4thQtrStre5S
Some things that happen with the precision modifier button:

1: Holding it slows your player down. (for a RB it is helping when waiting for a hole to open.

2: holding and then releasing the LT in conjunction with pulling the RT(burst button) will give a little extra burst to top speed.

3: Defenders in pursuit of your player are tied to your precision modifier - thus, when holding the modifier the defenders are slower; when you let go of the LT the defenders accelerate to their base speed, and when you press the sprint burst the defenders burst to speed their top speed too.
(this can be shown by going into practice mode and running an outside run like a stretch play).

Therefore, considering the above information - a user should only apply sprint when they are just ahead of horizontally, or even with vertically...

1 - Outside runs, do not sprint until you make the edge.
2 - Inside runs, do not sprint until you are in the hole. Hitting sprint before you hit the hole causes the defenders to speed up and breaks blocks, immediately.
Just as a clarification to what i see (and this is agreeing with your claims but adjusting the idea):

Sprint changes the angle of the defender. The sooner you hit it, the earlier it changes their pursuit angle, especially higher Pursuit Rating guys.

So guys aren't breaking blocks, per se. They are disengaging at a different angle. You will notice LBs shoot to the middle if you sprint immediately on an iso instead of maintain gaps because their pursuit angles tell them that you can't get outside.

Same thing on Toss plays. If you sprint outside, the defenders watching your cut back don't need to anymore (because you have no angle to cut back anymore) and speed past your blockers (which you have overrun already anyway) and beat you to the edge.

Last thing: Sprint does not make your top speed faster, I believe. I believe it makes you accelerate to top speed faster.

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Old 01-06-2014, 05:05 AM   #8
4thQtrStre5S's Arena
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Re: Default All-Pro vs All-Madden

Originally Posted by Millennium
Just as a clarification to what i see (and this is agreeing with your claims but adjusting the idea):

Sprint changes the angle of the defender. The sooner you hit it, the earlier it changes their pursuit angle, especially higher Pursuit Rating guys.

So guys aren't breaking blocks, per se. They are disengaging at a different angle. You will notice LBs shoot to the middle if you sprint immediately on an iso instead of maintain gaps because their pursuit angles tell them that you can't get outside.

Same thing on Toss plays. If you sprint outside, the defenders watching your cut back don't need to anymore (because you have no angle to cut back anymore) and speed past your blockers (which you have overrun already anyway) and beat you to the edge.

Last thing: Sprint does not make your top speed faster, I believe. I believe it makes you accelerate to top speed faster.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 3
agree with your clarification....
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