
How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

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Old 11-20-2013, 03:30 PM   #1
LorenzoDC's Arena
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How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

I just saw this article this is, in part, about Valve's response to fan unhappiness over the Diretide game, and it made me think, "would 2k do anything like this?"

I think a fair number of people disappointed with the losses in customization, features and the bad menus might feel at least a little better of 2k acknowledged and responded to the consumers.

Here's something Valve's CEO had to say recently:

Just as important as rectifying the problem, Newell said, was admitting the mistake. "We had to be really clear that we screwed up," Newell said, mirroring language from the blog post that told players they "were rightly upset" by the Diretide decision. But he also said that the episode was particularly embarrassing because Valve doesn't "usually make a whole lot of mistakes like that."
Personally, I think it's going to be important for 2k to start communicating about the game and where it's headed in NG, and put this launch edition into that context, whatever it is. I think they should also talk about what they intend to do with VC over the longer haul as well.

I think it should come by early next week. That gives them all of this week and this weekend after PS4 launch to put together a response and a communications plan. They don't need to have all the answers, but continuing silence is really not a good thing, it's eroding good will with the game and the brand. It's not a crisis, but it's not a good trend, either.

If you agree with me, please rate up this post so 2k will see it.

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Old 11-20-2013, 03:35 PM   #2
GisherJohn24's Arena
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Re: How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

2k response: "Check out how it looks and plays on the court and you'll still want to give us a big ol hug and forget about it till next year".
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Old 11-20-2013, 05:47 PM   #3
Slooty2k's Arena
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Re: How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

I disagree. First of all, I don't think it's community disappointment rather than community polarization on the topic of next gen. It seems people are either in love with the game and acknowledge that 2k needs time to revamp features for next gen, or are completely outraged that 2k is taking out features. Honestly, I hate how people are saying they took out features because they really haven't. This is a completely new game on a completely new generation of gaming consoles with completely new graphics, new engine, new gameplay. This is a blank slate for 2k, its their first game in a new series really, so we can only assume everything is being revamped just like mostly everything was revamped. This is clearly not a continuation of the typical 2k series. I think to expect that 2k would do all this work to reinvent my career, association and gameplay and also revamp all the current gen features is just overly ambitious. When 2k announced this stuff and all the news came out, I wasn't expecting all the features we're used to to be in place for next gen. I think the issue is a lot of us jumped the gun and assumed or expected all the features to be in place while not taking into account that so much had already been done to revamp the series in on year that there's a lot that 2k probably didn't get around to. At the same time, I think 2k needs to be clear on, this is the direction we're taking and we're going to be working on these features next. I can understand features like create a player and 30 team control missing because thats stuff that needs complete overhauls and I think its better for them to hold off on some features and perfect them rather than release a hasty poorly designed mode or feature. I just think some of this outrage is going too far. I think some of the issues are legit, with things like saving rosters and settings and stuff that shouldn't be an issue, but most of that stuff is patchable. Idk man, when I look and play 2k14, I feel like damn, I can't believe these developers managed to do all of this in a year and I feel great about the direction of the series with its a realism and attention to detail and the game as holistic experience feels great. Conversely, I look at Live 14 and Im like seriously EA, you had 3 years and you come out with that piece of doodoo looking game, smh. In context, 2k14 is not only the best basketball simulation ever made, but this is one of the only next gen games Ive seen that really plays, looks and feels like a next generation game and not a continuation of what we've had on 360/PS3 like Madden, COD, and all these other games seem like. I can understand both sides, I wish I could make my my player look like me and have control over my association so there aren't stupid trades, but I think this a giant step in basketball simulation and we need to acknowledge that and realize this is only a stepping stone and a transitional point for what comes next.
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Old 11-20-2013, 06:28 PM   #4
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Re: How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

I know that they shouldn't leave as is and patch the most they can as the patching has gotten easier with next-gen consoles they should keep getting better with post-sale services..
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Old 11-20-2013, 07:02 PM   #5
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Re: How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

Originally Posted by Sir Duke 27
I think its better for them to hold off on some features and perfect them rather than release a hasty poorly designed mode or feature.
use paragraphs + spacing

Who says the current mode wasn't done in a hurry? Could very well be the case.

How hard is it to add a feature that lets you control 30 players, it would fix so much agony already. And I'm positive they've been working longer than 1 year on the the next gen gameplay. A whole lot longer.
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Old 11-20-2013, 07:02 PM   #6
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Re: How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

the only thing i dont like its how the custom rosters are set, i dont know approved that set up, it horrendous. I have to custom search for my roster every game i want to play
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Old 11-20-2013, 07:14 PM   #7
seanbarkley's Arena
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How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

I swear I had the intention to read that brick till I reached this part: "Honestly, I hate how people are saying they took out features because they really haven't".

Can we please keep a bit of objectivity in all this?

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Old 11-20-2013, 07:20 PM   #8
GisherJohn24's Arena
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Re: How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

Originally Posted by Sir Duke 27
I disagree. First of all, I don't think it's community disappointment rather than community polarization on the topic of next gen. It seems people are either in love with the game and acknowledge that 2k needs time to revamp features for next gen, or are completely outraged that 2k is taking out features. Honestly, I hate how people are saying they took out features because they really haven't. This is a completely new game on a completely new generation of gaming consoles with completely new graphics, new engine, new gameplay. This is a blank slate for 2k, its their first game in a new series really, so we can only assume everything is being revamped just like mostly everything was revamped. This is clearly not a continuation of the typical 2k series. I think to expect that 2k would do all this work to reinvent my career, association and gameplay and also revamp all the current gen features is just overly ambitious. When 2k announced this stuff and all the news came out, I wasn't expecting all the features we're used to to be in place for next gen. I think the issue is a lot of us jumped the gun and assumed or expected all the features to be in place while not taking into account that so much had already been done to revamp the series in on year that there's a lot that 2k probably didn't get around to. At the same time, I think 2k needs to be clear on, this is the direction we're taking and we're going to be working on these features next. I can understand features like create a player and 30 team control missing because thats stuff that needs complete overhauls and I think its better for them to hold off on some features and perfect them rather than release a hasty poorly designed mode or feature. I just think some of this outrage is going too far. I think some of the issues are legit, with things like saving rosters and settings and stuff that shouldn't be an issue, but most of that stuff is patchable. Idk man, when I look and play 2k14, I feel like damn, I can't believe these developers managed to do all of this in a year and I feel great about the direction of the series with its a realism and attention to detail and the game as holistic experience feels great. Conversely, I look at Live 14 and Im like seriously EA, you had 3 years and you come out with that piece of doodoo looking game, smh. In context, 2k14 is not only the best basketball simulation ever made, but this is one of the only next gen games Ive seen that really plays, looks and feels like a next generation game and not a continuation of what we've had on 360/PS3 like Madden, COD, and all these other games seem like. I can understand both sides, I wish I could make my my player look like me and have control over my association so there aren't stupid trades, but I think this a giant step in basketball simulation and we need to acknowledge that and realize this is only a stepping stone and a transitional point for what comes next.
Yeah. What he said lol
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